Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

This information can be used as a quick and convenient way to give a character more depth. As well as name lists for Human citizens of The Empire, Dwarfs, Elves, Halflings, and Gnomes, there are tables for determining a character's height and weight, hair and eye colour, distinguishing characteristics, place of birth, and family background.

Players can use this chapter to breathe life into a newly created character very simply. At the GM's option, players can pick from the various tables or reroll or ignore results that don't match with their developing conception of their character. Also, the GM has the final say on whether and to what extent a character's distinguishing characteristics affect his or her profile.

The GM can use this chapter to develop interesting NPCs just as quickly. A conversation overheard in a tavern becomes all the more interesting if one of the speakers is a huge man with red hair, a strawberry birthmark, and one eye, while the other is a scrawny-looking Dwarf with many scars and a stutter, rather than if they are both generic and undescribed cardboard cut-outs.

Character Names[]

Human Names[]


The following lists give common Imperial forenames. You can select names from the list as you need them or roll D1000 if you prefer. The list is not exhaustive, but includes most of the more popular forenames of use in the Empire.

In the tables, some names can have more than one form (including informal shortened forms) and these are shown under the same listing. Some of the names are followed by a number; the meanings of these are as follows:

  1. These names can be combined to produce a compound name, e.g. Karl-Franz, Hans-Peter, Anne-Lise, Marie-Astrid. This practice is most commonly used among members of the nobility.
  2. These names are archaic, but are still in use occasionally. They are most popular among the nobility and the older generations.
  3. These names show Kislevite influence. They are most common in the north and east of the Empire, but are not unknown elsewhere.
  4. These names show Wastelander influence; they are most common in the northwest of the Empire, but are also used in other areas.
  5. These names show Norse influence; they are most common in the extreme north of the Empire, but are also used in other areas.
  6. These names are more common in the south of the Empire than elsewhere.
  7. These names show Bretonnian influence; they are most common in the west of the Empire, but are also used in other areas.
D1000 Roll Imperial Male Forenames
001-002 Adam
003-006 Adelbert2
007-022 Adolf / Adolphus2
023-026 Albert
027-034 Albricht / Alberich / Albrecht
035-036 Aldheim
037-044 Alex / Alexei3 / Alexis3
045-048 Alfred / Alfried
049-050 Alfricht
051-066 Anders4/5
067-074 Andreas
075-082 Anton6/7
083-084 Arthur
085-088 Axel
089-092 Barthelm
093-100 Bengt5
101-116 Bernhard / Bernhardt
117-132 Berthold / Bertholdt
133-140 Boris
141-164 Bruno
165-196 Carolus2 / Carl1 / Karl1
197-220 Claus / Klaus
221-228 Conrad / Konrad
229-232 Diehl
233-240 Dieter
241-244 Dietrich
245-248 Eberhard / Eberhardt
249-250 Eckhard / Eckhardt
251-254 Edgar
255-262 Ehrhard / Ehrhardt
263-266 Ehrmann
267-268 Emmerich
269-292 Erich
293-324 Ernst
325-332 Erwin
333-334 Faustmann
335-336 Felix2/6
337-340 Ferdinand
341-372 Franz1
373-404 Friedrich / Fritz1 / Frederik
405-408 Gebhard / Gebhardt
409-412 Georg1/3
413-420 Gerhard / Gerhardt
421-424 Gottfried
425-428 Gotthard / Gotthardt
429-432 Gottlieb
433-434 Gregor3
435-438 Gunnar
439-446 Gunthar / Gunther
447-462 Gustaf / Gustav / Gustavus2
463-466 Hals
467-498 Hannes1 / Hans
499-500 Hartwig
501-516 Heinrich
517-524 Heinz1
525-526 Heironymus2
527-534 Helmut
535-536 Hergard
537-544 Herman / Hermann
545-546 Herpin
547-548 Hildebrand / Hildebrandt
549-550 Holger5
551-554 Hugo6/7
555-556 Hultz
557-558 Humfried
559-562 Jakob
563-566 Joachim4
567-598 Johann1 / Johannes
599-606 Josef1
607-608 Kaspar
609-610 Kastor
611-614 Knud5 / Knut5
615-638 Kurt
639-640 Lorenz6
641-642 Leonhard
643-646 Leopold
647-648 Luitpold
649-656 Ludovicus2 / Ludwig
657-660 Lukas
661-664 Magnus2
665-672 Martin
673-676 Matthias
677-684 Max1 / Maximillian
685-686 Moritz6
687-694 Niklaus / Nikolas / Nikolaus
695-698 Olaf5
699-700 Oskar7
701-708 Otto
709-716 Paul1 / Paulus
717-724 Peter1 / Pieter
725-726 Quintus2
727-728 Ralf5
729-736 Rolf1/5
737-738 Reinald
739-746 Reiner
747-754 Reinhard / Reinhardt
755-762 Reinhold
763-766 Reinwald
767-770 Rudiger / Rutger
771-778 Rudolf / Rudi
779-780 Ruprecht
781-788 Siegfried
789-792 Sigismund / Siggi
793-800 Sigmund / Siggi
801-802 Stehmar
803-818 Stephan / Stefan
819-820 Theodosius2/6 / Theo
821-822 Theophilus2/6 / Theo
823-830 Thomas
831-832 Tobias2/6
833-840 Udo
841-844 Uhler
845-852 Ulrich
853-856 Viktor3
857-860 Vorster
861-868 Waldemar
869-876 Walter
877-909 Werner
910-942 Wilhelm
943-959 Wolf
960-983 Wolfgang
984-000 Wolmar

