Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Short 8
Long 16
Extreme 30
ES None
Load/Fire Times 1 round to throw

2 rounds to recoil

The lasso causes no damage but entangles the opponent in a loop of rope. Only a single creature may be hit and creatures which are caught are entangled unless they make a successful I test. Entangled creatures roll a D6:

1-3 One arm pinned (equal chance of either)
4-5 Both arms pinned
6 Both arms free

A character with both arms free can attack normally, although if the character using the lasso is continually pulling at the rope, the victim receives a -10 modifier on his WS. Characters with both arms pinned may do nothing except attempt to escape.

Characters who are entangled by a lasso may attempt a Dex test each round to free themselves.
