- 'Ard As Nails
- 'Eadbutt
- 'Ere We Go!
- Accelerate Time
- Acid Excretion
- Acquiescence
- Acrobatics
- Acting
- Acute Hearing
- Adamnan-na-Brionha
- Additional Eye
- Advance Scheme
- Advancement
- Age
- Agility
- Agitator
- Agoraphobia
- Agriculture
- Agurk
- Air Lore
- Air Wizard
- Albino
- Albion
- Alchemist
- Alchemist's Apprentice
- Alchemy
- Alcoholism
- Alcoholism (Chaos Attribute)
- Alfunas
- Alignment
- Alignment Change
- All-Seeing Mirror
- Alluminas
- Altdorf
- Amaranth
- Amber Magic
- Amber Wizard
- Ambidextrous
- Amethyst Magic
- Amethyst Wizard
- Amnesia
- Amoeba
- Amphisbaena
- Amulet
- Animal Care
- Animal Mastery
- Animal Training
- Animate Sword
- Animate Tree
- Animate Water
- Animosity
- Annihilate Undead
- Anorexia
- Apuccini Mountains
- Araby
- Arcane Language
- Arianka
- Armour
- Arquebus
- Arrow Invulnerability
- Arrow Storm
- Arrows
- Art
- Artillerist
- Artisan
- Artisan's Apprentice
- Artisan's Apprentice (NPC)
- Assassin
- Assault Of Stones
- Assume Illusionary Appearance
- Astrologer
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Athel-Loren
- Atrophy
- Attacks
- Augur
- Augury
- Aura Of Invulnerability
- Aura Of Protection
- Aura Of Resistance
- Avatar Of The Horned Rat
- Axes Of Khorne
- Background Detail
- Badlands
- Ballistic Skill
- Banish Elemental
- Banish Illusion
- Bargain
- Basilisk
- Bastard Sword
- Bat
- Battle Magic
- Bawd
- Beaked
- Beam Of Slaanesh
- Bear
- Beast Of Nurgle
- Beastfriend
- Become Ethereal
- Beggar
- Beggar (NPC)
- Begging
- Bestial Face
- Bestiary
- Beweaponed Extremities
- Bewilder Foe
- Big Ears
- Bilbali
- Bind Daemon
- Bind Elemental Slave
- Bird's Feet
- Black Mountains
- Black Orc
- Black Skin
- Blast
- Blather
- Blinding Flash
- Blood Rage
- Blood Substitution
- Bloodletter
- Bloodsedge
- Bloodthirster
- Blot
- Blowpipe
- Bluff
- Blunderbuss
- Boar
- Boat Building
- Boat Handling
- Boatman
- Boatman (NPC)
- Bodyguard
- Bodyguard (NPC)
- Bog Octopus
- Bolas
- Bolt Thrower
- Bomb
- Bombard
- Bordeleaux
- Border Princes
- Bounty Hunter
- Bounty Hunter (NPC)
- Bow
- Break Weapon
- Breathe Fire
- Breathe Underwater
- Breathes Fire
- Bretonnia
- Brewing
- Bribe
- Bribery
- Bright Magic
- Bright Wizard
- Brightly Patterned Skin
- Brionne
- Brittle Bone
- Buckler
- Buildings
- Bulging Eyes
- Bunko Artist (NPC)
- Burning Body
- Busk
- Butterfingers
- Calendar
- Call Animal
- Camouflage Area
- Camouflage Illusion
- Card Reading
- Career
- Career Class
- Carnivorous Snapper
- Carpentry
- Carrion
- Cartography
- Cast Spells
- Cat
- Cat Burglar
- Catatonia
- Cause Animosity
- Cause Cowardly Flight
- Cause Fear
- Cause Fire
- Cause Frenzy
- Cause Hatred
- Cause Instability
- Cause Panic
- Cause Rain
- Cause Stupidity
- Celestial Magic
- Celestial Wizard
- Chameleoleech
- Champion Of Chaos
- Change Allegiance
- Change Weather
- Channelled Shock
- Chaos
- Chaos Attributes
- Chaos Beastman
- Chaos Lord
- Chaos Magic
- Chaos Spawn (Chaos Attribute)
- Chaos Wastes
- Chaos Weapons
- Chaos Were
- Character Creation
- Characteristics
- Charlatan
- Charlatan (NPC)
- Charm
- Charm Animal
- Chemistry
- Chimera
- Clap Of Thunder
- Claustrophobia
- Cleansing Fire of Malal
- Cleric
- Climb
- Cloak Activity
- Cloak Of Darkness
- Clone Image
- Cloud Of Flies
- Cloud Of Smoke
- Cloven Hooves
- Clown
- Coachman
- Coachman (NPC)
- Cold One
- Cold One Warhound
- Combat
- Comedian
- Complete Illusion
- Concealment: Rural
- Concealment: Urban
- Confound Foe
- Conjure Servitor
- Construct
- Consume Alcohol
- Consumer Guide
- Contortionist
- Control Lightning
- Control Undead
- Cook
- Cook (NPC)
- Cool
- Corrode
- Counterfeiter
- Couronne
- Court Intrigue
- Cowardice
- Craft Master Rune
- Create Bog
- Create Memorizing Head
- Create Quicksand
- Create Sacred Grove
- Create Spring
- Create Vegetation
- Crest
- Critical Fumbles
- Critical Hits
- Crossbow
- Crossbow Pistol
- Crossbreed
- Crown Of Flesh
- Crumble Stone
- Cryptography
- Crystalline Body
- Cunning Hand
- Cure Boils
- Cure Disease
- Cure Disease (spell)
- Cure Insanity
- Cure Light Injury
- Cure Poison
- Cure Severe Wound
- Curse
- Curse Of Arrow Attraction
- Curse Of The Horned One
- Curse Of Undeath
- Da Krunch
- Daemon Lore
- Daemon Slayer
- Daemon Weapons
- Daemonette
- Daemonic Amulet
- Daemonic Portal
- Daemonic Servant
- Daemonic Steed
- Daemonologist
- Daemonology
- Daemons
- Dance
- Danger Sense
- Dark Lands
- Dark Sight
- Dawnstones
- Death Head Of Nurgle
- Deathsight
- Decompose
- Dedicate Staff
- Delouse
- Demagogue
- Dementia
- Depression
- Destroy Illusion
- Destroy Undead
- Detect Chaos Taint
- Detect Magic
- Dexterity
- Diagnose Disease
- Dice Reading
- Dimensional Instability
- Disability
- Disarm
- Discs
- Disease
- Disguise
- Dispel Aura
- Dispel Daemon Horde
- Dispel Daemonic Presence
- Dispel Elementals
- Dispel Greater Daemon
- Dispel Lesser Daemon
- Dispel Magic
- Dispelling Illusions
- Dispirit
- Distract
- Diviner
- Divining
- Dodge Blow
- Dog
- Doors
- Doppelganger
- Dowsing
- Dragon
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragon Turtle
- Drain Life
- Drain Magic
- Draw Down Lightning
- Drawing Down The Moon
- Dream Interpretation
- Drive Cart
- Drop
- Drug Addiction