D1000 Roll Imperial Female Forenames
001-005 Agnes2
006-015 Agnetha2/5
016-020 Alexa3
021-030 Alfrida5
031-035 Alice / Alicia
036-040 Amalie
041-060 Andrea
061-065 Anika
066-090 Anna1
091-095 Astrid1/4/5
096-100 Barbara2/6
101-105 Beatrix2/6
106-115 Berta / Bertha
116-125 Bianka6
126-130 Birgit5
131-145 Brigette / Gitta4/5
146-155 Britt / Brita5
156-170 Brunhild / Brunhilde
171-180 Charlotte / Carlott
181-190 Carina6
191-200 Carmilla2/3
201-205 Claudia2/6/7
206-215 Dagmar
216-220 Elena6
221-230 Elfrida5
231-250 Elisa / Elise
251-260 Elisabeth
261-275 Elsa
276-285 Emmanuelle6/7
286-295 Emilie
296-300 Erika5
301-305 Esther6
306-315 Etelka
316-340 Eva
341-350 Franziska7
351-360 Frida5
361-370 Gabrielle / Gabi7
371-385 Gerda
386-390 Gertrud2 / Gertrude2
391-400 Gilda
401-415 Greta5
416-425 Gretel
426-435 Gretchen
436-450 Hanna
451-460 Hedwig
461-470 Heidi
471-475 Helena6
476-495 Hilda
496-505 Hildegard
506-515 Hunni
516-530 Ilsa / Ilse
531-550 Inga
551-570 Ingrid4/5
571-575 Irene / Irina6
576-590 Isolde
591-615 Johanna / Janna
616-620 Juliane6
621-625 Karelia5
626-635 Karin5
636-645 Karoline6/7
646-660 Katharine / Katrina6/7
661-680 Kirsten5
681-690 Klara2/6
691-700 Leonore / Leni
701-710 Ludmilla
711-715 Luise / Lise1
716-720 Magdalene / Magda
721-725 Margaritha6/7
726-735 Marianne
736-750 Marlene
751-760 Martha / Marte
761-765 Martina
766-775 Marie1/6/7 / Maria1/6/7
776-780 Mathilde / Tilda6/7
781-785 Nastassia3
786-790 Natasha3
791-795 Ottilia
796-800 Petra6
801-815 Regina / Regine / Gina
816-830 Renata / Renate
831-835 Selena6
836-850 Sigrid5
851-855 Sigrun5
856-860 Silma
861-870 Solveig3
871-880 Sophia6
881-890 Susanne2/6 / Susanna2/6 / Susi
891-895 Theodora / Dora6
896-900 Theodosia / Theda6
901-910 Therese6
911-920 Thylda
921-935 Ulrike / Ulla
936-960 Ursula / Uschi
961-965 Veronica6/7
966-975 Wanda
976-985 Wertha
986-000 Wilhemina / Mina


As in mediaeval Europe, the forename is most commonly used to identify a person and the surname is used when the identification needs to be more precise - when the use of the forename alone is not sufficient. Family surnames aren't always handed down from parent to child, as we do today. Instead, most people adopt their surname when they leave home or become adult to distinguish themselves. Often, this will mean using a 'family' name, but there are many cases of children giving themselves an entirely new surname.

Surnames can be drawn from a variety of sources.

Place names: For example, Johann Dunkelberg, 'Johann from Dunkelberg'. Any of the various placenames mentioned in the Empire would be usable as a surname. The nobility often add 'von' or 'von der' before the placename, particularly in cases where the surname is part of a title.

Occupation: For example, Johann Schmidt, 'Johann the Smith'. This can become fossilised in use and it is quite common for a character to be known by the occupation of his or her parents or grandparents, whe he or she actually follows a quite different profession; so 'Johann the Smith' might actually be a carpenter or a boatman. Of course, if Johann wishes to be known as Johann Zimmermann (Johann the Carpenter) or Johann Bootmann (Johann the Boatman), there's nothing to stop him from changing his surname - he simply does it!

An English-German dictionary can be a very usefly source of names of this type. A few surname associated with common professions are listed below:

Baker Bäcker
Blacksmith Schmidt
Brewer Brauer
Boatman Bootmann
Builder Baumeister or Bauer
Butcher Fleischer
Carpenter Zimmermann
Cobbler Schuster
Cooper Küfer
Engraver Graveur
Farmer Bauer
Glass Maker Glaser
Hunter Jäger
Jeweller Juwelier
Merchant Handler
Pedlar Hausier
Potter Topfer
Printer Drucker
Scribe Schreiber
Shipwright Schiffbauer
Stonemason Maurer
Tailor Schneider
Tanner Gerber

Nickname: For example, Johann Grosz, 'Johann the Fat'. If a character has a particularly noticeable physical trait which people use to refer to them, this might be used as their surname. Using the list of physical traits below together with an English-German dictionary can give you a wide range of descriptive surnames. Here are a few examples:

Large nose Nase
Scar on face Narbe
One eye Einauge or Augenlos
One arm Einarm or Armlos
Attractive face Schön
Huge frame Grosz or Stark
Big belly Grosz
Bald Kahl
Hairy Haarig
Huge beard Bart or Grossbart
Stooping Bucker
Very tall Lang
Very short Kurz
Very skinny Dunn
Pale-skinned Blass or Bleich
Stutter Stotter
Loud voice Laut

Parent or Ancestor: For example, Johann Hanson, 'Johann, son of Hans'. Naming yourself after a famous parent or ancestor - real or imagined - is very common. Sigmarsson may be one of the most-used surnames in the Empire. This form of surname is particularly prevalent in the north of the Empire, possibly as a result of Norse contacts and influence. The form 'von' is sometimes used to imply a connection with a famous person - von der Magnus, for example.

With an English-German dictionary and a bit of imagination, you can come up with many more surnames for PCs and NPCs. The nobility will use 'von' more often than the lower classes, and the artisan classes - where one family has been in the same business for generations - will often take the name of their craft for their own. In general, surnames derived from placenames and nicknames will be most common amongst the peasantry and the urban lower classes. 'Hans Brandstadt', for example, won't be very effective as a name if Brandstadt has thousands of inhabitants and every fifth male is called Hans, while 'Lugwig Johannsson von Altdorf' is too grand-sounding to be a good name for a thief or beggar - a nickname like 'Flink' ('the nimble') would sound better.

Dwarfish Names[]

A Dwarf's full name consists of three elements: the forename or personal name, the surname, and the clan name. There is a complex Dwarf etiquette governing the use of names, but for most practical purposes, the more formal the circumstances, the more lengthy the name used. In certain circumstances, a Dwarf's standing in his craft also becomes part of his name.

