Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

This test is used to determine the reaction of character to others they may have special reason for hating. Although the test can be applied on a personal level (especially if your game revolves around a vendetta or an act of personal revenge), the usual application is when specific races, for some reason or other, hate each other. The most important example is that of Goblins and Dwarfs. Both races hate each other with considerable vehemence. This is important to players with Dwarf characters, because sooner or later they are bound to come face-to-face with a Goblin or twelve. Test against characters' Cl at the beginning of any encounter; the result lasts for the duration of the encounter. If the test is passed, all is well and no special rules apply. If the test is failed, they are overcome by hatred and become subject to the following rules for as long as they are in combat with the hated foe.

  1. The character becomes oblivious to danger and cannot be compelled to leave combat.
  2. The character always presses attacks where given the opportunity.
  3. The character is possessed of insane strength - adding +1 to all combat damage caused.

Characters receiving Hatred due to insanity effects becomes subject to hatred against:

01-15 The opposite sex of his/her own race
16-75 A race selected by the gamesmaster
76-80 Characters of friendly races but of a specific current career (D4: 1 - Warrior, 2 - Ranger, 3 - Rogue, 4 - Academic)
81-90 A specific type of animal or pet (usually harmless)
91-00 A particular person, group, or religion specified by the GM