Creatures Of Khorne (Kha'a'a Khak'hyshk)[]
Beasts of Khorne - Flesh-Renders - Hunters of Blood - Inevitable Ones These terrible hunting beasts may be acquired by followers of Khorne and they may appear among the retinues of his Daemons. Fleshhounds will fight to the death for their master and they are faultless trackers. Across the Chaos Wastes, packs of these terrifying creatures chase after their prey, enlessly persuing the enemies of Khorne. Behind the packs run eager Bloodletters, urging the Hounds on with piercing whoops and shrieks of glee, ever-ready to spill blood for their demanding master. The Chaos Hunt is a fearsome sight indeed and few live to recount its gory pursuit.
The Fleshhounds are hideously canine and are some eight feet long from nose to tail. Their lean, wiry frames have an arched back and are covered in blood-red scales. Around their necks is a ruff or collar of spines, connected by an orange-red membrane of taut flesh. This gives the neck added protection. Rows of iron plates are driven into the flesh along their backs, held in place by brazen rivets, each moulded in the shape of Khorne's skull rune. Their apparently unseeing eyes are a milky white. Their wide mouths are equipped with huge, blood-stained fangs and their two-toed feet end in razor-sharp claws of iron.
Chaotic (Khorne).
Psychological Traits[]
The Fleshhounds are immune to fear and terror, unless caused by Khorne himself. All other psychological tests are made on the handler's characteristics, provided that the Hound is within 12 yards. Fleshhounds cause fear in all living creatures.
Magical Items[]
All Fleshhounds have a Collar Of Khorne.
Special Rules[]
Fleshhounds have a bite attack, which is poisonous. If they are not within 12 yards of a Daemon or follower of Khorne, the hounds will attack the nearest creature.
Fleshhounds can use their powerful legs to leap up to 8 yards at an opponent, passing over intervening objects which are 4 yards high. This gives them a to hit bonus of +10 to their WS, for the first round of combat only.
If the resulting bite attack is successful, the Fleshhound gets two extra claw attacks as well. These claws hit automatically and no extra rolls to hit need be made. All their attacks are counted as magical.
They are invulnerable to non-magical weapons and are subject to instability
This profile may be modified by the Daemon's Chaos attributes.