Horses of the Old World are the same as horses of our own and may be found nearly anywhere. About 10% of all wild Horses are suitable for training as Warhorses. Normal Horses can be ridden by creatures under 10 feet tall and of any alignment.
Warhorses are trained to fight in combat. Unlike other Horses, they have an attack of their own (a kick/stomp) and can even fight independently of their rider.
For simplicity's sake, all Old World Horses can be put into one of four categories: pony/mule, riding Horse, draft Horse, and Warhorse. Ponies are the smallest and Warhorses are the largest. For encumbrance purposes, any category of horse can carry loads equal to S x 300 in encumbrance points.
Psychological Traits[]
All Horses (except Warhorses) are subject to fear of fire, fantastic creatures or monsters, and sudden, loud noises.
Special Rules[]
Characters with Animal Training skill may attempt to train a suitable wild Horse colt or yearling for use as a Warhorse. This will take D4+2 months and the chance of success should be modified by the gamesmaster according to the Horse's Int (in the range D4+8) and whether the character has such skills as Animal Care and Ride Horse.
Ponies/Mules have S 2; Riding Horses have S 3; Draft Horses have S 4; and Warhorses have S 5. All categories have W 5, except Warhorses, which have W 11. Only Warhorses get a stomp attack.