On occasion, adventurers will want to hack through light walls, roofs, or other solid constructions. The houses of the Old World are quite substantial, but many internal walls are light partitions, often simple plaster-work over a base of interwoven twigs. Peasant huts, out-houses, and animal enclosures may be made up entirely of this sort of stuff. Roofing material varies, but tiles, slates, and that are all widely used. All can be bashed in or cut through fairly readily.
Hacking Through Walls[]
Stone, brick, and similar constructions cannot be hacked through with weapons. Picks, mattocks, or specialised 'seige' equipment will be necessary to breach a wall made from these materials. Other walls may be assaulted with normal weaponry. The normal combat procedure is used, with buildings - being immobile - treated as prone targets (hits are automatic and cause double damage). Walls have the following T values:
Solid timber wall | 7 |
Light wood wall | 6 |
Wattle and daub | 5 |
Thatch | 5 |
Wooden floor | 7 |
Clay floor | 7 |
Reed or matting floor | 6 |
Work out damage as normal for each hit: roll a D6, add the attacker's S and deduct the wall's T, then double the result.
To make a hole big enough for a man-sized character to squeeze through, a total of 10 damage points must be caused to a single area of the construction. A Halfling or character with Contortionist skill can squeeze through on 5, but Dwarfs require 10. Holes of this kind would not usually endanger the construction in any way and the damage caused to the building is ignored.
Destroying Buildings[]
Damage to buildings should be considered for individual eight yard by eight yard sections of building or eight yard sections of wall. Damage can then be allocated to particular parts of a building and, in the event of collapse, only that section will fall down. After all, an entire castle doesn't tumble down just because you knock out a tower or breach a wall.
Building sections can be worked out on the spur of the moment. There is no need to be exact. Most small houses can be thought of as being a single section, most large houses as two. Where houses are very large, with multiple wings, it is easiest to divide the wings up seperately. Similarly, towers should be considered as seperate sections.
Building sections have a number of damage points and will collapse once this amount of damage has been caused.
Construct |
Toughness |
Damage |
Mud/straw hut |
7 |
15 |
Light wooden shack |
7 |
20 |
Timber building |
7 |
30 |
Stone/brick building |
10 |
50 |
Stone/brick wall |
6 |
10 |
Wooden fence |
6 |
15 |
Improvised barricade |
6 |
15 |
Damage From Falling Buildings[]
Destroyed sections of buildings or wall sections will fall in a direction determined by the gamesmaster, bearing in mind the damage caused and the positions of additional supporting walls or structures. Any characters inside a collapsing building receive D6 hits from a S 3 attack and may also suffer damage from falling if on an upper floor.