A character or creature can absorb damage up to its W total without incurring any penalties - the W characteristic represents a 'buffer level' and damage up to this level is rarely serious. Damage which reduces W to zero or below is a far more serious matter. Blows which do this are calledd critical hits and it is these hits which will usually determine the final outcome of a combat.
When a character takes a critical hit, the GM rolls a D100 and consults the critical chart. As well as the result of the D100 roll, the GM also needs to know the critical hit level. This is equal to the victim's negative W score after the damage from the blow has been applied. For example, if a character has been reduced to 2 W in a fight and then suffers a further 5 points of damage, this hit is a level 3 critical. The first two points of damage reduce his W to zero, leaving three points of critical damage.
Once a character's W score has been reduced to zero, it never gets any lower - instead, all damage is critical. So, having survived the level 3 critical in the last round, the character's W are at zero. He takes another hit, which causes 2 points of damage. His W score remains at zero and he suffers a level 2 critical hit.
Detailed Criticals and Sudden Death[]
The Critcal Hit Chart can be read in two ways. The numbers refer to detailed critical hit results, which make up most of these rules. Find the right section for the type of damage and the hit location affected and read the description against the number.
Detailed critical hits are dramatic and colourful, but there will be times when a more straightforward result is needed, in which case the different markings on the chart are used to give a sudden death result. Sudden death criticals are also used when checking for the result of blood loss caused by a previous detailed critical result.
Blood Loss[]
Some detailed critical results cause a character to lose blood at a certain rate per round until medical attention is received. W lost from bleeding are always dealt with using the sudden death critical system. If a character takes a critical hit and loses blood in the same round, the GM may choose whether to deal with the results together under the sudden death critical system or seperately, with a detailed result for the new critical and a sudden death result for the bleeding.
For example, a character's level 2 critical mentioned in an earlier paragraph results in a bleeding wound, from which he will lose 1 W per round until medical attention is received. As if that weren't bad enough, in the next round, he is hit for 4 points of damage. If the GM decides to deal with both together, he faces a level 5 sudden death critical.
Otherwise, the blow that landed that round is treated as a level 4 detailed critical and, if he survives that, he also has to face a level 1 sudden death critical. Sudden death criticals for bleeding are always dealt with last in the round, since they represent the cumulative effect of blood loss that has taken place over the whole of the round.
Sudden Death Critical Results[]
A fleeing victim must move directly away from combat or from any other source of danger, as quickly as possible. At the GM's option, sentient victims may be permitted a Cl test (modified by the severity of the character's wounds and any other relevant circumstances); those who make the test may choose whether to stage a fighting retreat (or at least back away) or whether to simply turn tail and run, allowing their opponent a free blow at their retreating back. Those who did fail the test will always turn and run (limp, hop, stagger, crawl) directly away.
Critical Hit Chart[]
Critical Level | ||||||
D100 roll |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 or more |
01-10 |
1 |
3 |
5 |
7 |
11* |
14** |
11-20 |
2 |
4 |
6 |
9* |
13** |
15** |
21-30 |
3 |
5 |
8* |
14* |
16** |
16** |
31-40 |
4 |
7 |
10* |
13* |
15** |
15** |
41-50 |
5 |
9* |
14* |
16** |
16** |
16** |
51-60 |
7 |
12* |
15** |
15** |
15** |
15** |
61-70 |
9* |
16** |
16** |
16** |
16** |
16** |
71-80 |
11* |
15** |
15** |
15** |
15** |
15** |
81-90 |
16** |
16** |
16** |
16** |
16** |
16** |
91-00 |
15** |
15** |
15** |
15** |
15** |
15** |
**The victim is dead. |
Critical Effects[]
Sharp Hand Weapons[]
Arm | |
1 | Your blow grazes your opponent's arm, causing them to drop anything held in that hand. |
2 | Your blow skins your opponent's knuckles, painfully but not seriously. The arm may be used normally, but anything held in the hand is dropped. |
3 | Your blow opens a small cut on your opponent's forearm, incapacitating the hand for the next round and causing anything being held in the hand to be dropped. |
4 | Your blow strikes the back of your opponent's hand. Anything held in that hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next D4 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -10 penalty. |
5 | Your blow gashes your opponent's forearm. Anything held in that hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -20 penalty. |
6 | Your blow jabs painfully into your opponent's shoulder, slipping between any pieces of armour worn there. Anything held in that hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -20 penalty. |
7 | Your blow opens a deep wound in your opponent's forearm. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow carves into your opponent's shoulder, laying it open to the bone. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the whole arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's lower arm, breaking the bones there. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's upper arm, breaking the bones there. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
11 | Your blow strikes your opponent's hand, severing D3 fingers. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until medical attention is received. Your opponent's Dex is permanently reduced by 5 points per finger lost and any future Dex advances are +5 rather than +10. The GM may decide to impose additional penalties to tests relating to manual skills, depending on the nature of the skill. |
12 | Your blow cuts off your opponent's hand at the wrist and blood gushes from the wound at a rate of D4 W per round until staunched. Anything held in the hand is dropped and your opponent falls to the ground unconscious. The loss of one hand halves Dex permanently and means that all future Dex advances are +5 instead of +10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual skills, according to the circumstances and the nature of the skill. |
13 | Your blow severs your opponent's arm at the elbow and blood gushes from the wound at the rate of D4 W per round until staunched. Your opponent falls to the ground unconscious. The loss of the lower arm halves Dex permanently and means that all future Dex advances are +5 instead of +10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual skills, according to the circumstances and the nature of the skill. |
14 | Your blow severs your opponent's arm at the shoulder and blood cascades from the wound at a rate of D6 W per round until staunched. Your opponent falls to the ground unconscious. The loss of an arm reduces Dex by 60% permanently and means that all future Dex advances are +5 instead of +10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual skills, according to the circumstances and the nature of the skill. |
15 | Your blow severs a major artery. Death from shock and blood loss is instantaneous. |
16 | Your opponent's arm drops to the ground in a welter of blood. Your opponent staggers backwards for D3 yards and falls dead. |
Head | |
1 | Your opponent ducks as your weapon whistles past at head-height, losing nothing but the tip of an ear or a helmet plume. Next round, your opponent is off-balance and may do nothing except parry. |
2 | A glancing blow stuns your opponent, who may do nothing except parry for the next round. |
3 | A cut to the side of the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing except parry for the next D4 rounds. |
4 | A blow to the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing for the next round. |
5 | A solid blow to the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing for the next D4 rounds. |
6 | A blow to the head stuns your opponent, who is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held items. Your opponent counts as prone for the next round and may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds after that. |
7 | Your blow opens a flesh-wound in your opponent's scalp, causing blood to flow down into your opponent's eyes. All tests which require the use of vision (including 'to hit' rolls) are made at a penalty of -10 until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow shears into your opponent's jaw, breaking the jawbone and knocking out several teeth. Your opponent can do nothing except parry for the next round; the necessity to keep spitting out blood and tooth fragments cause your opponent to attack at -10 for the rest of the combat. It will leave an impressive scar, modifying the character's Ld and Fel tests by +/-10, at the GM's option, according to the circumstances. |
9 | Your opponent loses an eye (determine which one randomly, if necessary). Your opponent may do nothing the next round and attacks at -10 until medical attention is received. Any sight-related skills are lost, including Night Vision bonuses, and BS is reduced by 20 points, subject to a minimum score of 5. |
10 | Your opponent is concussed and slumps to the ground, unable to move. Unconsciousness lasts for D4 hours or until medical attention is received. |
11 | Your opponent is severely concussed and is unconscious for D10 hours or until medical attention is received. On regaining consciousness, your opponent must make a successful T test or lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of lasting brain damage. |
12 | Your blow severs your opponent's carotid artery, drenching both of you in a fountain of blood. Your opponent collapses and will bleed to death in D4 rounds unless medical attention is received. |
