Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Magic is a form of energy that flows from the warp gates and permeates the Known World. In its 'purest' form, it is known as Dark magic, a powerful force that warps and twists those who use it. This is the very stuff of Chaos. In its most concentrated form, Dark magic can become solid, forming the substance known as warpstone.

Thankfully, Dark magic is not particularly stable. As soon as it leaves the warp gate, it begins to break up into different 'colours', which then drift across the world in swirls and eddies, known as the winds of magic. These phenomena are not really colours or winds at all, but this is the best analogy that has yet been found to explain the nature of magic to laymen. The colours are often presented in the form of a wheel.

It is these eight types of magic that the High Elves weave together to form the powerful High Magic, untainted by the corrupting force of Dark magic. This is something that other races cannot do, since they lack the mental abilities to control magic in such a way. This is why Teclis set up the eight Imperial Colleges of Magic. Previously, human wizards had been using magic without understanding its true nature and were as likely to call on the power of Dark magic as one of the colours. Even today, novice wizards without knowledge of the true nature of the forces with which they are tampering will call on a muddy mixture of the different colours to work their spells, with Dark magic as an accidental but critical 'ingredient'. This often leads to the corruption of the practitioner.

Teclis realised that the human mind was incapable of weaving the eight colours into High Magic. In an attempt to prevent the indiscriminate and muddled use of magical energies by those who barely understood what they were dealing with, he encouraged humans to learn to manipulate just one of the colours. In this way, they could become proficient and powerful in their narrow speciality while minimizing the chance of being corrupted by Chaos.

However, by the time Teclis set up the eight Imperial Colleges of Magic, humankind had been devising, researching, and practising many theories of magic for centuries. The introduction of an official, Imperially-sanctioned sytem of sorcery did not cause these to die off: some were forced underground; others tried to get along with the new colleges and theories; and some preferred to ignore or dismiss the Elven ideas, giving reasons ranging from simple distaste to outright xenophobia or paranoia.

Of the old schools, Elementalism in particular still has a strong following and a well-developed body of learning behind it. Zone magic - the manipulation of magical energies to affect the properties of a particular area - has a small but diligent following and self-taught hedge-wizards continue to appear in the rural areas of the Old World. None of these schools has a level of power approaching either Colour magic or High Magic: the Elves would say that this is because High Magic is the purest form, but there are human scholars who have their doubts.

There are some magical arts, such as necromancy and daemonology, that use Dark magic almost exclusively in their spell-casting, though many practitioners of these schools deny it. Hedge-wizardry uses a bizarre mixture of the eight colours and an occasional dash of Dark magic, together with herbalism and sleight-of-hand, in a system that owes more to superstition, old wives' tales, and folk tradition than to any scientific study.

Some might wonder why such schools of magic persist in the face of the teachings coming out of the Imperial Colleges. In searching for an answer, it must be remembered that the Imperial Colleges were set up at a time of great peril for The Empire and Teclis' main concern was to teach styles of magic and, in particular, spells that would be useful in the battle against Chaos. Consequently, the Imperial Colleges concentrate on offensive and defensive magic in order to provide front-line 'troops' for the battlefield. The study of non-combat magic was (and still is) neglected. As a result, wizards with less of an interest in fighting for their country (whether through cowardice, unpatriotic feelings, or a healthy regard for their own safety) are attracted to other schools of magic, where the emphasis is different or, at the very least, balanced with a wider selection of magical knowledge and spells. Understandably, the Imperial authorities are somewhat suspicious of these magicians and colleges - particularly of any organised wizardry outside the Imperial Colleges and beyond the Empire - and keep a close watch over their activities.

All wizards within the Empire are required to obtain a licence to practise their art.

The Range Of Magic[]

From the variety of types of magic across the Old World and beyond, it is clear that magic is a flexible energy, mutable into many forms. Some of these forms predate the teachings of Teclis; others have arisen since. Some universities even offer courses in the scholarship of magic that deal only with the theories behind the disciplines, without teaching the students a single spell.

