Below is a full list of available skills.
- Acrobatics
- Acting
- Acute Hearing
- Agriculture
- Air Lore
- Ambidextrous
- Animal Care
- Animal Training
- Arcane Language
- Art
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Augury
- Begging
- Blather
- Boat Building
- Brewing
- Bribery
- Call Animal
- Card Reading
- Carpentry
- Cartography
- Cast Spells
- Charm
- Charm Animal
- Chemistry
- Clown
- Comedian
- Concealment: Rural
- Concealment: Urban
- Consume Alcohol
- Contortionist
- Cook
- Court Intrigue
- Craft Master Rune
- Cryptography
- Cure Disease
- Dance
- Daemon Lore
- Diagnose Disease
- Dice Reading
- Disarm
- Disguise
- Distract
- Divining
- Dodge Blow
- Dowsing
- Dream Interpretation
- Drive Cart
- Dynastic Knowledge
- Earth Lore
- Embezzling
- Engineering
- Escapology
- Etiquette
- Evaluate
- Excellent Vision
- Fire Eating
- Fish
- Flee!
- Fleet Footed
- Follow Trail
- Frenzied Attack
- Gamble
- Game Hunting
- Gem Cutting
- Haggle
- Heal Wounds
- Heraldry
- Herb Lore
- History
- Hypnotise
- Identify Magical Artifact
- Identify Plants
- Identify Undead
- Immunity To Disease
- Immunity To Fear
- Immunity To Poison
- Immunity To Terror
- Influence
- Inscribe Runes
- Intimidate
- Jest
- Juggle
- Law
- Lightning Reflexes
- Linguistics
- Lip Reading
- Luck
- Magical Awareness
- Magical Sense
- Manufacture Drugs
- Manufacture Magic Items
- Manufacture Potions
- Manufacture Scrolls
- Marksmanship
- Meditation
- Metallurgy
- Mime
- Mimic
- Mining
- Musicianship
- Night Vision
- Numismatics
- Operate Machinery
- Oracle
- Orientation
- Palmistry
- Palm Object
- Pick Lock
- Pick Pocket
- Prepare Poisons
- Public Speaking
- Read/Write
- Ride
- River Lore
- Row
- Rune Litany
- Rune Lore
- Rune Mastery
- Runic History
- Sailing
- Sense Magical Alarm
- Scale Sheer Surface
- Scapulomancy
- Scholarship
- Scroll Lore
- Scrying
- Secret Language
- Secret Signs
- Seduction
- Set Trap
- Shadowing
- Silent Move: Rural
- Silent Move: Urban
- Sing
- Sixth Sense
- Ski
- Smithing
- Speak Additional Language
- Specialist Weapon
- Spot Trap
- Stewardship
- Stoneworking
- Story Telling
- Street Fighting
- Strike Mighty Blow
- Strike To Injure
- Strike To Stun
- Strongman
- Super Numerate
- Surgery
- Swim
- Tailor
- Tea Leaf Reading
- Theology
- Torture
- Transfix
- Trick Riding
- Undead Lore
- Ventriloquism
- Very Resilient
- Very Strong
- Visionary
- Warchant
- Whirling Death
- Window Fishing
- Wit
- Wrestling