13 | Your blow cleaves open your opponent's skull, causing them to collapse instantly. Your opponent will die in D4 rounds unless medical attention is received and must make a successful T test at a -20 penalty or lose D3x10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of permanent brain damage. |
14 | Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's skull. Your opponent dies almost instantly. |
15 | Your blow slices your opponent's skull almost completely in half and, unless you make a successful WS test, it will take you the whole of the next round to pull it free. Death is instant. |
16 | Your opponent's head flies off in a random direction, landing 2D6 feet away. |
Body | |
1 | Your blow nicks your opponent's chest, but not seriously. Your opponent is winded by the force of the blow and may only parry for the next round. |
2 | Your blow makes a shallow cut in your opponent's groin. Doubled up in agony, your opponent may do nothing for the next round. |
3 | Your blow cuts into your opponent's chest, jarring a rib. Your opponent is knocked to the ground and may only parry for the next D4 rounds until he regains his feet. |
4 | Your blow makes a painful cut into your opponent's abdomen. By some miracle, you miss any vital organs, but your opponent collapses in pain, dropping any hand-held items, and may do nothing (except parry with a shield, if applicable) for the next D4 rounds until he regains his feet. |
5 | Your blow cuts your opponent deeply across the ribs, throwing him D3 feet backward and knocking him to the ground. Your opponent is stunned and counts as prone for D4 rounds and, thereafter, may only parry for D4 rounds until back on his feet. |
6 | Your blow breaks some of your opponent's ribs. Your opponent may take no action for the next round and, thereafter, suffers a -10 penalty to all attacks (and to other actions at the GM's discretion) until medical attention is received. |
7 | Your blow snaps your opponent's collar-bone. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's side, severing muscles and sinews. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, until medical attention is received. Your opponent is knocked the ground and remains prone for D4 rounds and must make a successful I test every round thereafter or remain prone; passing the test means that your opponent may only parry for the next D4 rounds while regaining his feet. All movement- and agility-based skills are lost until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's abdomen and your opponent collapses unconscious, losing 1 W per round to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your blow slides between your opponent's ribs and punctures a lung, causing it to collapse. Your opponent falls unconscious, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. Even then, your opponent will be totally incapacitated for at least 10 weeks and loses 1 point of T permanently. |
11 | Your blow pierces your opponent's abdomen, causing internal injuries. Your opponent falls to the ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a T test each round or pass out. Medical attention will allow movement at half the cautious rate and all physical characteristics are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any skills involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. |
12 | Your blow bites into your opponent's spine. Your opponent falls to the ground, unable to do anything until medical attention is received, and makes a successful T test or be permanently paralysed from the waist down. If the test is successful, recovery is as for result 11 above. |
13 | Your blow pierces your opponent's abdomen, causing internal injuries. Your opponent falls to the ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a T test each round or pass out. In addition, your opponent loses D4 W per round to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Recovery takes 10 weeks, but is otherwise as for result 11 above. |
14 | Your blow slips between your opponent's ribs, piercing the heart and causing death in a matter of seconds. |
15 | Your opponent is disembowelled and dies instantly. |
16 | Your opponent falls to the ground in two separate places. Death is instantaneous. |
Leg | |
1 | A glancing blow to the calf makes your opponent stumble, dropping any hand-held object unless a successful Dex test is made. |
2 | A glancing blow unbalances your opponent, who may only parry for the next round. |
3 | Your blow causes a flesh-wound to your opponent's calf. Your opponent is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held object unless a successful Dex test is made. Your opponent may only parry for the next D4 rounds until back upright again, provided he is still holding something to parry with. |
4 | Your blow causes a shallow but painful cut. Your opponent's M and I are halved for D4 rounds. |
5 | Your blow cuts into your opponent's ankle, damaging the hamstring and requiring an I test to avoid being knocked down, as in result 3 above. M and I are halved until medical attention is received. |
6 | Your blow cuts into your opponent's hip, damaging muscles and tendons and requiring a test against half I to avoid being knocked down, as in result 3 above. M and I are halved until medical attention is received. |
7 | Your blow strikes your opponent's calf, severing the hamstring. Your opponent is knocked down (see result 3 above) and M and I are halved until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow opens a deep wound in the leg, severely damaging muscle tendons and blood vessels. Your opponent is knocked down (see result 3 above) and loses 1 W per round to heavy bleeding until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your blow cuts into your opponent's thigh, severing a major blood vessel. Your opponent is knocked down (see result 3 above) and loses D4 W per round to heavy bleeding until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your blow opens a gaping wound in your opponent's leg, almost cutting it off. Your opponent is knocked down (see result 3 above) and loses D4 W per round to heavy bleeding until medical attention is received. Medical attention will allow movement at half the cautious rate and all physical characteristics are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any skills involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. |
11 | Your opponent stares for a second at blood gushing from the stump of an ankle, before falling to the ground, unconscious, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. Loss of a foot halves M and I permanently. The cost of advances to those characteristics and of movement-related skills is doubled. |
12 |
Your blow lops off your opponent's leg at the knee. Your opponent collapses, losing D4 W per round from bleeding until medical attention is received. Loss of the lower leg imposes the same penalties as in result 11 above. |
13 | Your blow amputates your opponent's leg at the hip. Your opponent collapses, losing D6 W per round from bleeding until medical attention is received. Lost of the leg halves M and I permanently. The cost of advances to those characteristics is tripled and the character loses all movement-related skills and may not regain them. |
14 | Your blow severs your opponent's femoral artery, showering blood over a wide area. Death from blood loss is almost instant. |
15 | Your blow amputates your opponent's leg and your opponent collapses, hitting his head on the ground or some protruding object with enough force to cave in the skull. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | Your blow amputates your opponent's leg and carries on into the groin. Death from shock, blood loss, and internal damage is almost instantaneous. |
Blunt Hand Weapons[]
Arm | |
1 | Your blow bruises your opponent's arm, making them to drop anything held in that hand. |
2 | Your blow skins your opponent's knuckles, painfully but not seriously. The arm may be used normally, but anything held in the hand is dropped. |
3 | Your blow jars your opponent's forearm, incapacitating it for the next round and making them drop anything held in the hand. |
4 | Your blow smashes into the back of your opponent's hand. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next D4 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -10 penalty. |
5 | Your blow severely bruises your opponent's forearm. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -20 penalty. |
6 | Your blow smashes painfully into your opponent's shoulder. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -20 penalty. |
7 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's forearm, dislocating the bones there. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's shoulder, dislocating it. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's lower arm, breaking the bones there. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until healed. Broken bones take D6+6 weeks to heal and, if not set by a character with medical skill, they have a 50% chance of setting crooked, reducing the character's Dex by up to half, at the GM's discretion. |
10 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's upper arm, breaking the bone. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until healed, as in result 9 above. |
11 | Your blow strikes your opponent's hand, breaking D3 fingers. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until healed, as in result 9 above. |
12 | Your blow shatters your opponent's hand. Splinters of bone sever arteries and poke through the skin, losing blood at the rate of 1 W per round until treated. Anything held in the hand is dropped and your opponent may do nothing until treated. The hand is useless until the bones heal. The severe damage imposes a -20 modifier to all medical treatment rolls; failure means that the hand is useless and failure by more than 30 points means it must be amputated. The loss of one hand halves Dex permanently and means all future Dex advances are at +5 instead of +10. The GM may add further penalties to manual skill tests, according to the circumstances and the nature of the skill. |
13 | Your blow shatters your opponent's arm at the elbow, causing a compound fracture which bleeds at D4 W per round until treated. Your opponent can do nothing until treated and medical treatment has a -20 modifier from the severity of the fracture. The lower arm is incapacitated until the bones heal, as in 9 above. Failed medical treatment results in a permanently useless arm. |