The Colours Of Magic[]

The eight colours of magic are described in the entries listed below. Each type has its own particular 'feel', has developed its own practices and lore, and attracts a certain sort of person. As a result, over the years, the Imperial Colleges of Magic in Altdorf have grown more eccentric and isolated from each other, with their scholars convinced that their particular type of magic is somehow 'superior' to the others.

Note that the systematic study of thse forms of magic is only taught at the Imperial Colleges, although the nature of magic is such that certain spells and effects based on a particular colour can sometimes be used and taught without knowing their true origin.

Other, non-colour forms of magic are listed below:

Forms of magic practised by non-humans are:


Spellcasters are characters who have the ability to cast spells. There are two distinct types of spellcasters - magicians (Alchemists and Wizards) and priests (Clerics and Druids). Other characters may occasionally be granted magical powers on a temporary basis through a Blessing and can be regarded as spellcasters of sorts while they employ their magic.

Wizards: Wizards are the most numerous of the magicians. They employ Petty Magic and Battle Magic Spells. Wizards may specialise if they wish and become Daemonologists, Elementalists, Illusionists, or Necromancers.

Daemonologists: Daemonologists practice the dark and forbidden arts of daemonic summoning and conjuration. As a result, they invariably end up insane and are shunned by all normal folk.

Elementalists: These Magicians deal with natural forces and the elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

Illusionists: These Magicians are able to create and direct all manner of confusing illusions.

Necromancers: Necromancers are lonely, reclusive types, obsessed with death and the Undead. They can commune with the spirits of the dead and may be able to bind them to their service. But they pay dearly for this power, being regarded with as much abhorrence by normal folk as are Daemonologists.

Alchemists: These Academics study the branch of magic which deals with materials and their properties. They are the least powerful of the magic-using characters.

Clerics: Clerics are the dedicated followers of a deity, acting as the deity's representative on earth. They receive a wide range of powers from their deities, although specific powers vary greatly from religion to religion.

Druidic Priests: These priests are concerned with the worship of nature and receive their powers in a similar manner to Clerics.

Magic Levels[]

Each spellcasting career is graded by levels of power from 1 to 4, with 1 being the weakest and 4 the most powerful. Characters of level 1 can only cast level 1 spells, while level 4 characters can cast spells of levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. Alchemists are an exception to this - the level of spells available to them is always one less than their Magic Level (so that an Alchemist level 2 can only cast level 1 spells).

Magic Points[]

Characters with the Cast Spells skill have been shown how to act as channels for the magical forces of the universe. They are able to manipulate the raw magic to create spectacular effects, but, first, they must have studied and learnt the magical formulae which make up spells. However, knowing a spell is not the same as casting it successfully. Characters must not only know the mechanisms by which a spell is cast, but must also have enough inner resources or magic points to channel the spell effectively. Casting spells is taxing - some spells more so than others. Characters' ability to cast spells is dependent on the number of magic points they currently possess.

Each spell has a magic point cost listed in its description. This is the number which must be deducted from a spellcaster's current magic points as the spell is cast.

Magic points are only gained the first time a character reaches that level - regardless of which spellcasting career the character is currently following.

Gaining Magic Points[]

Magic points are gained as spellcasters progress through their careers, although the amounts vary, depending on level, race, and whether the character is a Magician or a Priest.

Magicians: Apprentices have very few magic points, while an accomplished Wizard has a large number to draw upon. As Magicians advance a level (after serving an apprenticeship), they gain 4D4 magic points, which are then added to the character's existing number of magic points and Power Level. Wizard's apprentices get 2D4 magic points, while Alchemists do not gain any until reaching level 1, when they get 2D4 magic points and 4D4 at each level thereafter.

