The Incursions of Chaos have produced thousands of strange creatures. Many are totally unclassifiable, mere one-offs who savage mutations bar them from becoming the progenitors of a race. One of the strangest creatures to have a recognisable form and which can be positively identified as belonging to a fixed species is the Jabberwock. Even this so-called species is subject to gross mutations, as well as a vast catalogue of minor variations, such as colour and size. The most distinguishing thing about the Jabberwock is that it is very brave, very aggressive, but rather stupid.
In combat, a Jabberwock attacks with one bite, two stomps, and one tail-lash each round.
Jabberwocks are large monsters, standing well over 12 feet high and are often much larger. Although their forelimbs are fully manipulative, they often use their arms to help them walk or run along the ground, in a similar fashion to gorillas in our own world. Jabberwocks have long, scrawny necks and large, ugly heads. Although they have wings, most Jabberwocks cannot fly. Instead, they flap their wings furiously as they move, creating a disconcerting humming noise. Jabberwocks can be any colour and most are faintly luminous.
Psychological Traits[]
Jabberwocks cause fear in all living creatures and terror in living creatures under 10 feet tall. They are also subject to stupidity.
Special Rules[]
The bite of a Jabberwock is venomous and affected characters must make a successful Poison test or die in 2D6 rounds. Like Trolls, Jabberwocks wounded to not less than zero can regenerate 1 W point per turn. W caused by fire or corrosive acids cannot be regenerated. A Jabberwock whose W total falls to 5 or less can neither attack nor move until it has regenerated to at least 6 W. The Night Vision of a Jabberwock extends to 20 yards.