14 | Your blow shatters your opponent's shoulder and upper arm. Compound fractures cause internal bleeding at the rate of D6 W per round until medical attention is received. Your opponent can do nothing until treated. Medical treatment has a -20 modifier from the severity of the fracture. The arm is incapacitated until the bones heal and failed medical treatment results in a permanently useless arm, as in result 12 above. |
15 | Your blow shatters bones and a sharp fragment severs a major artery. Death from shock and blood loss is instantaneous. |
16 | Your blow smashes your opponent's arm and drives the wreckage into their chest cavity, destroying internal organs. Your opponent is thrown D3 yards by the blow and falls dead. |
Head | |
1 | Your opponent ducks as your weapon whistles past at head-height, barely making contact. Next round, your opponent is off-balance and may do nothing except parry. |
2 | A glancing blow stuns your opponent, who may do nothing except parry for the next round. |
3 | A blow to the side of the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing except parry for the next D4 rounds. |
4 | A blow to the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing for the next round. |
5 | A solid blow to the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing for the next D4 rounds. |
6 | A blow to the head stuns your opponent, who is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held items. Your opponent counts as prone for the next round and may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds after that. |
7 | Your blow slightly dazes your opponent. All tests (including 'to hit' rolls) are made at a -10 penalty until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow smashes your opponent's jaw, breaking the jawbone and knocking out teeth. Your opponent can do nothing except parry for the next round; the necessity to keep spitting out blood and tooth fragments cause your opponent to attack at -10 for the rest of the combat. The wound will leave an impressive scar, modifying the character's Ld and Fel tests by +/-10, at the GM's option, according to the circumstances. |
9 | Your opponent loses an eye (determine which one randomly, if necessary). Your opponent may do nothing the next round and attacks at -10 until medical attention is received. Any sight-related skills are lost, including Night Vision bonuses, and BS is reduced by 20 points, subject to a minimum score of 5. |
10 | Your opponent is concussed and slumps to the ground, unable to move. Unconsciousness lasts for D4 hours or until medical attention is received. |
11 | Your opponent is severely concussed and is unconscious for D10 hours or until medical attention is received. On regaining consciousness, your opponent must make a successful T test or lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of lasting brain damage. |
12 | Your blow fractures your opponent's skull, causing a brain haemmorage. Your opponent collapses and will bleed to death in D4 rounds unless medical attention is received. On regaining consciousness, your opponent must make a successful T test or lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of lasting brain damage. |
13 | Your blow smashes your opponent's skull, causing them to collapse instantly. Your opponent will die in D4 rounds unless medical attention is received and must make a successful T test at a -20 penalty or lose D3x10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of permanent brain damage. |
14 | Your blow snaps your opponent's neck. Your opponent dies almost instantly. |
15 | Your blow shatters opponent's skull, spattering both of you with blood and brains. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | Your opponent's head flies off in a random direction, landing 2D6 feet away. |
Body | |
1 | Your opponent is winded by the force of your blow and may only parry for the next round. |
2 | Your blow lands in your opponent's groin. Doubled up in agony, your opponent may do nothing at all for the next round. |
3 | Your blow hits your opponent's chest, bruising a few ribs. Your opponent is knocked to the ground and may only parry for the next D4 rounds until he regains his feet. |
4 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's abdomen. Your opponent collapses in pain, dropping any hand-held items, and may do nothing (except parry with a shield, if applicable) for the next D4 rounds until he regains his feet. |
5 | Your blow severely winds your opponent, throwing him D3 feet backward and knocking him to the ground. Your opponent is stunned and counts as prone for D4 rounds and thereafter may only parry for another D4 rounds until back on his feet. |
6 | Your blow breaks some of your opponent's ribs. Your opponent may take no action for the next round and thereafter must suffer a -10 penalty to all attacks (and to any other actions, at the GM's discretion) until medical attention is received. |
7 | Your blow snaps your opponent's collar-bone. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's side, breaking ribs and bruising internal organs. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, until medical attention is received. Your opponent is knocked to the ground and remains prone for D4 rounds and must make a successful I test every round thereafter or remain prone; passing the test means that your opponent may only parry for the next D4 rounds while regaining his feet. All movement- and agility-based skills are lost until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's abdomen and your opponent collapses unconscious, losing 1 W per round to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your blow fractures one of your opponent's ribs and drives a bone splinter into a lung, causing it to collapse. Your opponent falls unconscious, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. Even then, your opponent will be totally incapacitated for at least 10 weeks and loses 1 point of T permanently. |
11 | Your blow causes severe internal injuries. Your opponent falls to the ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a T test each round or pass out. Medical attention will allow movement at half the cautious rate and all physical characteristics are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any skills involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. |
12 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's spine. Your opponent falls to the ground, unable to do anything until medical attention is received and must make a successful T test or be permanently paralysed from the waist down. If the test is successful, recovery is as for result 11 above. |
13 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's abdomen, rupturing a kidney and causing severe internal bleeding. Your opponent falls to the ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a T test each round or pass out. In addition, your opponent loses D4 W per round to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Recovery takes 10 weeks, but is otherwise as for result 11 above. |
14 | Your blow caves in your opponent's chest, bursting the heart and causing death in a matter of seconds. |
15 | Your opponent's abdomen is reduced to pulp. Death from multiple organ failure and massive internal bleeding is instantaneous. |
16 | Your opponent's spine is shattered. He falls to the ground, twitches for a second, and is still. |
Leg | |
1 | A glancing blow to the calf makes your opponent stumble, dropping any hand-held object unless a successful Dex test is made. |
2 | A glancing blow unbalances your opponent, who may only parry for the next round. |
3 | Your blow lands heavily on your opponent's foot. Your opponent's M and I are halved for the next round and he may only parry (and hop and curse) for that time. |
4 | Your opponent is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held object unless a successful Dex test is made. Your opponent may only parry for the next D4 rounds until upright again. |
5 | Your blow hits a nerve centre, deadening the leg. Your opponent's M and I are halved for D4 rounds. |
6 | Your blow dislocates your opponent's ankle, requiring an I test to avoid being knocked down, as in result 4 above. M and I are halved until medical attention is received. |
7 | Your blow dislocates your opponent's knee, requiring a test against half I to avoid being knocked down, as in result 4 above. M and I are halved until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow dislocates your opponent's hip, requiring a test against half I to avoid being knocked down, as in result 4 above. M and I are halved until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your blow strikes your opponent's shin, breaking the bones of the lower leg. Your opponent is knocked down (see result 4 above) and the leg is incapacitated until the bones heal. Broken bones take D6+6 weeks to heal and, if not attended by a character with medical skill, they have a 50% chance of setting crooked, reducing the character's M and I by up to half, at the GM's discretion. |
10 | Your blow breaks your opponent's femur. Your opponent is knocked down (see result 4 above) and loses 1 W point per round to heavy bleeding until medical attention is received. The leg is incapacitated until the bone heals, as in result 9 above. |
11 | Your blow shatters the bones of your opponent's foot, with shards of bone piercing several blood vessels and causing internal bleeding. Your opponent falls to the ground, unconscious, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. The bones heal as in result 9 above, but, if they do not set well, the foot and ankle will be fused rigid, reducing M and I to three-quarters of their former values permanently. The cost of advances to those characteristics and of movement-related skills is doubled. |
12 | Your blow smashes your opponent's knee. Your opponent collapses, losing D4 W per round from internal bleeding until medical attention is received. The bones heal as in result 11 above. |