Non-Human Magicians: Wood Elves gain the same numbers of magic points as do Humans. Dwarfs and Halflings, however, make poor Magicians and indeed they are very few spellcasters of these races. They gain half the number of magic points that Humans and Elves get - i.e., 1D4 as a Wizard's Apprentice or 1st level Alchemist and 2D4 magic points at each level thereafter.

Priests: All Priests (Clerics and Druids) gain magic points at the same rate, irrespective of race. Thus, Initiates have no magic points, but characters following these careers acquire 2D8 magic points at each level thereafter.

The following table summarises the magic points characters gain upon attaining each level:

Career Magic Points gained
Humans, Elves:
Alchemists' Apprentice none
Alchemist, level 1 2D4
Alchemist, levels 2-4 4D4 per level
Wizards' Apprentice 2D4
Wizard, levels 1-4 (and all specialist magicians) 4D4 per level
Dwarfs, Halflings:
Alchemists' Apprentice none
Alchemist, level 1 1D4
Alchemist, levels 2-4 2D4 per level
Wizards' Apprentice 1D4
Wizard, levels 1-4 (and all specialist magicians) 2D4 per level
All Races:
Druid none
Druidic Priest, levels 1-4 2D8 per level
Initiate none
Cleric, levels 1-4 2D8 per level

Power Levels[]

Power Level is a measure of how many magic points characters have gained so far in their career. It represents the maximum number of magic points that a character may have. The only way characters can increase their Power Level is by advancing to the next level of magic use.

Power Level should not be confused with the current number of magic points a character has - one is a measure of the maximum number available to the character and the other is a measure of how many points the character currently has, taking into account spells already cast. Also, do not confuse Magic Level and Power Level. The former is an indication of the rank of spellcaster the character has achieved, while the latter is the total number of magic points that level confers.

Recovering Magic Points[]

Magic points can be recovered in several ways:

Sleep: Any spellcaster except a Cleric or Druidic Priest may recover magic points while asleep. Magic points are recovered at the rate of 10% of the spellcaster's Power Level per hour of sleep; so 10 hours sleep will completely restore a spellcaster whose magic points score has dropped to zero. Less sleep will store proportionately fewer magic points; any fractions are ignored.

Note that any characters, including Clerics, who have previously had careers as Wizards (etc.) may regain magic points by sleeping. The ability is not lost because of a career change.

Meditation: Characters with Meditation skill may recover magic points by meditation at the rate of one point per D6 game turns (minutes).

Other Methods: It is also possible for points to be recovered by employing some magical items, the occasional intervention of deities, and by the casting of certain spells such as Summon Power and Tap Earthpower.

Note that magic points may only be regained up to the character's Power Level, unless the rules specifically state otherwise.

Druidic Priest: Druidic Priests may only recover magic points by conducting a ten-minute ritual in the special Time/Place appropriate to the species of their familiar, as given in Religion And Belief.

Clerics: Clerics normally recover magic points by Meditation; at the GM's option, the deity may decide to reduce the number of magic points regained if the Cleric has been less than a perfect embodiment of the faith. If the deity were ever to decide that the Cleric should receive no magic points at all, even sleeping would not help the character recover their magic points.

Increasing Power Level[]

There are various ways in which a spellcaster's Power Level can be increased:

Career: Characters who enter a spellcasting career will gain magic points as explained above. However, once they have reached level 1 in any spellcasting career, they cannot acquire any more magic points until they have reached a higher level. Therefore, characters who change from one school of magic to another at the same level or lower will gain no additional magic points, although they will now have access to a whole new category of spells. For example, a level 2 Wizard becoming a level 1 Illusionist gains no new magic points. Nor does the character gain any magic points for becoming a level 2 Illusionist, but, on attaining level 3, the character would receive a further 4D4 magic points.

Magical Items: Some magical items give a character a number of magic points as a bonus. Magic points gained from magical items may increase characters' magic point totals above the Power Level, but only temporarily. Magic points gained in this way are a once-only, non-recoverable bonus.


