Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

One or more parts of the mutant's anatomy have been moved to new locations on the mutant's body. Roll a D6 to determine how many parts have been moved:

D6 Number
1-4 1
5 2
6 D4

Roll a D10 to determine which parts are affected:

D10 Body Part
1-2 Head
3 Eyes
4 Mouth
5-7 Arm/Hand
8-10 Leg/Foot

Roll a D10 again to determine where they are moved to:

D10 Location
1 Head
2 Chest
3 Back
4 Stomach
5 Hip
6 Groin
7 Elbow
8 Knee
9 Hand
10 Foot

The mutant gains one fear point as a result of this attribute.