13 | Your blow shatters your opponent's hip. Your opponent collapses, losing D6 W per round from internal bleeding until medical attention is received. The bones heal as in result 11 above. |
14 | Your blow smashes your opponent's femur and pelvis, driving a sharp bone fragment into your opponent's femoral artery. Death from shock and internal bleeding is almost instant. |
15 | Your blow smashes your opponent's leg and your opponent collapses, hitting his head on the ground or some protruding object with enough force to cave in the skull. |
16 | Your blow smashes through your opponent's leg and carries on into the groin. Death from shock, blood loss, and internal damage is almost instantaneous. |
Teeth and Claws[]
Arm | |
1 | The attack grazes the victim's arm, causing them to drop anything held in that hand. |
2 | The attack scratches across the victim's knuckles, painfully but not seriously. The arm may be used normally, but anything held in the hand is dropped. |
3 | The victim's forearm is heavily scratched, incapacitating the hand for the next round and causing anything held in it to be dropped. |
4 | The victim's hand and wrist are heavily scratched. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next D4 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -10 penalty. |
5 | The attack causes several deep scratches on the victim's forearm. Anything held in that hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -20 penalty. |
6 | The victim's shoulder is mauled. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -20 penalty. |
7 | The victim's forearm is mauled. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
8 | The attack shreds the flesh of the victim's shoulder, laying it open to the bone. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
9 | The victim's lower arm is seriously mauled. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
10 | The victim's upper arm is seriously mauled. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
11 | The victim's hand and wrist are badly mauled or chewed, resulting in the loss of D3 fingers. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until medical attention is received. The victim's Dex is permanently reduced by 5 points per finger lost and any future Dex advances are +5 rather than +10. The GM may decide to impose additional penalties to tests relating to manual skills, depending on the nature of the skill. |
12 | The victim's hand is either shredded by claws or bitten off at the wrist. Blood gushes from the wound at a rate of D4 W per round until staunched. Anything held in the hand is dropped and your opponent falls to the ground unconscious. The loss of one hand halves Dex permanently and means that all future Dex advances are +5 instead of +10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual skills, according to the circumstances and the nature of the skill. |
13 | The victim's arm is completely shredded below the elbow and blood gushes from the wound at the rate of D4 W per round until staunched. The victim falls to the ground unconscious. The loss of the lower arm halves Dex permanently and means that all future Dex advances are +5 instead of +10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual skills, according to the circumstances and the nature of the skill. |
14 | The victim's shoulder is so badly mauled that that the arm is torn off. Blood cascades from the wound at a rate of D6 W per round until staunched. The victim falls to the ground unconscious. The loss of an arm reduces Dex by 60% permanently and means that all future Dex advances are +5 instead of +10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual skills, according to the circumstances and the nature of the skill. |
15 | A major artery is clawed or bitten through. Death from shock and blood loss is instantaneous. |
16 | A welter of blood pumps from the ruins of the victim's arm. The victim staggers backward for D3 yards and then falls dead. |
Head | |
1 | The victim ducks away from a snap or a slash, losing nothing but the tip of an ear or a helmet plume. Next round, your opponent is off-balance and may do nothing except parry. |
2 | A glancing blow (or fetid breath) stuns the victim, who may do nothing except parry for the next round. |
3 | A cuff to the side of the head (or the biting off of an ear) stuns the victim, who may do nothing except parry for the next D4 rounds. |
4 | A raking blow to the head stuns the victim, who may do nothing for the next round. |
5 | A solid blow to the head stuns the victim, who may do nothing for the next D4 rounds. |
6 | A blow to the head stuns the victim, who is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held items. The victim counts as prone for the next round and may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds after that. |
7 | The attack opens a series of flesh-wounds in the victim's scalp, causing blood to flow down into the victim's eyes. All tests which require the use of vision (including 'to hit' rolls) are made at a penalty of -10 until medical attention is received. |
8 | The victim's jaw is broken and several teeth are knocked out. The victim can do nothing except parry for the next round; the necessity to keep spitting out blood and tooth fragments causes the victim to attack at -10 for the rest of the combat. This wound will leave an impressive scar, modifying the character's Ld and Fel tests by +/-10, at the GM's option, according to the circumstances. |
9 | The victim loses an eye (determine which one randomly, if necessary). The victim may do nothing the next round and attacks at -10 until medical attention is received. Any sight-related skills are lost, including Night Vision bonuses, and BS is reduced by 20 points, subject to a minimum score of 5. |
10 | The victim is concussed and slumps to the ground, unable to move. Unconsciousness lasts for D4 hours or until medical attention is received. |
11 | The victim is severely concussed and is unconscious for D10 hours or until medical attention is received. On regaining consciousness, the victim must make a successful T test or lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of lasting brain damage. |
12 | The attack slashes or bites open the victim's carotid artery, drenching both combatants in a fountain of blood. The victim collapses and will bleed to death in D4 rounds unless medical attention is received. |
13 | A crushing blow or bite cracks open the victim's skull. The victim collapses, dying in D4 rounds unless medical attention is received, and must make a successful T test at a -20 penalty or lose D3x10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of permanent brain damage. |
14 | The victim's throat is utterly shredded. Death is almost instantaneous. |
15 | The victim's neck is clawed or bitten right through, crushing the vertebrae of the neck and breaking the spinal cord. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | The victim's head is clawed or bitten right off. Death is instantaneous. |
Body | |
1 | Your blow crashes into the chest. Winded, your opponent may do nothing except parry in the next round. |
2 | Your blow strikes the groin. Doubled up in agony, your opponent may do nothing at all for the next round. |
3 | Your blow strikes the chest. Knocked to the ground, your opponent may only parry for the next D4 rounds until back upright. |
4 | Your blow lands with some force in the groin. Your opponent is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held object, and may do nothing except parry with a shield (if applicable) for the next D4 rounds until upright again. |
5 | Your blow lifts your opponent into the air and then to the ground. Your opponent is stunned for D4 rounds, counting as a prone target, and may only parry for another D4 rounds until back upright. |
6 | Your blow smashes several ribs. Your opponent may do nothing for the next round and attacks at -10 until medical attention is received. |
7 | Your blow smashes your opponent's collar-bone. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points as appropriate until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow fractures your opponent's hip. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points as appropriate and M allowance is halved until medical attention is received. Your opponent must test I each round or fall over (counts as a prone target, may only parry for the next D4 rounds until upright). Skills such as Acrobatics, Dance, Flee!, Trick Riding, and Scale Sheer Surface are lost until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your blow strikes the abdomen and your opponent collapses unconscious, losing 1 W per round through internal bleeding until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your opponent's ribs are shattered and a shard of bone is driven into one lung, causing it to collapse. Your opponent falls unconscious, losing D4 W per round through internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Even then, your opponent will be totally incapacitated for at least 10 weeks and loses 1 point of T permanently. |
11 | Your blow smashes into your opponent's abdomen, causing internal injuries. Your opponent falls to the ground in extreme pain, only able to parry, and must test T each round or pass out. Medical attention will allow movement at half the cautious rate and all characteristics are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any skills involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. |
12 | Your blow crunches into the spine. Knocked to the ground, your opponent may do nothing until medical attention is received and must test against T or be permanently paralysed from the waist down. |
13 | Your blow shatters the pelvis. Your opponent falls to the ground and may only parry. The pain halves all characteristics and D4 W are lost per round through internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Recovery takes 10 weeks and skills involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. |
14 | Your blow caves in your opponent's chest, rupturing several internal organs and causing death in a matter of seconds. |