Spells are used to channel magic points to gain specific effects. To cast spells, characters must perform the necessary special gestures and speak the required incantations. Often special ingredients are needed to make the spell function at all. These special ingredients are nearly always used up in the process of spellcasting. Details of spells and any special ingredients required are found in the relevant Spell Description.

Spell Types[]

The following summarises the main types of magic known in the Old World. Characters learn spells by different means, according to their careers.

Petty Magic: Available to any character with Cast Spells skill.

Battle Magic: Available to Alchemists of level 2 or higher, any other magician of level 1 or higher, and some Clerics.

Daemonic Battle Magic: Available to Daemonologists and some Clerics.

Druidic Battle Magic: Available only to Druidic Priests.

Elemental Battle Magic: Available to Elementalists, Druidic Priests, and some Clerics.

Illusion Battle Magic: Available to Illusionists and some Clerics.

Necromantic Battle Magic: Available to Necromancers and some Clerics.

The spells available to Clerics vary from religion to religion (see Religion And Belief).

Casting Spells[]

All spells (except Petty Magic spells) have a Spell Level. Level 1 is the least powerful and level 4 the most powerful. The Cast Spells skill allows spellcasters to use spells in an increasing order or power. At each level of Magic Power, the character must spend the requisite number of experience points to receive the necessary Cast Spells skill.

Once characters learn a spell, they are able to cast it at any time (providing they have sufficient magic points). In order to use a known spell, a spellcaster must expend magic points. The number of points needed to cast a given spell is given in the Spell Description.

It takes about 10 seconds to make the required gestures and utter the proper incantation to cast a spell. A character casting a spell, therefore, may do nothing else during that combat round (including move) and is considered to be prone for the purposes of attacks (i.e., is hit automatically and suffers double damage). If a spell is interrupted for any reason - someone wallops the magician, for example - the magic points required to cast the spell are still expended.

Magic Point Cost[]

Each spell has a magic point cost listed in its description. This number is deducted from the spellcaster's total magic points when the spell is cast. A spellcaster with 12 or more magic points experiences no difficulties in casting a spell, the cost of the spell is simply deducted from the Magic Point total. However, characters who have fewer than 12 magic points and attempt to cast a spell must roll 2D6 and compare the result to their current number of magic points. A score of more than the current number means that the spell has failed, otherwise the spell is cast successfully. After attempting to cast a spell, whether successful or not, the cost of the spell is deducted from the remaining magic points.


In addition to the special gestures and magical incantations used in spell casting, every spell requires one or more material ingredients which are consumed by the magical energy of the spell. These are listed in the descriptions of each spell. Some are fairly mundane items and easily acquired, others may be extremely rare and involve much danger in their acquisition.

Spellcasters And Armour[]

It is very difficult for spellcasters to perform magic correctly while wearing armour and/or carrying a shield. Either will hinder conjurations and create magical disharmonies. Accordingly, it is not usual for spellcasters to wear armour or to carry shields. Spellcasters who do wear armour may not use Meditation skill. In addition, the number of magic points required to cast spells or use scrolls is higher if the character is wearing armour. Each point of armour, whether from armour (no matter where worn) or shield, adds two to the magic points required to cast the spell. So a character wearing 2 points of armour on the body, 2 points of armour on each leg, and carrying a shield for 1 point would need to expend an additional 14 points to cast a spell or use a scroll.

Magic Tests[]

Sometimes a character can be affected by magic directly. In such cases, a test is made against the victim's WP. A failed test means that the spell takes effect as given in the spell description. If successful, the victim completely overcomes the effects of the spell/item. This is not the case for all spells. Magic Missile attacks (fireballs and lightning bolts), for example, always hit their target and cannot be avoided. Characters cannot avoid the indirect effects of magic; if a spellcaster creates a magical rainstorm, characters beneath it cannot avoid getting wet through making a test against Magic.

