Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki


Lawful characters see themselves and everything around them as part of a very definite and rigid cosmic order. In the ideal Lawful universe, there would be no ageing, no decay, and no death - everything would exist in a state of harmonious perfection or stasis. Decay, death, and all forms of disorder are created by the forces of anti-law, or Chaos. Consequently, Law and Chaos are in constant opposition.


  • Orderly civilisation
  • Rigid social hierarchy
  • Structure and permanence


  • Disorder and anarchy
  • Lying, cheating, crime, and all dishonourable deeds
  • Chaotic creatures and undead

The Gods Of Law[]

The gods of Law were born out of the same destructive event that gave birth to Chaos, spilling the pure material of the dark, dimensional warp out into the Known World. Many beings from this void chose to send a part of their substance to the World. Some were comparatively small and weak, while others were possessed of almost incalculable power. Thus were born the gods of Law and the gods of Chaos and their daemonic minions. The natural laws of the material universe affected their alien substance in many strange ways, giving them forms and powers which they had not possessed in their home dimension and they found that they were able to hold sway over the inhabitants of the World and to use them for the furtherance of their own unfathomable ambitions. There was a constant struggle between the followers of Law and those of Chaos. The gods of Law were few and comparatively weak, but their unity made up for their lack of numbers.

Seven thousand years later, the battle between Law and Chaos still rages across the face of World, with most of its mortal inhabitants caught helplessly in the middle. The dimensional openings at the poles of the World change constantly, shrinking with the ascension of Law and growing as Chaos gains the upper hand. All the while, a constant stream of raw Chaos floods through from the void.