So, for example, Master Jeweller Snorri Bardinsson of the Makhzad Clan would use his full name and title in a guild or hold ceremony. Those addressing him would call him by different names according to their relative status: superiors would call him Snorri Bardinson, while equals and inferiors would call him Master Snorri if they were also jewellers, or Master Jeweller Snorri, if they were from other craftguilds. When talking about him in the third person, his surname is always used.

Close friends, and relatives of the same generation, would just call him Snorri - relatives of older or younger generations would add a suffix such as Uncle, Nephew, Cousin or Grandfather, describing the nature of their relationship to him.


Dwarfs follow a similar practice to humans, naming an infant at birth. Some names reflect tradition - in the Garkniz Clan of Karak-Hirn, for example, the first-born male of each generation is always named Gottri - while others commemorate a venerated clan ancestor or great hero. The generations immediately after the War of Vengeance, for example, saw a rise in the popularity of Gotrek as a forename, after the victorious king High King Gotrek Starbreaker. A few names are given to reflect the virtues that the parents hope their offspring will have; Gorm, for example, is associated with wisdom, Grim with prowess in battle, and Dwinbar with skill at craftsmanship.

D1000 Male Forenames
001-009 Alaric
010-018 Algrim
019-027 Alrik
028-037 Baragor
038-045 Bardin
046-053 Belegar
054-061 Bel(e)gol
062-070 Borgin
071-079 Borin
080-088 Bradni
089-098 Brogar
099-107 Brokk
108-115 Brond(l)
116-121 Bronn
122-129 Burlok
130-137 Cranneg
138-145 Darbli
146-153 Dargo
154-161 Dern
162-170 Dimrond
171-179 Dimzad
180-184 Dorin
185-188 Drong
189-200 Drumin
201-209 Durak
210-218 Duregar
219-227 Durgin
228-234 Dwinbar
235-239 Elmador
240-246 Enlag
247-253 Fenni
254-261 Fimbur
262-270 Finn
271-279 Furgil
280-288 Garil
289-300 Goddi
301-309 Gomrund
310-318 Gorazin
319-327 Gorim
328-337 Gorm
338-345 Gotrek
346-353 Gottri
354-361 Grim
362-370 Grimli
371-379 Grindol
380-390 Grom
391-400 Grond
401-409 Groth
410-418 Grum
419-427 Grumdin
428-437 Grundi
438-445 Grung
446-453 Grunni
454-461 Guttri
462-470 Haakon
471-479 Hadra
480-489 Harek
490-499 Hargin
500-507 Hargrim
508-512 Harok
513-518 Heganbor
519-527 Hergar
528-537 Hugnir
538-545 Hurgar
546-553 Kadri
554-561 Kadrin
562-570 Kallon
571-579 Kargun
580-589 Katalin
590-600 Kazadar
601-609 Kazgar
610-618 Kazran
619-627 Kazrik
628-637 Ketil
638-645 Kettri
646-653 Kragg
654-661 Krudd
662-670 Kurgan
671-679 Largs
680-689 Logan
690-700 Logazor
701-707 Lunn
708-718 Mendri
719-727 Mordin
728-737 Morek
738-753 Mundri
754-761 Norgrim
762-768 Oldor
769-775 Ragni
776-784 Rogni
785-790 Rorek
791-800 Rungni
801-812 Skag
813-820 Skaldor
821-830 Skalf
831-838 Skalli
839-844 Skorri
845-851 Sindri
852-860 Snorri
861-866 Stromni
867-874 Storri
875-882 Sundrim
883-890 Sven
891-900 Thingrim
901-909 Thori
910-920 Thrund
921-929 Thungni
930-936 Thurgrom
937-942 Thyk
943-950 Ulfar
951-957 Ulther
958-965 Vikram
966-972 Vragni
973-980 Yadri
981-988 Yanni
989-993 Yorri
994-000 Zamnil

D1000 Female Forenames
001-023 Alrika
024-046 Askima
047-070 Astrid
071-094 Berta
095-117 Boria
118-137 Breda
138-159 Brondra
160-183 Derna
184-200 Dorbi
201-221 Duree
222-242 Fenna
243-263 Freda
264-284 Friga
285-305 Gerta
306-328 Gottra
329-349 Grondi
350-363 Grunna
364-385 Harga
386-405 Helga
406-426 Helgar
427-451 Hunni
452-476 Kalea
477-500 Karelia
501-526 Karga
527-553 Karstin
554-579 Katrin
580-603 Kettra
604-611 Lakin
612-625 Lenka
626-646 Magda
647-667 Menni
668-688 Modra
689-709 Morga
710-730 Olka
731-751 Sifna
752-774 Sigrid
775-797 Sigrun
798-815 Skorina
816-828 Solveig
829-837 Sunni
838-844 Tarni
845-857 Tharma
858-876 Thindra
877-895 Thoda
896-916 Throlin
917-926 Trunni
927-937 Ulla
938-958 Vala
959-979 Valma
980-994 Vanyra
995-000 Zylra


Dwarf surnames are based on the parent's name - the mother's name is used for girls, and the father's name for boys. Gotrek Gunnisson, for example, is Gotrek, the son of Gunni, while Katrin Sifnasdottir is Katrin, the daughter of Sifna. Orphans are raised by their nearest relatives, and their surname refelcts this: Thorri Yadrisnev - Thorri, the nephew of Yadri, was obviously raised at his uncle's hearth, and Sigrid Valasniz was raised by her aunt.

On the extremely rare occasions when a newborn Dwarf is a foundling of unknown descent, the surname Khazadson - "son of a Dwarf" - is used in formal circumstances; informally, the surname consists of the step-parent's name with the suffix -find, meaning "found by". In this way, Grim Khazadson, raised by Morek Skalfsson, uses the surname Moreksfind in everyday circumstances, to indicate which family he belongs to.


