Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

This powerful spell may be cast at any creature or group. The caster may automatically dispel any spells he has cast himself by use of this spell. In addition it has several powerful effects, as follows:

  • If the creatures affected are subject to instability, they must make a test against it immediately.
  • The magical effects of magic weapons, armour, wands, and all other magical items cease to function for that round, unless their owner makes a successful magic test. Spell-like effects created by items are, however, only interrupted for one round, and no magic item is permanently discnchanted by this spell.
  • Any one spell effect within the maximum range of the spell may be destroy (e.g. a Magic Bridge, an area of Mystic Mist, a Summoned Swarm, etc.). If the spellcaster who created the effect is within 12 yards of it when Dispel Magic is cast, he may make a magic test to prevent it being dispelled.
  • Any spellcaster struck by the spell must make a successful magic test or any spells currently maintained (e.g. Illusion, Zone and Aura spells) are dispelled. In addition, if the magic test is failed, the spellcaster may not cast any further spells during the round in which Dispel Magic is cast.