Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Lizardmen are a race of bipedal humanoid reptiles, derived from similar genetic stock to Troglodytes. They live in the deeper regions of natural cave systems, sometimes emerging to raid and take captives where the lower levels of Dwarven or Goblin holds break through into these formations. They are almost exclusively a subterranean race and are rarely seen out in the open except sometimes at night. The only recorded Lizardman settlements in the Old World have been small communities of 50 or fewer individuals, with crude drystone huts in larger caverns, but, on the whole, they seem to move from place to place in semi-nomadic hunting parties. Some tribes train and use Carnivorous Snappers as hunting animals. (There are substantial settlements of lizardmen throughout the South Lands and Lustria.)

Lizardmen are socially primitive, but quite capable of organising themselves to fight or to produce the few material items they need. Their society seems to be structured on the basis of age, with the oldest individuals taking positions of command, while the strongest and most able are employed as temporary war-chiefs or leaders of hunting parties. They will eat meat of any kind, including dead comrades, although they do not kill each other for food. They speak a unique language known as Ssissgl'k, which defies transcription, but is full of clicks, snorts, hisses, and other peculiar sounds. How long they have lived under the earth is not known, but it is believed that they are the oldest intelligent race in the Known World.

Lizardmen do not wear much clothing, but frequently adorn themselves with crude jewellery of bones and beads, and the occasional, elaborate headdress. A kilt or loincloth is generally the only garment. Because of their tough skins, they do not seem to have any concept of wearing armour, although they do occasionally employ shields.


Lizardmen vary in height between four feet and six feet six inches. They have tough, well-muscled arms and legs, thick necks, and typical reptilian heads. Their tails are long and powerful. Their bodies are covered in tough scales, which can be of almost any colour from dull browns to irridescent blues and reds.



Psychological Traits[]

Lizardmen appear to have no emotions and never panic. Thus, they are immune to fear and terror.

Special Rules[]

Lizardmen have very tough skins, counted as one point of armour. If captured, they are apparently unable to understand even the simplest questions and will seek to escape at the first opportunity. Since they are given to eating captives of other races, they assume that all races do the same, which means they have nothing to lose by trying to escape, even against impossible odds. Lizardmen are immune to the stench given off by Troglodytes and seem quite prepared to employ them as troops. They have Night Vision to a range of 30 yards.
