Creatures Of Tzeentch (K'Chanu'tsani'i)[]
Flamers - Burning Horrors - Fire Daemons of Tzeentch
Like Pink and Blue Horrors, Flamers are fashioned from pure magic and are only semi-solid, seeming almost transparent. They are bizarre creations, travelling along the ground on a soft skirt of pinkish flesh like an inverted mushroom. By drawing air into this fleshy, fungoid skirt and expelling it by means of a powerful contraction, the creature moves along the ground in leaps and bounds. By way of arms, it has two blue trunks. The arms have no hands, but instead each trunk ends in an open orifice from which magical flames spit and spatter.
Flamers have the most rudimentary and instinctive minds, but they are finally attuned to the thoughts of the Lords of Change. They are dominated by the thoughts of the nearest or most powerful Lord of Change, so that they act in total accordance with their desires. Flamers are almost literally the instruments of a Greater Daemon's will.
The flaming limbs give the Flamers their name. However, this is not normal fire but the stuff of raw magic, coloured a daemonic shade of blue or yellow. The Flamer can use its flames to throw coloured fireballs at its foes, as well as to burn them up in close combat. As the fire crackles and hisses, smaller magical flames fall to the ground and take on the imitative form of a surrounding object or person - like a tiny marionette. The small representations of persons or events will continue to impersonate what is happening around, but in a curiously disturbing and mocking manner. The Flamer usually ignores these little parodies of reality, but may happen to glance in their direction, then destroy them with its magic fire. As the Flamer moves away, the little scenes collapse into sputtering pools of magic, which slowly fade into nothing. A Flamer will typically be followed by a series of tiny images, which grow unstable and vanish as the Flamer moves away.
Chaotic (Tzeentch).
Psychological Traits[]
Flamers are unaffected by any psychology. Flamers cause fear in any living creatures.
Special Rules[]
The Flamer moves by leaping up to 18 yards along the ground and up to 2 yards high.
The Flamer has 2 bite attacks. In addition, a Flamer can use its 2 flame attacks to either shoot fire or burn an opponent in hand-to-hand combat. A shooting flame attack has a range of 12 yards and may shoot in any direction. If the flame attack hits its target, then the target sustains D6 S 3 hits. In hand-to-hand fighting, roll to hit as normal; if successful, the target sustains D6 S 3 hits, as for shooting.
Flamers are subject to instability.
This profile may be modified by the Daemon's Chaos attributes.