Many Dwarfs also have nicknames, derived from oustanding deeds or quirks of their personality or appearance. In less formal circumstances, a nickname may be used in place of the surname: Snorri Burnt-Thumb instead of Snorri Bardinson, commemorating the time as an apprentice when young Snorri absent-mindedly picked up a brooch blank that was still hot from casting. A Dwarf may not choose his own nickname; it must be given him by his master. This is one of the many reasons why Dwarfs take great care about what they do - no one wants to be stuck for life with an embarassing or unflattering nickname!

Male nicknames are often based on physcial appearance, strength, or martial prowess. Examples of these surnames include Greathammer, Stonefist, and Deadeye. Nicknames must be unique, as much as possible, since adopting the same nickname as an older Dwarf - especially a great king or hero - is regarded as presumptious, and an insult to the nickname's original bearer. The only exception to this rule is when the original bearer of the nickname gives it freely to the younger Dwarf. The nickname Stonehammer, for example, has been passed down through the Kings of Karak Ungor for generations, along with the great stone warhammer from which it derives. A Dwarf who is given a nickname in this way is responsible not only for his own honour, but also for the honour of the nickname and all its previous bearers; this is taken very seriously indeed.

Female nicknames are not so exclusive as male ones, and tend to be based on temperament as much as appearance and achievement. So many Dwarf maidens have been nicknamed "the Fair" or "the Beautiful" that these names have become debased by over-use, and have fallen out of currency in recent centuries. However, nicknames like Goldenhair, Sapphire-Eyes and Finehand are still popular, and even more lavish and flattering nicknames are given by suitors in the hope of winning a Dwarf maiden's heart. It is a sign of great favour when a Dwarf maiden accepts a nickname from a suitor.

Clan Names[]

Dwarf clan names were originally established in the same way as nicknames. They may have been the personal nickname of a founding ancestor, or they may be a nickname that was applied to the clan as a whole at or around the time of its founding. For example, tradition states that the ruling Durazklad or "Stone armour" clan of Karaz-a-Karak draws its name from an incident in the time of the Ancestor Gods, when Kargun Gormsson, unable to afford metal armour, used his stoneworking skills to make himself a helmet and breastplate of granite. The nickname that he gained from this feat became the name of the clan he founded, and his stone armour is still in the clan's vault at Karaz-a-Karak.

Elven Names[]

The Elves - being typically complicated - use a system of names with is almost incomprehensible to outsiders. The principle is to have a name which sounds beautiful (apparently the consonants 'l' and 'r' make particularly beautiful sounds) and which has a beautiful meaning. However, the meaning attached to a name is often whatever the name-bearer wants it to be. The Dwarfs delight in telling the story of an Elven Prince who insisted that his name was translatable as 'Far-Wisdom', but the words of which it consisted could also be translated as 'Belch Eyeballs'.

Elven names defy analysis. The use of one, two, or three names is equally common and each name is normally made up of two parts, each providing something to the overall meaning. Occasionally, an Elf who has taken to living in Human society will adopt one or more names which are from the Old Worlder tongue. Such names tend to express rural themes and continue the Elven tradition of something which sounds beautiful and expresses 'noble' feelings. Goldleaf, Dewgatherer, Airwarmth, and Greenlight are common such names.

The table below allows you to create more traditional Elven names; roll once for a prefix and then again for a suffix and blend the two parts together, adding or deleting extra letters to make an easily-pronounceable name. Both names come from the same stock of elements and there does not appear to be any distinction between 'forenames' and 'surnames' in Elven eyes. Some Elven names, particularly those of the little-seen Elven nobility, may have three elements (effectively they have two suffixes); this is rumoured to be a High Elf tradition, but it is not sure that even the Elves know this for certain.

There is very little difference, to non-Elves at least, between Elven male and female names. Dwarfs and some Humans gleefully contend that this is because there is very little difference between male and female Elves in all other respects. Names generated using the table above are suitable for Elves of either sex, although most names can be given an emphatic feminine form by removing the last consonant and/or adding a vowel to the end, hence Sarellian can become Sarellia or Sarelliane.

Roll 1: D100 Elven Prefix
01-03 Aes
04-05 Air
06-08 Al(d)
09-10 Am
11-12 Ang
13-14 Ca(l)
15-16 Car
17-18 Dol
19-20 Edri
21-22 Eldi(r)
23-24 Ell
25-26 Epon
27-29 Err
30-31 Fan
32-33 Far
34-36 Fil
37-38 Gal
39-40 Gil
41-43 Hal
44-45 Har
46-47 Has
48-49 Ilu
50-51 Im(ra)
52-53 Io
54-55 Lar
56-57 Laure(l)
58-60 Lin
61-63 Lor
64-66 Lora(l)
67-68 Mal
69-70 Mar
71-72 Mor
73-74 Orr
75-77 Pel
78-79 Ral
80-81 Shas
82-84 Sir
85-86 Tall(a)
87-88 Ter
89-90 Tor
91-92 Ullia(l)
93-94 Urdi(th)
95-96 Val
97-98 Vir
99-00 Yav(a)

Roll 2: D100 Elven Suffix
01-03 alion
04-05 andar(a)
06-08 andil(e)
09-10 andilas
11-12 andiril
13-14 ane
15-16 anel
17-18 arel
19-20 err
21-22 avandrel
23-24 core(l)
25-26 coran(na)
27-29 dil
30-31 drigar
32-33 elliion
34-36 endil
37-38 fan(a)
39-40 far
41-43 galiel
44-45 gran(a)
46-47 hal(i)
48-49 hil(e)
50-51 holen
52-53 huir
54-55 ia(n)
56-57 ina(l)
58-60 inde(l)
61-63 irllan
64-66 lad
67-68 liana(n)
69-70 lor
71-72 mal
73-74 maris
75-77 mir
78-79 mor
80-81 nor
82-84 oth
85-86 ras
87-88 riel
89-90 rond
91-92 thin
93-94 thol
95-96 uviel
97-98 wen
99-00 wine

Halfling Names[]


Being the most Humanised of the non-human races, Halflings often use names which are largely recognisable as being in Old Worlder. The Halflings of the Moot use those Imperial names which they find pleasing. Although they love long and grand-sounding names for their genealogies, they also like a name which can be shortened comfortably for everyday use. Names like Maximillian - shortening to Max, Ludwig - shortening to Ludo, Thomas, Hugo, Adam, Albert, Agnes, Eva, and Frida are all common among Halflings. Essentially, if a Human name has a 'cosy' sound (or, better yet, sounds vaguely grand and has a cosy-sounding abbreviation), it will appeal to the Halflings.

