Lesser Daemons Of Slaanesh (Q'tlahs'itsu'aksho)[]
Children of Slaanesh - Bringers of Joyous Degradation - Givers of Indescribable Delight - Debauched Ones - Seekers of Decadence
The Daemonettes are the most numerous of Slaanesh's daemonic followers and serve his purposes in a number of ways. They fight as troops on the battlefield and are occasionally granted as companions to Human followers of Slaanesh. Like Slaanesh, the Daemonettes are beautiful, but their beauty is perverse and unnatural and causes loathing rather than admiration. They often ride into battle on Mounts Of Slaanesh.
The Daemonettes stand nearly as tall as a man and are white-skinned with deep green saucer-like eyes. Their figures and faces are something like those of Human women, but they have only one breast. They often decorate their bodies and their long, flowing white hair with a variety of bizarre designs, painted or tattooed onto their skin in the pastel colours of Slaanesh. Slaanesh's symbol, endlessly repeated, is the most popular motif. Their arms end in chitinous crab-like claws and they have two-toed, clawed feet and a razor-edged tail. They sometimes wear elaborate chain mail armour.
Chaotic (Slaanesh).
Psychological Traits[]
As a Lesser Daemon, Daemonettes cause fear in all living creatures. They themselves are immune to psychological effects, except those caused by Greater Daemons or gods and cannot be forced to leave combat (except by such beings). They are subject to hatred of creatures and followers of Khorne.
Each Daemonette can know one level 1 spell. They always succeed in casting spells and no magic points are expended.
Magical Items[]
Daemonettes do not normally possess magical items, but - if you wish - a randomly generated Daemonette may have a 10% chance of one magical item.
Special Rules[]
Daemonettes have two claw attacks and one tail attack. They are subject to instability. Their armour gives them 1 armour point on all locations. The profile listed here may be modified by the Daemon's Chaos attributes.
A correctly-attired worshipper of Slaanesh may summon D6 Daemonettes riding Mounts Of Slaanesh by using a Summon Lesser Daemons spell, but at a cost of only 2 magic points. If any Daemonettes survive, they will demand that the summoner sacrifices one of his company to Slaanesh before they will depart peacefully.