This test shows whether characters can evade discovery by skulking in the shadows, in a dark recess or similar location, whilst enemies march past. A character hiding in this way cannot avoid being discovered by a Search (or Rapid Search), but cannot be seen by mere Observation. For example, Silas Lumpfoot the Halfling is creeping stealthily down a dark passageway when he hears the clanking of an advancing Orc patrol. He cannot pass the patrol without being seen, but, by hiding in the shadows, he hopes to avoid detection. Curling into as small a space as possible and taking advantage of the passageway's uneven surfaces, Silas waits silently for the Orcs to pass. This is the ideal situation to apply a Hide test, to see if Silas is spotted by one of the patrol. In situations where the patrol is deliberately looking for someone, the normal Search/Rapid Search rules apply.
The chance of being able to successfully evade detection by hiding is dependent upon quick wits and by the ability of the hider to remain calm and collected whilst the danger passes. The basic chance, therefore, for a Hide test equals I plus Cl, but minus the I of the creature being avoided. If hiding from a group of creatures, test only once but use the higest I value in the group.
A creature with an appropriate Silent Move skill may add a +10% modifier to the chance of hiding. A character with Concealment skill may add up to a further +20%. The GM should impose other modifiers to cover the situation - general lighting conditions, the availability of places to hide, whether the foes are alerted to possible intruders or completely unsuspecting, etc. Hiding characters may choose to launch surprise attacks and will gain Surprise automatically.