Spell/Test Enhancements[]

Spellcasters may reduce the chance of their target(s) making a successful Magic test by expending additional magic points. A player wishing to follow this option must state that the spellcaster will enhance the spell's effects before the victim rolls any dice. For each magic point spent (over and above the spell's magic point cost and any costs for armour worn), the victim's WP is reduced by 5% for the purposes of making the Magic test. In the case of a spell which affects more than one target, the spellcaster may reduce the WP of some or all of the victims, provided that additional magic points are expended for each victim.

If any of the victims of a spell have acquired any magic points (from following a spellcasting career), they may expend them to improve the chances of making a sucessful Magic test. For each magic point spent, WP may be increased by 5% for the purposes of the test. Players must decide how many magic points are to be expended in this way before rolling any dice. In most ordinary circumstances, players can simply announce to the GM that their characters are spending additional magic points on enhancing/reducing the victim's WP for the purpose of a Magic test. In those rare instances where two players are involved, one enhancing and one reducing the test chance, the players should inform the gamesmaster of the number of points they are spending in secret and before any dice are rolled.

Targeting Spells[]

Many spells are described as affecting a "group" of characters or creatures. A group is defined as comprising any number of characters who are no more than 3 yards apart. In other words, a character who is more than 3 yards from other characters targeted by the spell does not count as part of the group. The following diagrams show some possible formations.

When dealing with very large creatures (20 feet plus), you must be prepared to exercise some discretion and it is probably advisable always to treat them as individuals.

If a spellcaster wishes to affect a particular individual within a group, the target must be easily identifiable - a horseman in a group of foot soldiers, for example, or a giant in a group of orcs. Alternatively, the spellcaster may spend an extra round aiming (as for firing missiles into groups).

Completing Careers[]

All spellcasters embark on career paths which are more demanding than those of ordinary characters. Because they involve specialised training and great experience, there are certain changes to the rules on Changing Careers.

First, before characters may embark on a new spellcasting career or advance to the next level in a spellcasting profession, they must have fully completed the previous career level. In general terms, this means that characters cannot become Wizards, level 1, for example, without having been Wizards' Apprentices. Specifically, to have fully completed an earlier career level, the character must have done the following:

  1. Taken all the available advances from the old Advance Scheme, at the normal cost in Experience Points.
  2. Taken all the available skills from the previous career level, at the normal cost in Experience Points.
  3. Learned at least two of the spells available (if any) at the old level. Characters may advance without having learned all the spells, although players may choose to spend Experience Points on spells rather than on hasty level rises.

Also, before characters may commence any of the Specialist Wizard careers, they must have completed Wizard, level 1.

Careers may still be broken or interrupted as before, but characters may not rise to higher levels of a spellcasting career until they return and complete the previous level.

The normal cost in Experience Points for changing to the new career is also altered, as explained below.

Magician Careers[]

Magician careers are those which involve magical research and require much study to master, namely Alchemist and Wizard (including the specialisations of Daemonologist, Elementalist, Illusionist, and Necromancer). Cleric and Druidic careers are dealt with seperately.

Experience Point Cost[]

Magician careers cost more to follow than non-magical careers. Because of the intense study required of magician characters, it costs more Experience Points to progress through the levels of the career than it does to enter a new, non-magical career. Wizards who decide to branch off into one or other of the various specialisations pay even more Experience Points to progress in their chosen specialisation. The table below lists the costs of entry into each level of a magical career:

Level EP Cost EP Cost For Specialisation
Apprentice 100 N/A
1 100 200
2 200 400
3 300 600
4 400 800

Magicians' Magic Points[]

As characters progress through magician careers they gain Magic Points at each level of magican ability. However, characters who have already gained Magic Points as a level 1 Wizard, for example, do not gain any additional points on becoming a level 1 Illusionist.

Learning Spells[]

Before a character can cast a spell, it has to be learnt. Characters whose first career is Wizard's Apprentice start the game with 2 Petty Magic Spells; characters who enter this career later gain only one. All other spells must be learned during the character's career.

