Ghosts are the disembodied life-forces of dead creatures, which have become trapped in the material world because they have not been laid to rest properly or because they died unexpectedly or in traumatic circumstances. Murder victims, women who died in childbirth, or people who died 'before their time' are typical examples. Their Ghosts may wish to draw attention to the manner of their death and see the murderer punished or their remains decently buried. Ghosts are not necessarily Evil and are normally bound to the place of their death.
Ghosts can appear in a variety of guises. They usually have the same appearance that they bore in life, although they generally appear less solid or even transparent. Sometimes, however, they appear to be fully material and cannot be told apart from a living Human. Some Ghosts can talk in order to pass on information or issue warnings, while others can only moan or scream and others still are unable to make any sound.
Psychological Traits[]
Ghosts are subject to instability when outside their bounded area, but they are immune to all other psychological tests and cannot be forced to leave combat. Ghosts cause fear in living creatures.
Special Rules[]
Ghosts cannot be wounded by non-magical weapons and cannot cause damage themselves. Their touch, however, can cause fear; when a Ghost 'strikes' an opponent, the victim must make a Ld test with a -10% penalty; if this is failed, he or she will flee from combat. They may pass through solid objects, such as walls, without penalty and may become visible or invisible at will.