Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

The Dragon Turtle is an aquatic reptile which spends very little of its time on shore. The only occasion when these creatures leave the sea is to lay their eggs along sandy stretches, burying them and then disappearing back into the ocean. When laying, Dragon Turtles are dangerous and aggressive and will attack any creatures that disturb them or approach too closely. The creature has one bite and one stomp attack. At sea, Dragon Turtles may attack swimmers or even boats, although their normal diet consists mainly of fish.


Dragon Turtles look like huge turtles with the head of a Dragon and a hard, spiky shell. They are typically 10-15 feet long, though some specimens may be much longer.



Psychological Traits[]

The Dragon Turtle causes fear in all living creatures under ten feet tall.

Special Rules[]

The creature's shell gives it two armour points, but its head and flippers are unarmoured. Most (75%) Dragon Turtles are also able to exhale a cloud of scalding steam once per hour. This cloud measures 36 feet long by 24 feet wide by 24 feet high. All characters within this area when the creature breathes suffer 1D6 Wirrespective of modifiers. However, those who make a successful I test suffer only half damage.
