Before the Elves came to the Old World, at the time when the Dwarfs built their splendid cities at the heart of the Worlds Edge Mountains, the Dragons were the masters of the forests and the mountain tops. There were very few Humans at all in those days and the Old World was one huge, wild forest, from the Worlds Edge Mountains to the sea. The Dwarfs knew of the Dragons and treated them with respect. Many Dragons were wise and good - indeed, in those days at least, few were evil or hostile. With the changes wrought upon the world by the proliferation of Humanity and the Incursions of Chaos, the Dragons began to decline in numbers and vitality.
Today, they are a legend in the Old World. The few Dragons that still exist live in almost perpetual slumber within deep caverns, amongst their ancestral nesting places in the Worlds Edge Mountains and the Mountains Of Mourn. They are old and tired; few hatchlings have appeared within the last thousand years and the Dragons that remain may well feel that their time has passed. Some have grown greedy or malicious and jealously sits atop piles of treasure amassed centuries ago and long-forgotten in the outside world.
The Dragon's six A can be broken down as follows: four stomps, one bite, and one tail-lash.
Dragons are huge and powerful reptiles. They are all winged quadrupeds, but tend to vary in almost all aspects of appearance.
Any. Most Dragons of old were Good, although surviving ones are more likely to be Neutral.
Psychological Traits[]
Dragons cause fear in living creatures of any height and terror in living creatures under six feet tall.
Special Rules[]
The profile given below reflects the characteristics of a typical Dragon with a length of about 30 feet. Its tough, scaly skin gives it two points of armour on all parts of its body. All Dragons have Night Vision to a range of 20 yards.
Some Dragons (approximately 50%) can breathe fire once a turn, to the front only. The breath is cone-shaped: 24 yards long and 8 yards wide at its widest point. All targets within this area are hit automatically for 2D6 W with a S of 7 (flammable targets take additional damage). Victims who make a successful I test suffer only half damage. The Dragon will not breathe if being attacked hand-to-hand on either flank and, in any event, cannot breathe fire and bite during the same round.
All Dragons are completely immune to normal fire and are 50% resistant to magical fires. They fly as landers and the M score given here is for ground movement.
Dragon profiles can vary a great deal, depending on the size and bulk of the creature. This profile represents the most common of the Dragons of old. Larger animals would tend to have higher S, T, and W, but corrospondingly lower Ld, Int, Cl, and WP.