The use of nicknames and pet-names is also common; a Halfling will always have a 'proper' forename for use in family trees and so on, but Heironymus Greenhill may be known as Hiro or even Scrumper to his friends and non-Halflings might know him by that name for years without finding out his 'proper' name.


Halflings prefer distinctive and cosy-sounding surnames and, if two Halflings have the same surname, then they are definitely related somehow. It may take several dozen generations (and a like number of fruit pies and spiced ales) to trace their connection, but it will definitely be there and they will find it in the end. Names like Haleberry, Greenhill, Furfoot, Hayfoot, Greendale, Warmfeet, and Brandysnap are common and show off the Halflings' love of food and drink and their pride in their hairy feet.


Gnomes are similar in most regards to Dwarfs.


The following tables can be used to generate a character's weight. Roll on Weight Table 1 to determine a character's build and apply any modifiers to the roll on Weight Table 2. Consult Weight Table 3 to determine whether there are any further modifiers owing to the character's height. Weight Table 4 is optional; it can be used if you wish to make female characters generally lighter than males. Finally, Weight Table 5 can be used as an option, to reflect how the weight of entremely fat or thin characters affects their profiles.

Weight Table 1: Build[]

D6 Human Dwarf Elf Halfling Gnome
1 puny light puny light light
2 light average light average average
3 average average light average average
4 average heavy average heavy heavy
5 heavy heavy average massive heavy
6 massive massive average massive massive
  • Puny characters must subtract 20 from their roll on Weight Table 2 and subtract 2D10 lbs from their final weight.
  • Light characters must subtract 10 from their roll on Weight Table 2.
  • Average characters have no modifier.
  • Heavy characters add 10 to their roll on Weight Table 2.
  • Massive characters add 20 to their roll on Weight Table 2 and add 2D10 to their final weight.

Weight Table 2: Base Weight (in lbs)[]

D100 Human Dwarf Elf Halfling Gnome
01 105 90 80 75 75
02-03 110 95 85 75 80
04-05 115 100 90 80 85
06-08 120 105 95 80 90
09-12 125 110 100 85 90
13-17 130 115 100 85 95
18-22 135 120 105 90 100
23-29 140 125 110 90 100
30-37 145 130 115 95 105
38-49 150 135 120 100 110
50-64 155 140 120 100 110
65-71 160 145 125 105 115
72-78 165 150 130 110 120
79-83 170 155 135 115 120
84-88 175 160 140 120 125
89-92 180 165 140 125 130
93-95 190 170 145 130 130
96-97 200 175 150 135 135
98-99 210 180 155 140 140
00 220 185 160 145 155

Weight Table 3: Height Modifier (in lbs)[]

Height Human Dwarf Elf Halfling Gnome
3' 3" or less - - - -D10 -
3' 4" - 3' 6" - - - -D6 -D10
3' 7" - 4' 0" - - - 0 0
4' 1" - 4' 3" - - - +D6 0
4' 4" - 4' 6" - -2D10 - +D10 +D10
4' 7" - 4' 8" - 0 - - -
4' 9" - 5' 3" -2D10 +2D10 - - -
5' 4" - 5' 6" -D20 - -D20 - -
5' 7" - 5' 8" -D10 - -D10 - -
5' 9" - 5' 11" 0 - 0 - -
6' 0" - 6' 2" +D10 - +D10 - -
6' 3" - 6' 5" +D20 - +D20 - -
6' 6" or more +2D10 - - - -

Weight Table 4: Gender Modifier (in lbs; Optional)[]

Weight Table 1 assumes a male character; for female characters, apply the following additional modifiers.

D6 Human Dwarf Elf Halfling Gnome
1 -2D10 - - -D20 -D20
2 -D20 -2D10 - -D10 -D10
3-4 -1D10 -D20 - -D6 -D6
5 -D6 -D10 - - -
6 - -D6 - +D6 -

Weight Table 5: Characteristics Modifiers (Optional)[]

If a character is a lot heavier or lighter than average, the GM may optionally impose some modifiers to the character's profile. To find out whether a character is seriously overweight or underweight, look up the final weight on the appropriate column of the Weight Table 2 and refer back to the dice roll column. A character is overweight if the final weight corrosponds to a dice roll of 96 or more and underweight if the final weight corrosponds to a dice roll of 05 or less. Thus, a Human character weighing 200 lbs or more is overweight and a Human character weighing 115 lbs or less is underweight.

Profile adjustments may be generated using the following table:

D6 Overweight Underweight
1-2 T +1 T -1
3-4 T +1, I -10 T -1, I +10
5-6 T +1, I -10, M -1 T -1, I +10, M +1

Hair Colour[]

Use the table below to generate characters' hair colour.


  1. Dwarfs and Elves often dye their hair; this table only gives the base colour.
  2. Not necessarily the original colour. For older characters (Humans of 35+, Dwarfs of 90+, Elves of 100+, Halflings of 70+, Gnomes of 80+), players can make two rolls. The first is the 'natural' hair colour. The second, if the result is white, shows that the hair has turned grey or white with age.

This table is based on the normal colours for characters from the Empire, the Wasteland, Bretonnia, Albion, and Kislev. If the character was born anywhere else, some modifiers should be allowed. Norse Dwarfs and Humans, for example, could roll 3D20, while Tileans or Estalians might roll 3D10+70, and characters from Araby might roll D6+94.

