Carrion were once great birds of prey inhabiting the northern fringes of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Now they are scarcely recognisable, having been captured and warped by Chaos into their present form. These great Undead birds now serve the forces of Chaos as aerial scouts and fighters. Occasionally, they will carry a rider - typically a small Chaos Goblin or mutant armed with a lance and a bow. They cannot carry heavier riders.
In combat, Carrion attack with two claws and one bite per round.
Carrion are skeletal flying beasts, mostly birdlike, but with membranous wings and tails, reminiscent of bats or pterodactyls. They stand about 7 feet high, with a wingspan of 15-20 feet.
Psychological Traits[]
Carrion cause fear in living creatures and are immune to psychological effects themselves. When not carrying a rider, they are subject to instability.
Special Rules[]
Despite their tattered-looking wings, Carrion fly as swoopers and the M score given here is for ground movement. Carrion without riders can carry one creature of Goblin size or smaller in their talons. To snatch such a victim from the ground requires a successful hit with both claws. A favourite tactic is to drop the victim from a great height.