The wild area of the Old World known as the Badlands remains unsettled and represents one of the few successes of the Goblinoid hordes in invading the Old World since their defeat in the Goblin Wars (2,500 years ago).
The Badlands are bordered by the Black Gulf and the Worlds Edge Mountains to west and east, respectively, by Blood River (which also marks the frontier with the Border Princes) to the north, and the Marg beh-Mard desert and the Land of the Dead in the far south. The region is a bleak and depressing one, dominated by rocky moorlands and arid plains, scarred by forgotten wars and punctuated with the slag-heaps left by Goblinoid excavations.
Since the Dwarven fortresses of Karaz Azul and Karak Azgal fell to the Goblinoids of the Broken Nose, there has been nothing to stop a steady stream of Chaotic humanoids pouring across the Worlds Edge Mountains into this area. The vigilance of the eastern Border Princes has so far prevented them from pressing on to Black Fire Pass, but does mean that the Goblins have once again turned their attentions to the remaining Dwarven strongholds of the Worlds Edge Mountains, which are now facing assaults from both west and east.
The People[]
The Broken Nose Goblins are easily the most infamous of the numerous Goblinoid tribes that roam this area. Their strength and reputation among their own kind has increased considerably following their acquisition of the magical Dwarven trebuchet, Skull Crusher, and the mutiple cannon, Lead Belcher.
The gutteral tones of the Goblin tongue is the only language spoken with any frequency in this evil land.