Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Couronne is a great spa city, a marketplace for agricultural produce from the fertile Sannez valley and a mighty fortress. Here, wheat, wine, and meat from the surrounding areas are traded for luxurious silks and spices bought by traders from Magritta in Estalia to the south. But Couronne is most famous for its numerous springs and natural baths, whose steaming waters are said to have magical powers. On one of these springs stands the greatest temple to Shallya, Goddess of Healing, to which pilgrims hobble, crawl, or are carried from every corner of the Old World. Couronne lies upon the gentle sloping hills of the east bank of the river, the west bank sheltering a sprawling and insanitary suburb, docklands, and countless places of refuge for the lawless and impoverished. The town's watch refuse to enter this area (known as 'the Cesspit'), so that it has become wholly given over to the criminal and downtrodden members of Bretonnian society.

By virtue of its natural springs, the city within the walls is surprisingly clean by Bretonnian standards. Most large houses have their own basement hot-spring and water supply, whose constant flowings disperse the foul air and filth normally associated with Bretonnian settlements. Subterranean culverts direct the waters down into the Sannez in an ever-tumbling cascade, raising the water temperatures so much that the surrounding waters steam and, in the winter, the docks remain permanently ice-free. In Couronne, even the poor have a certain wholesome appearance.