There are four conditions which need to be met before characters can learn a spell: they must have access to a copy of the spell; they must be of a sufficient level to cast it; they must have enough Experience Points; and they must make a successful Int test.

First, the magician must have access to the spell in question (from another magician's books or some other source). Characters cannot learn spells simply by willing them into their heads; they must be instructed in its use by another magician.

Second, characters must be qualified to cast the spell - they must be of sufficient level and of the right speciality. Wizards cannot cast Illusionist magic, for example, unless they have already trained as an Illusionist. Nor can characters learn a spell of a higher level than they have achieved in the relevant career. Therefore, a level 2 Necromancer (even one who has previously attained level 4 Wizard) cannot learn Necromancer spells of levels 3 or 4.

Third, characters must spend Experience Points in the learning of the spell. Petty Magic spells cost 50 EPs each and all other spells cost 200 EPs per level. Spellcasters are therefore faced with the choice of using EPs on their advance scheme or using them to gain spells.

The exception to this concerns those characters who turn aside from a magical career path to become, for instance, a Rogue. Those characters can still have magic powers and are still magicians (a Wizard who goes off and becomes a Thief for a while doesn't stop being a Wizard). However, they would not be so able to concentrate fully on magical pursuits, thus affecting their chances to accumulate new magical knowledge. Therefore, whenever magicians are currently pursuing a non-magical career, they may only learn new spells by spending twice the required number of EPs. If the character returns to a magical career path, spells are again learnt at normal cost.

Finally, the character must make a successful Int test. The difficulty of the test depends on the level of the spell being learnt:

Intelligence test modifier
Petty Magic x2*
Level 1 Normal*
Level 2 -10 to Int score
Level 3 -20 to Int score
Level 4 -30 to Int score
* A score of 96-00 is always a failure, regardless of Int score.

Any modifiers are applied to the character's Int score before the dice are rolled. If the roll is successful, the character now knows the spell and expends the required number of Experience Points. A failed roll means that the character has failed to understand the spell, but the Experience Points are not expended - the character may use them to attempt to learn another spell, spend them on an advance to save them until later.

Characters may make further attempts to learn a spell which they failed to understand, if they gain access to a new version of the spell or following an increase in their Int score. For example, if a character discovers a Fire Ball spell on a scroll and fails to understand it, then no matter how long the character studies the scroll, that spell cannot be learned. However, if a new book or scroll is discovered, the character may attempt to learn the spell again. A new source allows the characters to approach the spell from a different perspective; likewise, an increase in Int might allow characters to grasp concepts that proved too difficult before.

Sources Of New Spells[]

New spells may be gained from a number of sources. The following suggestions provide some ideas for ways in which this might occur.

Spells may be learned in the following ways:

From other magicians: First, the character must find another magician who knows the desired spell and come to some arrangement for tuition. The learner expends EPs as usual and the teacher will also ask for payment in the form of money or services (perhaps even swapping of spells of the same level). Average tuition costs will be about 500 Gold Crowns per spell level; Petty Magic spells cost around 100 Gold Crowns each. Characters can Bargain over terms, but the GM should bear in mind that NPC magicians will normally only teach spells to characters of their own race and alignment.

From grimoires: Grimoires are books of spells written in one of the arcane languages. Grimoires are magical items and it should be difficult to gain access to them; most are owned by collectors such as powerful Wizards and guilds. A character who wishes to learn a spell from a grimoire will need the appropriate Arcane Language skill.

From magical artifacts: Some artifacts grant their bearer knowledge of one or more spells. Often then give such knowledge without the character needing to spend any Experience Points. In some cases, a magical artifact grants knowledge of a spell only so long as the artifact remains in the possession of the magician.

Divine Intervention: Deities may intervene directly to grant their followers spells. Clerics and Druids gain all their spells this way, but other characters might also receive this kind of gift if they perform some outstanding service for a deity. In most cases, characters other than Clerics and Druids will be granted a once-only use of a spell.

