Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

When someone is forcing information from characters or NPCs, even though those characters may be determined that they will not talk, the gamesmaster may decide otherwise. Interrogation must be backed by threats and can be backed up by torture as well. If players intend to use torture against NPCs, they should be aware of the risks of accidental death (the NPC's, that is...).

The simplest form of interrogation is by threat: 'Tell me where your money is or I'll break your legs.' The GM tests against the victim's WP (mental resistance). A successful test means that the character doesn't co-operate. A failed test means instance obeyance.

Once characters have passed an interrogation test, no amount of additional threatening will make them talk. Only the application of torture will loosen their tongues (or other bits).

Characters may be tortured once per turn and the GM will make the test against WP. Every time torture is administered, the character suffers D3 points of damage. Characters who fail the test will answer any questions put to them.

Evil or Chaotic torturers can use extreme torture instead of normal torture. This lowers a character's WP by 10% for purposes of the test and causes D4 points of damage.

Good characters shouldn't really use torture. If Good characters do attempt to torture a captive, they gain D6 Insanity Points. Likewise, a Good character who fails to prevent less charming characters from torturing a captive will D3 Insanity Points. The character would obviously be suffering from mental trauma, feelings of guilt, and remorse.
