Esmeralda, Halfling Goddess of Hearth and Home[]
Esmeralda is the leadind deity of the Halfling pantheon. She is the patron of hearth and home and is said to have given the Halflings the gift of cookery. She is normally depicted as a plump and matronly Halfling, wearing a flour-covered apron and perpetually smiling.
Esmeralda's symbol is a triangle over a horizontal line, representing the home and also the flame rising from the hearth. Her Clerics wear ceremonial aprons embroidered with this symbol.
Area Of Worship[]
Esmeralda is worshipped by Halflings throughout the Old World and is particularly venerated by those Halflings who have left the Moot to work as cooks for Human employers.
Esmeralda has no shrines or temples as such, but is venerated in any kitchen where a Halfling cook works. It is common to keep a small statue of her in a prominent place in the kitchen, such as a mantle-shelf, so that she will oversee the running of the kitchen and make sure that the dishes do not spoil.
Friends And Enemies[]
Esmeralda is on good terms with all other members of the Halfling pantheon and with the world in general; her only enemies are the natural enemies of the Halfling race.
Holy Days[]
The main festival to Esmeralda is Pie Week, a seven-day holiday which comes immediately after the fruit harvest and which is spent making (and consuming) pies, puddings, cakes, and jam. It is very difficult to persuade a Halfling to do anything else during this period.
Cult Requirements[]
The cult is open to all adult Halflings.
All Initiates and Clerics of Esmeralda must abide by the following strictures:
- Never refuse food to the hungry.
- Never use cooking utensils for anything else.
- Never water ale down.
- Never eat less than three square meals a day.
- Never do anything strenuous after a meal.
- Never leave anything unattended while it is cooking.
Spell Use[]
Clerics of Esmeralda are able to use all Petty Magic spells, all level 1 and 2 Elemental Magic spells, and all Battle Magic spells of Aura and Zone type. When defending their homes, they are also able to use Battle Magic spells of other types.
In addition to the spells normally available to Initiates and Clerics, followers of Esmeralda gain a bonus to their Cook skill at Initiate level, which doubles its effect.
Trials set by Esmeralda generally involve great feats of cookery, for example, producing a banquet from plain or uninspiring ingredients or obtaining rare and exotic ingredients for a meal, such as the leaves of a plant which only grows on the upper slopes of a distant mountain.
Skills favoured by Esmeralda are Brewing, Cook, and Herb Lore. There are no favoured tests.