D100 Human Dwarf1 Elf1 Halfling Gnome
01-05 White2 White2 White2 White2 White2
06-10 White2 White2 Silver Ash-blond White2
11-15 Silver Ash-blond Silver Ash-blond Ash-blond
16-20 Silver Ash-blond Ash-blond Corn Ash-blond
21-25 Ash-blond Corn Ash-blond Corn Corn
26-30 Corn Yellow Corn Corn Yellow
31-35 Corn Yellow Corn Yellow Yellow
36-40 Corn Red Yellow Yellow Copper
41-45 Yellow Red Yellow Copper Copper
46-50 Copper Copper Copper Red Red
51-55 Copper Copper Light Brown Light Brown Red
56-60 Red Light Brown Light Brown Light Brown Light Brown
61-65 Light Brown Light Brown Med. Brown Light Brown Light Brown
66-70 Light Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown
71-75 Med. Brown Med. Brown Dark Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown
76-80 Med. Brown Med. Brown Dark Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown
81-85 Dark Brown Dark Brown Sienna Dark Brown Dark Brown
86-90 Dark Brown Dark Brown Blue-black Dark Brown Dark Brown
91-95 Sienna Blue-black Black Sienna Blue-black
96-00 Black Jet Black Black Jet Black Jet Black

Eye Colour[]

Use the following table to generate characters' eye colour.

This table is based on the normal colours for characters from the Empire and holds good for the Wasteland, Bretonnia, Albion, and Kislev as well. If the character was born anywhere else, some modifiers should be allowed. Norse Dwarfs and Humans, for example, could roll 2D20 or 3D20 to get the result, while Tileans, Estalians, and Arabs might roll 3D10+70 or even D10+90.

Players might also wish to disallow certain hair/eye colour combinations, if a bizarre mix is going to jar their sensibilities. It is probably best to generate hair colour first and re-roll any eye colour rolls that don't suit. As an option, you might allow a character a 1% chance of having eyes of different colours; while this will make the character interesting and instantly recognisable, it might be taken in some quarters as the mark of Chaos...

D100 Human Dwarf / Gnome Elf Halfling
01-05 Grey Pale Grey Pale Grey Pale Grey
06-10 Pale Grey Pale Grey Grey-blue Blue
11-15 Grey-blue Blue Grey-blue Blue
16-20 Grey-blue Blue Blue Hazel
21-25 Blue Hazel Blue Hazel
26-30 Blue Light Brown Green Hazel
31-35 Blue Light Brown Green Light Brown
36-40 Green Light Brown Light Brown Light Brown
41-45 Hazel Light Brown Light Brown Copper
46-50 Hazel Copper Copper Med. Brown
51-55 Light Brown Copper Med. Brown Med. Brown
56-60 Light Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown
61-65 Light Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown
66-70 Light Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown Med. Brown
71-75 Med. Brown Med. Brown Dark Brown Med. Brown
76-80 Med. Brown Med. Brown Dark Brown Med. Brown
81-85 Med. Brown Dark Brown Silver Dark Brown
86-90 Dark Brown Dark Brown Blue-Purple Dark Brown
91-95 Dark Brown Blue-Purple Silver-Green Dark Brown
96-00 Purple Purple Black Dark Brown

Distinguishing Characteristics[]

The table below gives certain peculiarities and physical traits which can form the basis of a character description. Some of them have suggested modifiers. GMs may use these modifiers for NPCs if desired and may even apply them to player characters, if they are sure players will accept bad rolls as well as good. Most characters will have D6-2 Distinguishing Characteristics. (Treat 0 or less as 0.)

D100 Characteristic Effect
01-02 Large nose
03-05 Flat nose
06-07 Hook nose
08-10 Scar on face -10 Fel
11-12 One eye BS
13-15 One arm -10 Dex
16-17 Charismatic eyes +10 Fel
18-20 Attractive face +10 Fel
21-22 Huge frame +10% Weight
23-25 Big belly +10% Weight
26-27 Limp -1 M (min. 2)
28-30 Bald
31-32 Very long hair
33-35 Curly hair
36-37 Excessively hairy
38-40 Long beard
41-42 Very short hair
43-45 Stooping
46-47 Barrel-chested +1 S
48-50 Very tall +10 Ld
51-52 Very short -1 M; -10% Weight
53-55 Very skinny -10% Weight
56-57 Pale-skinned
58-60 Scarred skin -10 Fel
61-62 Sneer -5 Fel
63-65 Haughty expression -5 Fel; +5 Ld
66-67 Broken teeth -10 Fel
68-70 Very white teeth +5 Fel
71-72 Lisp -10 Fel
73-75 Stutter -10 to tests on communication skills
76-77 Very clear voice +5 to tests on communication skills
78-80 Strong accent -5 to tests on communication skills
81-82 Loud voice +5 Ld; -5 Fel
83-85 Bushy eyebrows
86-87 Big ears
88-90 Moustache
91-92 Birthmark
93-95 Short legs -1 M (min. 2)
96-97 Rough hands -10 Dex
98-00 Long nails

Place Of Birth[]

The following list of places gives some guide as to the likely birth-places of characters beginning their adventuring careers in the Empire - specifically around Altdorf, although the table can be adjusted as required for adventurers starting in any other part of the Empire.

It is assumed that few characters will have travelled far to get to this point and, therefore, that foreigners will be rare. PCs ought to come from the Empire, unless the GM has a strong reason for deciding otherwise. If an NPC comes from a part of the Old World which has not been sufficiently detailed, the GM can be vague about his or her origins - it wouldn't be anywhere the Player Characters would have heard of anyway. Maps of The Empire will likely show the locations of the places listed on the tables.


Use Origins Table 1 and, if necessary, Origins Table 2 to determine where Human characters come from.