15 | Your opponent's abdominal cavity ruptures, spilling entrails over a wide area. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | Your blow smashes your opponent's spine and abdomen, tearing muscle and shattering bone so that yoru opponent falls to the ground in two seperate places. |
Leg | |
1 | A glancing blow to the calf makes your opponent stumble, dropping any hand-held object unless a successful Dex test is made. |
2 | Your blow trips your opponent, who may only parry for the next round. |
3 | Your blow knocks your opponent to the ground, jarring any hand-held object loose unless a Dex test is passed. Your opponent may only parry for the next D4 rounds until back upright and then only if still in possession of a weapon or shield. |
4 | Your blow numbs your opponent's leg. Movement allowance and I are halved for D4 rounds. |
5 | Your blow strikes the target's ankle, dislocating it. Movement allowance and I are halved until medical attention is received; your opponent must pass an I test or be knocked down (see 3). |
6 | Your blow strikes your opponent's hip, dislocating the leg. Movement allowance and I are halved until medical attention is received; your opponent must pass a test on half I or be knocked down (see 3). |
7 | Your blow strikes the target's shin, shattering the bones. Your opponent is knocked down (see 3) and movement allowance and I are halved until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your blow opens a deep wound in the leg, cutting through muscle and sinew. Your opponent is knocked down (see 3) and loses 1 W per round from heavy bleeding. Roll all criticals on the Sudden Death Critical Chart below. |
9 | The target's thigh is smashed and an artery is severed. Your opponent falls to the ground (see 3) and may only rise when a successful I test is made. Additionally, the target loses 1 W per round until medical attention is received. Roll all criticals on the Sudden Death Critical Chart below. |
10 | There is a sickening crunch as your weapon smashes the bones of the target's hip and thigh. Your opponent is swept to the floor (see 3), dropping anything hand-held, and loses D4 W per round until medical attention is received. Roll all criticials on the Sudden Death Critical Chart below. Your opponent may only stand and walk if supported by at least one other character. |
11 | Your opponent stares with horror as blood pumps from the mangled stump of the ankle, then falls unconscious to the ground, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. Roll all criticals on the Sudden Death Critical Chart below. |
12 |
Your blow tears off your opponent's leg at the knee, splintering bone and mangling flesh. Your opponent collapses and may do nothing until medical attention is obtained. D4 W are lost per round meanwhile. Roll all criticals on the Sudden Death Critical Chart below. |
13 | Your blow shatters the pelvis. Your opponent falls to the ground (see 3). The pain halves all characteristics and D4 W are lost per round through internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Roll all criticals on the Sudden Death Critical Chart below. Recovery takes 10 weeks and skills involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. |
14 | Your blow tears off your opponent's leg at the hip. Your opponent collapses and may do nothing until medical attention is obtained. D6 W are lost per round meanwhile. Roll all criticals on the Sudden Death Critical Chart below. |
15 | Your blow destroys your opponent's hip joint almost totally - the leg hangs limply, a mass of tattered and pulpy flesh with protruding fragments of bone. By chance, one of the bone splinters has severed a major artery and, after a fraction of a second, your opponent collapses, with blood pouring out from the ruined hip. Death from shock and blood loss is almost instantaneous. |
16 | Your blow smashes through the leg and into the pelvis, caving in the lower abdomen. Blood showers yourself and your opponent. Your opponent collapses dying almost instantly from shock and blood loss. |
Arrows and Bolts[]
Arm | |
1 | Your shot nicks the back of the hand slightly, causing your target to drop anything held in it. |
2 | Your shot opens a cut on your target's hand, causing no serious damage, but forcing anything held in the hand to be dropped. |
3 | Your shot strikes your target's hand, causing a superficial flesh wound. Any object held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next round only. |
4 | Your shot cuts your target's hand badly. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until medical attention is received |
5 | Your shot transfixes your target's hand. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
6 | Your shot strikes your opponent's arm, grazing the bone and severing nerves. The arm is incapactitated for D6 rounds, due to extreme pain. |
7 | Your shot tears into your target's shoulder, ripping the ligament. The arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your shot transfixes your target's arm, poking out on the other side. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
9 | Your shot strikes your target's forearm, slicing through ligaments. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm below the elbow is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your shot strikes your target's upper arm, embedding itself in the bicep. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
11 | Your target lets out a scream as your shot neatly removes D4 fingers. Anything held in the hand is dropped (along with the fingers). The target loses 1 W per round through blood loss until medical attention is received. Your target's Dex is permanently reduced by 5 points per finger lost and any future Dex advances are +5 rather than +10. The GM may decide to impose additional penalties to tests relating to manual skills, depending on the nature of the skill. |
12 | Your shot transfixes your target's wrist, severing an artery. Your target collapses and may do nothing until medical attention is received. D4 W are lost per round due to bleeding until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
13 | Your shot grazes the inside of your target's elbow, severing an artery. Your target collapses and may do nothing until medical attention is received. D4 W are lost per round due to bleeding until medical attention is received. |
14 | Your shot sinks deep into your target's shoulder, causing blood to begin leaking into a lung. Your target collapses and may do nothing until medical attention is received. D6 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
15 | Your shot passes through your target's arm, passing on into the chest cavity and striking the heart. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot grazes your target's shoulder and embeds itself in the neck. Death is almost instantaneous. |
Head | |
1 | Your shot nicks an ear, but does no serious damage. Your target may only parry next round. |
2 | Your shot grazes your target's temple. Your target is stunned and may do nothing next round except parry. |
3 | Your shot takes the skin off one of your target's cheeks. Your target may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds. |
4 | Your shot strikes the top of the head and glances off the skull. Your target is dazed and may do nothing at all next round. |
5 | Your shot glances off your target's temple. Your target is dazed and may do nothing at all for the next D4 rounds. |
6 | Your shot strikes your target's forehead, but, for some reason, it glances off instead of penetrating. Your target is knocked down, counts as prone for the next round, and may do nothing except parry for a further D4 rounds. |
7 | Your shot slices off your target's nose. As well as impeding your target's sense of smell somewhat, the pain gives your target a -10 modifier to all rolls until medical attention is received. The loss of the nose reduces the character's Fel score by -20 permanently. |
8 | Your shot glances off your target's jawbone, shattering teeth and splitting gums on the way. Your target may do nothing except parry for the next round, following which your target attacks at -10 'to hit' until medical treatment is received. |
9 | Your shot glances off the bridge of the nose and punctures one of your target's eyes, destroying it totally. Your target may do nothing next round and attacks at -10 until medical attention is received. Any sight-related skills are lost (including Night Vision) and BS is reduced by 20%, to a minimum of 5. |
10 | Your shot smashes through your target's front teeth at an angle and exits through the jawbone beneath the ear. Your target falls to the ground unconscious and may do nothing for D4 hours or until medical attention is received, whichever is shorter. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
11 | Your shot strikes your target's forehead, fracturing the bone and driving it inwards towards the brain. Your target falls unconscious and may do nothing for D10 hours or until medical attention is received. Also, your target must test against T or forfeit 10 points from all percentage characteristics as a result of permanent brain damage. |
12 | Your shot nicks the carotid artery and blood sprays across a wide area. Your target falls to the ground and will die in D6 rounds unless medical attention is received. |
13 | Your shot strikes square on the nose, ripping its way through to penetrate the outer area of the brain. Your target falls to the ground and will die in D4 rounds unless medical attention is received. Additionally, your target must test against T or lose 10 points from all percentage characteristics due to permanent brain damage. |
14 | Your shot transfixes the neck, severing the spinal column. Your target collapses, gurgles, and then dies. |
15 | Your shot penetrates one of your target's eyes, going on into the brain. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot lands straight between your target's eyes. Death is instantaneous. |
Body | |
1 | Your target loses balance in an attempt to avoid your shot, which scrapes across your target's chest. Your target can do nothing except parry for next round while regaining balance. |
2 | Your shot nicks the groin, causing your target a great deal of pain. Your target may do nothing for the whole of the next round. |
