Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

The Lesser Daemons of a Chaos god are smaller and, by comparison, weaker beings. They are the most common type of Daemon in the service of a god and form the rank-and-file of every daemonic army, used as soldiers, workers, messengers, or whatever else their ruling deity may command. They too are malicious, though their malice is of a petty order when compared to that of a Greater Daemon. As with all Daemons, it is impossible to generalise about their natures, though most are under 10 feet tall. Each deity commands an individual type of Daemon, Gargoyles being a typical independent variety. Because they are less dangerous than Greater Daemons, they are more commonly summoned, although they can still be deadly if not properly controlled. Like other Daemons, their first reaction on being summoned to this world would be to kill their summoner.

Lesser Daemons generally have 2 attack, though some individuals may have 3 or 4, if their physique permits.


Variable. Often humanoid, sometimes winged. Usually under 10 feet tall. Gargoyles, for example, are humanoid, about 6 feet tall, and have batlike wings, goat legs, and ugly horned heads.


According to ruling deity, though almost all encountered will follow the Chaos Powers.

Psychological Traits[]

Lesser Daemons cause fear in all living creatures. They themselves are immune to psychological effects, except those caused by Greater Daemons or gods and cannot be forced to leave combat (except by such beings).

Special Rules[]

As with Greater Daemons, gamesmasters can invent their own Daemons and invent whatever special rules seem appropriate. The profile given here is for a Gargoyle, which comes as close as anything to being an average independent Lesser Daemon. They fly as swoopers; M is given for ground movement. They are unaffected by normal weapons and their attacks are magical. They are subject to instability.

Types Of Lesser Daemon[]

Lesser Daemons aligned with specific powers are listed below.
