Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

L'Anguille is widely known for its great lighthouse, an ancient fortress of considerable dimensions and unrivaled height. It is said to have been built by the Elves many years before their wars with the Dwarfs, remaining protected over the millennia by powerful spells and the solidity of its construction. The tower is easily the tallest structure in the Old World, standing fully 1,500 feet tall, formed in the shape of a tapering octagon 150 yards wide at the base, rising to an octagonal platform 50 yards across at the top. The whole construction is of a strange black stone and is riddled with tunnels and chambers. The edifice is used as the administrative centre of the city, as well as the governor's palace and the barracks for the city's soldiery. Upon the top is a platform bearing a constantly blazing fire raised a further 75 feet from the tower's roof. This can be seen right across the Middle Sea in distant Albion and must have served the Elves as a great beacon, calling to fleets as they voyaged eastward across the seemingly endless expanse of the Great Ocean.

The remainder of the city lies tightly-packed within solid walls, neatly divided by the River Sannez. The river banks are formed into solid quays for the large ships that pass through on their way to Couronne. L'Anguille is a trading port of some importance, although overshadowed by Marienburg, whose position on the Reik affords easier access to the heart of the Old World. Like all Bretonnian cities, it is poorly maintained and life for the majority is hard and squalid. Work, however, is easy to find - the wharves and quays shelter dozens of inns, where sea-captains and river traders look for a sturdy crew or hired-swords.