3 | Your shot grazes the chest, glancing off a rib. Your target falls to the ground and may do nothing except parry for the next D4 rounds until upright again. |
4 | Your shot causes a serious flesh-wound in the groin. Your target is not able to do anything except parry with a shield (if he has one) for the next D4 rounds while staggering upright. |
5 | Your shot smashes into the chest, just below the shoulder, sending your target sprawling to the ground. Your target is stunned for D4 rounds and, thereafter, may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds while clambering upright. |
6 | Your shot strikes your target's abdomen: painful, but not serious. Your target attacks at -10 to hit until medical attention is received. |
7 | Your shot strikes your target's collarbone, fracturing it. The agony reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, until medical attention is obtained. |
8 | Your shot lodges itself between your target's ribs. All characteristics are reduced by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, and M is reduced by half until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
9 | Your shot embeds itself in your target's abdomen with a satisfying thunk. Your target loses consciousness and collapses to the ground, losing 1 W per round from internal bleeding until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
10 | Your shot punctures a lung. Your target falls unconscious, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. Even following this, your target will be totally incapacitated for at least 10 weeks and permanently loses 1 point of T. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
11 | Your shot rips its way into your target's abdomen, severely damaging several internal organs. Your target collapses in agony, unable to do anything until medical attention is received and losing D4 W per round. A test against T must be made each round in order to remain conscious. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
12 | Your shot strikes your target's spine, squeezing between the vertebrae to the spinal cord. Your target falls to the ground, may do nothing at all until medical attention is received, and must test against T or be permanently paralysed from the waist down. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in automatic paralysis from the waist down. |
13 | Your shot fractures the target's spine, lodging itself halfway through. Your target collapses unconscious. All characteristics are halved until a full recovery is made and D4 W are lost per round due to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. It takes 10 weeks for a full recovery to be made. Until then, all skills involving movement are lost. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in automatic paralysis from the waist down. |
14 | Your shot sinks into your target's abdomen, damaging several vital organs. Your target collapses, coughing up blood. Death is almost instantaneous. |
15 | Your shot totally destroys several of the vertebrae in your target's upper spine. The neck sags dangerously and then there is a snap. Death is almost instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot slips between the ribs to your target's heart, causing it to cease functioning instantly, along with its owner. |
Leg | |
1 | Your shot grazes the back of the calf, making your target stumble and drop any hand-held object unless they make a Dex test. |
2 | Your target loses balance while attempting to avoid your shot and may only parry in the next round. |
3 | Your shot grazes the thigh, causing your target to lose balance and fall to the ground. Any hand-held objects are dropped unless a Dex test is passed and your target may only parry for the next D4 rounds while clambering back upright. |
4 | Your shot slices into the leg with some force. Your target's M and I scores are halved for D4 rounds while hopping around in agony. |
5 | Your shot damages the tendons in your target's ankle, incapacitating it. M and I are halved until medical attention is obtained and your target must make an I test or fall down (see 3 above). |
6 | Your shot transfixes your target's calf. M and I are halved until medical attention is received. Your target must also test against I or go down (see 3 above). A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
7 | Your shot transfixes your target's thigh. M and I are halved until medical atttention is received. Your target must test against I or go down (see 3). Failure on any medical treatment roll to remove the missile means an extra D4 damage. |
8 | Your shot transfixes your target's foot, pinning it to the ground. All tests relating to movement are automatically failed until it is removed; until then, your target can only move in very small circles. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
9 | Your shot cuts deeply into the leg, tearing through the muscle and grazing the bone to emerge on the opposite side. Your target collapses (see 3 above) and loses 1 W per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
10 | Your shot sinks deep into the thigh, piercing a major blood vessel. Your target is knocked down (as for result 3 above) and may not get up until a successful I test is made. Your target loses 1 W per round until treated. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove the missile results in an extra D4 damage. |
11 | Your shot rips through the leg, piercing an artery. Your target crashes to the ground (as in result 3 above) and drops anything hand-held. D4 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. Your target may only stand or walk if supported by at least one other character. Failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile means an additional D4 damage. |
12 | Your shot completely destroys the ankle and your target collapses, only able to parry and losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
13 | Your shot crunches through your target's kneecap and out the other side, wrecking the knee. Your target falls to the ground, unconscious, from the pain. D4 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
14 | Your shot glances off the pelvis and lodges itself in your target's groin. Your target falls to the ground, unconscious, from the pain and D4 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your missile results in an additional D4 damage. |
15 | Your shot strikes a major blood vessel in the leg. Blood spatters everywhere and your target collapses to the ground. Death from shock and blood loss is almost instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot strikes your target's upper leg, grazing the pelvis and carrying on into the abdomen to cause terminal damage to several internal organs. Your target dies instantaneously from shock and blood loss. |
Arm | |
1 | Your shot grazes the back of the hand slightly, causing your target to drop anything held in it. |
2 | Your shot jars your target's hand, causing no serious damage, but forcing anything held in the hand to be dropped. |
3 | Your shot strikes your target's hand, causing a superficial flesh wound. Any object held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next round only. |
4 | Your shot passes cleanly through your target's hand. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until medical attention is received |
5 | Your shot strikes your target's hand, breaking some minor bones. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
6 | Your shot strikes your opponent's arm, grazing the bone. The arm is incapactitated for D6 rounds, due to extreme pain. |
7 | Your shot tears into your target's shoulder. The arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your shot penetrates your target's arm, tearing its way through the muscle. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your shot strikes your target's forearm, smashing the bone. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm below the elbow is incapacitated until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your shot strikes your target's upper arm, embedding itself in the bicep. Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
11 | Your target lets out a scream as your shot smashes D4 fingers. Anything held in the hand is dropped (along with the fingers). The target loses 1 W per round through blood loss until medical attention is received. Your target's Dex is permanently reduced by 5 points per finger lost and any future Dex advances are +5 rather than +10. The GM may decide to impose additional penalties to tests relating to manual skills, depending on the nature of the skill. |
12 | Your shot smashes the bones of your target's wrist. Blood sprays up your target's arm as mutiple arteries and veins are severed. Anything held in the hand is dropped and your target falls to the ground, unconscious, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. |
13 | Your shot strikes the elbow, shattering the bone and driving splinters through several arteries. Your target collapses and may do nothing until medical attention is received. D4 W are lost per round due to bleeding until medical attention is received. |
14 | Your shot sinks deep into your target's shoulder, shattering bones and rupturing blood vessels. Your target collapses and may do nothing until medical attention is received. D4 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. |
15 | Your shot strikes a major blood vessel and your target collapses to the ground. Death from shock and blood loss is almost instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot strikes the side of the shoulder, glancing off the shoulder-blade, and downward to the heart. Death is almost instantaneous. |
Head | |
1 | Your shot nicks an ear. Your target may only parry next round. |
2 | Your shot grazes your target's neck. Your target is stunned and may do nothing next round except parry. |
3 | Your shot glances off one of your target's cheekbones. Your target is stunned and may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds. |
4 | Your shot grazes your target's skull. Your target is dazed and may do nothing at all next round. |
5 | Your shot grazes your target's temple. Your target is dazed and may do nothing at all for the next D4 rounds. |