Origins Table 1: The Empire[]

D100 Origin
01-25 Altdorf (urban)

Altdorf (rural)

01-06 Teufelfeuer
07-11 Rechtlich
12-17 Heiligen
18-23 Gluckshalt
24-29 Hartsklein
30-35 Schlafebild
36-41 Hochloff
42-47 Rottefach
48-53 Walfen
54-59 Furtild
60-65 Grossbad
66-71 Bundesmarkt
72-77 Brauenwurt
78-83 Dorchen
84-89 Geldrecht
90-95 Kaldach
96-00 Autler



51-62 Aussen
63-70 Silberwurt
71-85 Kleindorf
86-00 Hornlach


01-50 Auerswald
51-60 Dresschler
61-70 Gladisch
71-80 Koch
81-90 Sprinthof
91-00 Steche


01-55 Delberz
56-70 Mittelmund
71-85 Schwarzmarkt
86-00 Turmgever


01-58 Dunkelburg
59-65 Barfsheim
66-72 Gemusenbad
73-78 Harke
79-85 Ruhfurt
86-92 Schattental
93-00 Steindorf


01-50 Carroburg
51-60 Anseldorf
61-70 Dunkelbild
71-80 Punzen
81-90 Schattenlas
91-00 Weidemarkt


01-50 Schoppendorf
51-60 Brasthof
61-70 Esselfurt
71-80 Priestlicheim
81-90 Ripdorf
91-00 Zeder


01-60 Stimmigen
61-70 Merretheim
71-80 Misthausen
81-90 Naffdorf
91-00 Pfeiffer
78 Blutroch
79 Weissbruck


01-50 Bogenhafen
51-62 Finsterbad
63-75 Ardlich
76-88 Herzhald
89-00 Grubevon


01-50 Kemperbad
51-60 Berghof
61-70 Brandenburg
71-80 Jungbach
81-90 Ostwald
91-00 Stockhausen


01-50 Ubersreik
51-57 Buchedorf
58-64 Flussberg
65-71 Geissbach
72-88 Halheim
89-95 Messingen
96-00 Wurfel
87-88 Marienburg


01-60 Nuln
61-80 Wissenburg
81-00 Pfeildorf
91 Averheim
92 Streissen
93 Wurtbad
94 Talabheim


01-60 Middenheim
61-80 Bergsburg
81-00 Salzenmund
96-00 Foreigner: roll on Origins Table 2

Origins Table 2: Outside The Empire[]

D100 Origin


01-12 L'Anguille
13-24 Bordeleaux
25-36 Brionne
37-48 Couronne
49-62 Gisoreux
63-74 Mousillon
75-88 Parravon
89-00 Quenelles


01-25 Erengrad
26-75 Kislev
76-00 Praag


01-50 Bilbali
51-00 Magritta


01-20 Luccini
21-40 Miragliano
41-60 Remas
61-80 Sartosa
81-00 Tobaro
91-98 Border Princes


01-20 Norsca
21-45 Araby
46-70 Albion
71-85 Southlands
86-00 E. Steppes


By and large, Dwarfs will be from the same kind of places as Humans; the kind of Dwarf who becomes an adventurer is going to have been reasonably 'humanised' anyway.

Place Of Birth[]

Players wishing to create a Dwarf adventurer may roll on the Dwarf Origin Table or, at the GM's discretion, they may choose a birthplace for their character. Alternatively, the GM may reserve the right to assign a birthplace to a newly created Dwarf character, if it is in the interests of the campaign to do so.

The table is heavily weighted in favour of Expatriate Dwarfs, since they form the majority of the Old World's Dwarfen adventurers; in the more traditional culture of the Dwarfholds, duty to clan, hold and crafsguild prevent all but a few Dwarfs from leaving to take up an adventuring life.

Dwarf Origins Table[]

D100 Origin
01-03 Border Princes
04 Bretonnia
05-66 The Empire
67-68 Kislev
69 Tilea
70-75 The Wasteland
76-80 Norsca
81-84 Black Mountains
85-92 Grey Mountains
93-95 The Vaults
96-00 Worlds Edge Mountains

Dwarf Settlement Tables[]

Border Princes
01-30 Barak Varr
31-00 Human settlements

01-40 Parravon
41-00 Nearby villages

01-30 Campogrotta
31-60 Toscania
61-00 Nearby villages

The Wasteland
01-90 Marienburg
91-00 Other Wasteland towns

01-35 Kraka Dorden
36-60 Kraka Drak
61-75 Kraka Ornsmotek
76-90 Kraka Ravnsvake
91-00 Human settlements

Black Mountains
01-20 Karak Hirn
21-00 Other Black Mountain settlements

Grey Mountains
01-35 Karak Norn
36-00 Other Grey Mountain settlements

The Vaults
01-15 Karak Izor
16-00 Other Vaults settlements

Worlds Edge Mountains
01-10 Karak Kadrin
11-15 Karaz-a-Karak
16-20 Zhufbar
21-60 Other Northern Dwarf settlement
61-65 Karak Azul
66-70 Karak Eight Peaks
71-00 Other Southern Dwarf settlements

The Empire
01-15 Altdorf (urban)
16-20 Altdorf (rural) villages

Averland towns

01-15 Agbetten
16-50 Averheim
51-60 Hochelben
61-70 Loningbruck
71-85 Streissen
86-00 Other Averland villages
26 Hochland (Bergsburg)
27-30 Middenheim (urban)
31 Middenheim (rural) villages

Middenland towns

01-50 Carroburg
51-75 Delberz
76-00 Schoppendorf

Nordland towns

01-50 Beeckerhoven
51-00 Salzenmund
35-45 Nuln (urban)
46-48 Nuln (rural) villages

Ostermark towns

01-60 Bechafen
61-00 Other Ostermark villages

Ostland towns

01-35 Ferlangen
36-00 Wolfenburg

Reikland towns

01-13 Auerswald
14-30 Bögenhafen
31-42 Dunkelburg
43-50 Grunberg
51-60 Helmgart
61-75 Kemperbad
76-80 Stimmigen
81-90 Ubersreik
91-00 Weissbruck

Stirland towns

01-30 Krugenheim
31-70 Wurtbad
71-00 Other Stirland villages

Sudenland towns

01-35 Pfeildorf
36-60 Wuppertal
61-00 Other Sudenland villages

Talabecland towns

01-65 Hergig
66-00 Volgen
85-86 Talabheim (urban)
87 Talabheim (rural) villages

Wissenland towns

01-15 Grissenwald
16-30 Kreutzhofen
31-65 Wissenburg
66-85 Wusterburg
86-00 Other Wissenland villages

01-35 Erengrad
36-60 Kislev
61-00 Villages near Imperial border


Elves do not normally come from the same loctions as the other races. Since Player Characters should only be Wood Elves, the potential locations are very limited. Also, Elves do not freely talk about their homelands for fear that this information would be used by an enemy. Therefore, most Elves talk of their home as being 'The Forest'; if pressed - and if they trust the questioner with the information - they might nominate the particular forest, but they will not divulge the name of the actual settlement.

