This spell allows the wizard to dispel one or more minor daemonic creatures within 24 yards. These can be Daemonic Servants (eg Fleshhounds, Juggers, Fiends or Mounts of Slaanesh) or Daemonic Familiars, but not Lesser or Greater Daemons.
The first daemonic creature receives a magic test; if this is failed the creature vanishes. Roll a D6, and on a result of 4,5, or 6 the spell moves on to another target within 24 yards, which is subject to exactly the same effects as the first affected Daemon.
The spell continues to dispel the Daemons until either there are none left, one Daemon makes a successful test, or a 1,2, or 3 is rolled when testing to see if the spell moves on to another target.
Magic points expended to enhance the spell (ie reduce the target's magic test) apply to all magic tests the creatures may be called upon to make (eg if the caster expends an additional 2MPs, the first victim makes its magic test with a penalty of -20%; if the D6 roll indicates another creature is affected, then it too has a penalty of -20% on its test, and so on).