Maximum Number Of Spells Known[]

Characters may know any number of Petty Magic spells, but are limited in the maximum number of other spells they may know. For 1st-4th level spells, this is equal to the character's Int divided by 10 and multiplied by their magical level. Thus, a level 2 Wizard with an Int of 50 can know a maximum of 10 spells ((50 / 10) x 2). The same character (assuming no increase in Int) could know 15 spells at third level ((50 / 10) x 3).

If a magician suffers a reduction in Int for any reason (e.g., as the result of a Cause Stupidity spell), the player must recalculate the maximum numbers of spells the character may know. If the new number is lower than the number of spells currently learnt, the gamesmaster must randomly select which spell(s) will be forgotten. Spells lost in this way are not remembered if and when the character's Int returns to its former level. The character must go through the process of finding and learning the spell all over again, but gains a +10% bonus to the Int test for learning it.


Alchemists, as well as being able to prepare chemical compounds, are also able to Cast Spells. A character wishing to become an Alchemist must first serve an apprenticeship (by following the Alchemist's Apprentice basic career). The Apprentice career must be fully completed before the character can move on to become a level 1 Alchemist.

Having become a level 1 Alchemist, the character is able to cast Petty Magic spells. Again, the current career must be fully completed before the character can move on to the next level. Alchemists never have access to level 4 Battle Magic spells or to spells of any Wizard specialisation.


There are several types of Wizard in the Old World, but they all follow a similar course. A character wishing to become a Wizard must serve an apprenticeship (by following the Wizard's Apprentice basic career). As an apprentice, the character gains a few basic skills and becomes able to cast Petty Magic spells. The apprentice career must be fully completed before the character can move on to become a level 1 Wizard.

Wizards are able to employ the mighty Battle Magic. They may decide to study Battle Magic intensively or branch out into the more specialist fields of Elementalism, Illusionism, Necromancy, or even Daemonology. Wizards are not restricted to devoting themselves to just one school, but may decide to explore a number of fields, expanding their knowledge slowly. For example, a character may branch out into Illusionism and then decide to study Necromancy followed by Daemonology. However, a character who studies Elementalism can never study Daemonology or Necromancy; and characters who have specialised in either of these fields cannot become Elementalists.

Specialist Wizards[]

A Wizard who has fully completed a level 1 career may choose to specialise in another field of magic instead of becoming a level 2 Wizard. A character may also decide to specialise after completing a level 2, 3, or 4 career, but - regarless of previous level - characters always start at level 1 in any new specialist field. However, a character who enters a specialist field and then leaves after completing 1, 2, or 3 levels may always return to that field and progress to the next level.

Daemonologists, Elementalists, Illusionists, and Necromancers are specialist Wizards. Each specialty has its own group of spells and a character who specialises gains access to these as well as to Petty Magic and Battle Magic spells.


The study and practice of the unspeakable arts of Daemonology and Necromancy soon take their toll on the magician's mind and body. Likewise, Evil and Chaotic magicians following other magical careers also suffer physical and mental degeneration. This is reflected by the acquisition of one or more Penalties at each level. Every time Daemonologists advance a level, they gain 1D6 Insanity Points, plus one Disability . Necromancers also gain a Disability at each level and have a steadily increasing chance of contracting Tomb Rot. Evil or Chaotic magicians are slightly more fortunate, in that they only develop one Disability at each level. Other penalties, gained by summoning Daemons or using daemonic power-summoning spells, for example, are described in the introduction to the relevant careers.

Priest Careers[]

Priestly careers are those which involve dedication to a faith or cult, namely Cleric and Druidic Priest.

Becoming A Priest[]

A character wishing to become a priestmust first have completed the relevant basic career (Initiate for Cleric, Druid for Druidic Priest), taking all the advances on the Advance Scheme and acquiring all the skills. The character must also have accumulated the 100 Experience Points necessary to change careers.