If an Elven placename is important to you, then use the table given earlier for generating Elven names, following the pattern 'Prefix-PrefixSuffix'. The resulting name may be hyphenated if you wish (as in Terr-Edririel, Far-Farcoral, or Ullialor-Galiel).

To generate the Forest-homeland randomly, use the following table:

D100 Homeland
01-10 Drak Wald Forest
11-25 The Great Forest
26-35 Reikwald
36-75 Laurelorn
76-80 The Mirror Moors
81-95 Athel-Loren
96-00 Bois Delouere (Bretonnia)


Halflings are very well integrated into Human society and may be found almost anywhere where Humans settle. However, the importance of the Moot as the Halfling homeland must not be overlooked. Roll on the following table to determine the origins of a Halfling character.

D100 Origin
01-59 The Moot
60-00 Roll on Origins Table 1


Almost all Gnomes will be from the main Gnomish community of Glimdwarrow. Those few not from this or one of the minor Gnomish settlements would be from one of the Human settlements.

Family Background[]

It might be important to know a character's family background; at least, it always helps characterise a PC. The information and methods in this section are all optional, especially where PCs are concerned. As GM, you should feel free to ignore or amend any results you don't feel comfortable with.

Brothers and Sisters[]

Character Race No. of Siblings Age Difference
Human D6-11 3D4-3
Elf D6-1 3D10
Dwarf D4-2 2D20
Halfling 2D4-22 2D6-2
Gnome D4-1 2D10


  1. If the die roll is 6, roll again and add 4.
  2. If either die rolls 4, roll again and add 3. If both dice roll 4, roll both again and add 6.

Each sibling has an equal chance of being male or female (except for Dwarfs; each sibling has a 25% chance of being female) and an equal chance of being younger or older than the character. When the age difference is 0, there is a 20% chance that the character is a twin (or triplet, or whatever). Twins, triplets, and other multiple births have a 10% chance of being identical. (With Dwarfs, an age difference of 2 gives a 5% chance that the same-sex sibling is actually the character's twin; identical twins are rare in Dwarfs, and fraternal twins are all but unknown.)


Roll a D100 and consult the following table to see if the character's parents are still living:

D100 Parental status
01-25 both parents living
26-45 father dead
46-60 mother dead
61-00 both parents dead

The older a character is, the more likely it will be that the parents have died. Modify the roll as follows:

  • Human: Add 10% for each full 10 years over 20
  • Elf: Add 20% for each full 20 years over 160
  • Dwarf: Add 10% for each full 20 years over 120
  • Halfling: Add 10% for each full 10 years over 50
  • Gnome: Add 20% for each full 20 years over 100

Check the following list and roll the relevant dice to determine the age of surviving parents:

  • Human: 15 + D6 years older than the oldest child
  • Elf: 60 + D20 years older than the oldest child
  • Dwarf: 60 + 2D10 years older than the oldest child (father); 30 + 2D10 years older than the oldest child (mother)
  • Halfling: 30 + D10 years older than the oldest child
  • Gnome: 35 + 2D6 years older than the oldest child

If both parents are dead, roll a D100. On a roll of 95-99, the character was an orhpan, raised by relatives. On a roll of 00, the character was a foundling.

Spouses and Children[]

Consult the following table to see if the character has a family of his or her own (female Dwarfs add 30 to their age):





































































































































The number before the slash is the percentage chance that the character has a surviving spouse; the number after the slash is the percentage chance that the character has surviving children.

Generate the number of children using the Brothers and Sisters chart above. The eldest child's age can be found by following the guidelines for generating parents' ages above, taking the character's age as the parent's age and working backwards.

If you feel like it, you can generate in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, and heaven knows what else for several dozen generations with this technique; Halflings in particular are very fond of genealogy, but a good spread of relatives can provide a rich depth of background (and who knows, occasional material assistance) for any character.

The options above are only going to be used where you want to flesh out a PC's background or develop some ideas about an NPC. Obviously, you will have to sort out any anomalies. But even anomalies can give you insight: consider a 22-year-old male Human, his mother dead, no sisters, no wife - and with 4 kids, the eldest of whom is just one year old. None of the children turn out to be twins, so maybe they are all illegitimate or the man keeps a harem. And maybe this tells you that he has a complete disregard for women, he uses them for pleasure, but has no serious contact with them. What price his two little daughters? And how will a character like that react to a female PC?

Family Occupation[]

You can also create careers for the character's family (separate ones for each, if you prefer) by following the notes on creating NPCs. This will tell you the Career Class, final career, and career path of the character's parents and siblings.

Use this information to give extra colour to your characters - perhaps mother was a Wizard, even though father was nothing more than a simple Entertainer. Or it might lead to a Roadwarden who is the brother of a Poacher! Coming up with stories to explain that can not only create more interesting characters, but can also give you ideas for adventures.

You might even like to determine occupations for any siblings or other relatives, if you wish - if one parent was an Artisan, at least one child will probably follow into the family business, but otherwise you have a free choice.

Dwarf Family/Clan Occupation[]

As Dwarf clans (except for some Expatriates) are matrilineal, a Dwarf normally follows the same craft as his mother's clan, which is the same as that of the character. There is a 75% chance that a Dwarf's father will belong to the same craftguild. For the 25% of fathers who are different, use the Basic Career Tables to determine the starting basic career of the father and his clan.

Expatriate Dwarfs do not follow the same strict traditions regarding clans and crafts. The starting basic careers of an Expatriate Dwarf's family may vary widely, and if required, they can be determined using the Basic Career Tables.
