Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Ghouls are Humans who have acquired Undead status whilst living by the insane practice of feeding on corpses. They are shrieking, incoherent monsters and are dangerous only in great numbers. They can sometimes be seen at night in graveyards or during the aftermath of a battle. They are completely unreliable in combat and will flee gibbering and screaming if they appear to be losing a fight. They attack with their filthy talons, giving them two claw attacks.


Ghouls resemble Humans, but lack all Human grace in movement and appearance. Their bodies are slack and crouched, their faces distorted and leering, and their teeth are often pointed and over-large.



Special Rules[]

Hits from Ghouls are venomous - victims who fail a Poison test will be paralysed for D8+4 rounds. If a Ghoul's opponent retreats from combat and there are one or more dead bodies between the character and the Ghoul - even dead Ghouls - the Ghoul must make a WP test. If it fails the test, it will not pursue the character, but will stop and feed until it is attacked.