6 | Your shot glances off your target's forehead, knocking him down. Your target counts as prone for the next round and may do nothing except parry for a further D4 rounds. |
7 | Your shot blows off your opponent's nose. As well as impeding your target's sense of smell somewhat, the pain and obstruction to vision gives your target a -10 modifier to all 'to hit' rolls until medical attention is received. |
8 | Your shot strikes your target's jaw, shattering teeth and splitting gums. Your target may do nothing except parry for the next round, following which your target attacks at -10 'to hit' until medical treatment is received. |
9 | Your shot glances off the side of the skull, destroying one of your target's eyes, but doing no other serious damage. Your target may do nothing next round and attacks at -10 until medical attention is received. Any sight-related skills are lost (including Night Vision) and BS is reduced by 20%, to a minimum of 5. |
10 | Your shot smashes through your target's front teeth and lodges in the neck. Your target falls to the ground unconscious and may do nothing for D4 hours or until medical attention is received, whichever is shorter. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
11 | Your shot strikes your target's forehead, lodging in the brain. Your target falls unconscious and may do nothing for D10 hours or until medical attention is received. Also, your target must test against T or forfeit 10 points from all percentile characteristics as a result of permanent brain damage. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in automatic death. |
12 | Your shot passes through the neck and lodges in the spinal column. Your target falls to the ground and will die in D6 rounds unless medical attention is received. Even then, your target must make a successful T test or be paralysed from the neck down. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in automatic paralysis. |
13 | Your shot penetrates the brain. Your target falls to the ground and will die in D4 rounds unless medical attention is obtained. Additionally, your target must test against T or lose 15 points from all percentile characteristics due to permanent brain damage. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in automatic death. |
14 | Your shot hits the neck, shattering vertebrae and severing the spinal column. Your target collapses, gurgles, and then dies. |
15 | Your shot penetrates one of your target's eyes and on into the brain. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot strikes right between the eyes. Death is instantaneous. |
Body | |
1 | Your shot grazes your target's chest. Your target can do nothing except parry next round while regaining balance. |
2 | Your shot wings your target in the side, causing pain but no serious damage. Your target may do nothing in the next round. |
3 | Your shot grazes the chest, glancing off a rib. Your target falls to the ground and may do nothing except parry for the next D4 rounds until upright again. |
4 | Your shot grazes your target's pelvis. Your target falls to the ground, dropping anything hand-held, and is not able to do anything except parry with a shield (if he has one) for the next D4 rounds while staggering upright. |
5 | Your shot ricochets off your target's ribs, just below the shoulder, sending your target sprawling to the ground. Your target is stunned for D4 rounds and, thereafter, may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds while clambering upright. |
6 | Your shot strikes your target's pelvis and lodges in the abdomen. Your target attacks at -10 to hit until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
7 | Your shot fractures your target's collarbone, lodging just in front of the shoulder. The agony reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, until medical attention is obtained. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
8 | Your shot lodges itself between your target's ribs. All characteristics are reduced by 1 or 10 points, as appropriate, and M is reduced by half until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
9 | Your shot lodges in your target's abdomen. Your target loses consciousness and collapses to the ground, losing 1 W per round from internal bleeding until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
10 | Your shot punctures a lung. Your target falls unconscious, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. Even following this, your target will be totally incapacitated for at least 10 weeks and permanently loses 1 point of T. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
11 | Your shot rips its way into your target's abdomen, severely damaging several internal organs. Your target collapses in agony, unable to do anything until medical attention is received and losing D4 W per round. A test against T must be made each round in order to remain conscious. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
12 | Your shot lodges in your target's spine. Your target falls to the ground, may do nothing at all until medical attention is received, and must test against T or be permanently paralysed from the waist down. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove the shot results in automatic paralysis from the waist down. |
13 | Your shot fractures your target's spine, lodging itself halfway through. Your target collapses, unconscious. D4 W are lost per round due to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. All characteristics are halved until a full recovery is made (ten weeks). Until then, all skills involving movement are lost. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in automatic paralysis from the waist down. |
14 | Your shot passes through your target's abdomen, damaging several vital organs. Your target collapses, coughing up blood. Death is almost instantaneous. |
15 | Your shot hits your target's upper spine, severing the spinal column. Death is almost instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot passes between your target's ribs and finds the heart. Death is instantaneous. |
Leg | |
1 | Your shot grazes the calf, making your target stumble and drop any hand-held object unless a test against Dex is passed. |
2 | Your shot grazes your target's hip and your target may only parry next round. |
3 | Your shot grazes the thigh, causing your target to lose balance and fall to the ground. Any hand-held objects are dropped unless a Dex test is passed and your target may only parry for the next D4 rounds while clambering back upright. |
4 | Your shot nicks your target's leg with some force. Your target's M and I scores are halved for D4 rounds. |
5 | Your shot damages your target's ankle, incapacitating it. M and I are halved until medical attention is obtained. Your target must make an I test or fall down (see 3 above). |
6 | Your shot lodges in your target's calf. M and I are halved until medical attention is received. Your target must also test against I or go down (see 3 above). A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
7 | Your shot lodges in your target's thigh. M and I are halved until medical atttention is received. Your target must test against I or go down (see 3). A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
8 | Your shot passes through your target's foot, destroying a couple of toes. Your target must test against I or go down (see result 3 above) and suffers a -10 modifier to all tests relating to movement and combat until medical attention is received. |
9 | Your shot cuts deeply into the leg, tearing through the muscle and grazing the bone before exiting on the opposite side. Your target collapses (as 3 above) and loses 1 W per round until medical attention is received. |
10 | Your shot glances off the thigh-bone, piercing a major blood vessel and damaging muscle and sinew. Your target is knocked down (as for result 3 above) and may not get up until a successful I test is made. Your target loses 1 W per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D4 damage. |
11 | Your shot rips through the leg, shattering into shrapnel on contact with the bone and causing serious damage. Your target crashes to the ground (as 3 above) and drops anything hand-held. D4 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. Your target may only stand or walk if supported by at least one other character. Failure on any medical treatment roll to remove the fragments of shot means an extra D4 damage. |
12 | Your shot completely destroys the ankle and your target collapses, only able to parry and losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll results in a permanently stiff ankle and a -10 modifier to all tests relating to movement and combat. |
13 | Your shot shatters your target's kneecap, wrecking the knee. Your target falls to the ground, unconscious, from the pain. D4 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll results in a permanently stiff knee and a -20 modifier to all tests relating to movement and combat. |
14 | Your shot glances off the pelvis and lodges itself in your target's groin. Your target falls to the ground, unconscious, from the pain and D4 W are lost per round until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll to remove your shot results in an additional D6 damage. |
15 | Your shot shatters the bone of your target's leg and the sharp fragments of bone cause massive internal damage. Death from shock and blood loss is almost instantaneous. |
16 | Your shot strikes your target's upper leg, grazing the pelvis and carrying on into the abdomen to cause terminal damage to several internal organs. Your target dies instantaneously from shock and blood loss. |
Falling and Crushing Criticals[]
This table is used to ddeal with criticals arising from long drops, falling blocks, and similar causes. Because these forces tend to affect an entire character rather than a single hit location, there is only one table; GMs who need a critical for a single location, such as a leg that is too slow in clearing a secret doorway as a section of wall slides back into place, can improvise results by referring both to this table and to the blunt hand weapon criticals table for the hit location (or locations) involved.
1 | Winded, the victim may do nothing for the next round. |
2 | The victim is seriously winded and may make no further actions this round or the next. |
3 | The victim is dazed and may make no actions for the next D4 rounds. |
4 | The victim is bruised and stunned and may make no actions for the next D4 rounds. All rolls relating to physical activity suffer a -10 penalty for the next 2D6 minutes. |
5 | The victim is seriously bruised and is prone for the next round. Thereafter, the victim may only parry for D4 rounds while regaining his feet and suffers a -10 penalty to all rolls relating to physical activity for the next D3 hours. |
6 | A couple of broken ribs and severe bruising restrict the victim to cautious rate or slower and halve all percentage characteristics until medical attention is received. Even with medical attention, the victim suffers a -10 penalty to all rolls relating to physical activity for the next 2D4 hours. |
7 | The victim suffers severe bruising and some broken bones, as for result 6 above. In addition, D3 random locations suffer a critical result from the blunt hand weapons table; roll a D10 for each location to determine what this result is. |
8 | The victim suffers severe bruising and internal injuries, will be prone for D4 rounds, and makes all rolls at -20 until medical attention is received. Internal bleeding costs the victim 1 W point per round until medical attention is received. |
9 | The victim suffers severe injuries, combining the effects of results 7 and 8 above. |
10 | The victim is horribly mangled and must make a T test each round or lose consciousness. Blood loss from internal and external injuries costs the victim D4 W points per round until medical attention is received. The victim can only crawl, at one-quarter of cautious movement rate. Additionally, D6 random locations suffer effects equivalent to a blunt weapon critical of level 2D4. The victim's T is permanently reduced by 1 point. |
11 | The victim is concussed and is unconscious for D10 hours or until medical attention is received. On regaining consciousness, the victim must make a successful T test or lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of lasting brain damage. In addition, the victim suffers the effects of result 10 above. |
12 | More or less every bone in the victim's body is broken. The effects are as for result 10 above, except that blood is lost at the rate of D6 W points per round, D6+4 is rolled to determine the levels of random location criticals, and 2 points of T is permanently lost. |
13 | The victim is horribly mangled (as result 12 above) and suffers permanent injury and disfigurement. All characteristic scores are permanently halved upon recovery and the victim receives D6+6 Insanity points from the ordeal, halved if a successful Cl test is made. |
14 | Several vital organs are ruptured, causing death in a matter of seconds. |
15 | The victim's chest is cruhsed like an eggshell. Death is instant. |
16 | The victim is reduced to a bloody smear. They didn't feel a thing. |
Fire and Energy Criticals[]
This table is used to deal with criticals arising from fire, lightning, explosions, and destructive, showy spells such as Fire Ball. Because these forces tend to affect an entire character rather than a single hit location, there is only one table; GMs who need a critical for a single location, such as an arm poking through a window into a room where a powder keg is about to explode, can improvise results by referring both to this table and to the blunt weapons criticals table for the hit location (or locations) involved.
1 | Breathless, the victim may only parry next round. |
2 | Acrid, thick smoke rising from clothing and the surroundings chokes the victim, who may make no further actions this round or the next. |
3 | The victim is stunned and may make no actions for the remainder of this and the next round. If the critical was caused by an explosion or lightning, the victim is also deafened for D6 rounds. |
4 | The victim's clothing, hair, or fur is scorched and the victim is only able to parry for D4 rounds. if the critical was caused by an explosion or lightning, the victim is also deafened for D10 rounds. |
5 | The victim is thrown back 2D6 yards and is prone for the next round. Thereafter, the victim may only parry for D4 rounds while regaining his feet. If the critical was caused by an explosion or lightning, the victim is also deafened for D10 rounds. |
6 | The victim's clothing or fur bursts into flames, causing D4 W per round until extinguished. No actions (apart from rolling on the ground or jumping into nearby water) are possible until the flames are extinguished and the victim counts as prone during this time; however, attackers who get too close may be at risk from the flames themselves. Naked or hairless opponents are incapacitated for one round only. If the critical was caused by an explosion or lightning, the victim is also deafened for D4 hours. |
7 | The victim suffers first-degree burns to any exposed flesh. Until medical attention is received, the victim makes all rolls at -10, owing to the pain. If the critical was caused by an explosion or lightning, the victim is also deafened for D6 hours and must make a T test or suffer a -10 modifier to all hearing-related tests permanently. |
8 | The victim suffers second-degree burns to exposed areas and first degree burns to most other areas. Clothing is ruined and armour is reduced by 1 point per location. Non-magical equipment is damaged according to its material, as the GM sees fit. The victim is prone for D4 rounds and makes all rolls at -20 until medical attention is received. A failure on any medical treatment roll results in permanent loss of D6 Fel points because of scarring. If the critical was caused by an explosion or lightning, the victim is also deafened for 2D6 hours and must make a T test or suffer a -20 modifier to all hearing-related tests permanently. |
9 | The victim is horribly burned and must make a T test each round to remain conscious. No actions are possible and the victim loses 1 W per round until medical attention is received, as shock begins to set in. The burns will take D4+4 weeks to heal and the victim loses 2D10 Fel points to scarring. This is doubled if any medical treatment roll is failed. If the critical was caused by an explosion or lightning, the victim suffers a -20 modifier to all hearing-related tests permanently. The victim must make a Cl test or receive an Insanity point. |
10 | The victim suffers serious burns (as result 8 above), but is in more danger from internal injuries and shock, losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. The victim must make a Cl test or receive D3 Insanity points. |
11 | The victim is in shock from the concussion and burns (as result 10 above). In addition, they must pass a T test every round until medical attention is received or die. The victim must make a Cl test or receive D6 Insanity points. |
12 | The victim is horribly burned (as result 9 above), losing D4 W per round until medical attention is received. In addition, the victim must pass a T test every round until medical attention is received or die from shock. If he survives, the victim must make a Cl test or receive 2D4 Insanity points. |
13 | The victim is horribly burned (as result 12 above) and suffers permanent injury and disfigurement. All characteristic scores are permanently halved upon recovery and the victim receives D6+6 Insanity points from the ordeal, halved if a successful Cl test is made. |
14 | The victim erupts in a ball of flame, staggering D3 years in a random direction before falling to the ground dead. |
15 | The victim explodes, causing a single S 3 hit to everything in a 3-yard radius. Death is instantaneous. |
16 | There is a blinding flash and nothing remains of the victim at all. Except, perhaps, for a pair of smoking boots... |