Changing careers is not automatic, as it is with other careers. Instead of spending EPs to change careers, the character uses them to buy one roll on the relevant Priests' Advance Table. The result of the roll must be applied; failure to obey the will of the gods can result in severe trouble for the offending character.

Career Progression[]

The same procedure is followed when Clerics and Druidic Priests wish to move from one level to the next. The lower level career must have been fully completed, with all available skills and advances having been taken (plus a minimum of two spells) and the character must spend 100 EPs per level to gain one roll on the Advance Table. Thus, Level 2 Clerics must pay 300 EPs before they can roll on the Priests' Advance Table.

The table below lists the costs of the roll on the Advance Table for each level a Priest career:

To Become EP Cost
Initiate or Druid N/A
Cleric/Druidic Priest, level 1 100
Cleric/Druidic Priest, level 2 200
Cleric/Druidic Priest, level 3 300
Cleric/Druidic Priest, level 4 400

The Gods[]

All Initiates must choose one deity to follow; characters must be, or become, of the same alignment as the chosen deity and must dedicate their lives to that deity's service. A list of deities popular in the Old World is given in the Religion And Belief section. Characters may never follow a Priest career following a different deity and, if they voluntarily change alignment or renounce their deity, they will instantly lose all priestly abilities and will probably suffer some curse as well.

Druids and Druidic Priests are followers of the Old Faith and must be of Neutral alignment. The Old Faith is detailed in the Religion And Belief section. Druidic characters may never become an Initiate or Cleric of any other deity and, if they turn away from the Old Faith, all abilities are lost and a curse will probably be incurred.

Magic Points and Spells[]

Priests gain and use magic points in a similar way to magicians. However, they will, on average, have slightly fewer magic points than Human Wizards, gaining none at Initiate level and 2D8 at each level thereafter. Priests' magic points come from the deity, rather than from study and research, and the deity may choose to reduce the number of magic points gained or regained by priests who have not behaved as they should.

Note that, as with magicians, Priests may only increase their Power Level by progressing to a higher level. Thus, a character who reaches Cleric, Level 2, will gain no magic points from becoming, for example, a Wizard's Apprentice. Only on attaining level 3 in a spellcasting career will the character gain more magic points.

Similarly, spells are granted by the deity rather than learned and the deity may deny a character the use of a certain spell or spells. Experience Points must be used to pay for spells, in the same way as for magicians - this reflects characters earning divinely-granted powers by their deeds. Characters do not have to make an Int test in order to be granted them. Success is decided by making a WP test, modified by the level of the spell requested, as shown on the following table:

Spell Level Will Power Test Modifier
Petty x2*
1 x0*
2 -10
3 -20
4 -30
* A roll of 96-00 is always a failure, regardless of modifiers.

When the test is made, the gamesmaster may choose to impose further modifiers, bearing in mind the way the character has behaved recently: a character who has been a shining example of the faith may be awarded some kind of bonus, while a penalty may be applied for a character who has been less than zealous.

If the test is successful, the character expends the necessary EPs and makes a note of the spell name. If the test is a failure, the character does not lose the EPs, but may not pray for that spell again until he or she has either acquired more EPs (equal to the amount that spell would have cost) or has gained a WP advance.

Spells available to Priests vary according to the deity they follow, as explained in the Religion And Belief section. Note that Priests must acquire at minimum of two spells at each level before that level can be considered completed.

Maximum Number Of Spells Known[]

Characters may know any number of Petty Magic spells (dependent on religion). For level 1-4 spells, a character may know a number equal to (WP / 10) x the character's level. Thus a level 2 Cleric with a WP of 50 may know a maximum of 10((50 / 10) x 2) spells.

If a Priest suffers a reduction in WP for any reason, the player must recalculate the maximum number of spells which the character may know. If the new number is greater than the number of spells currently known, then the GM must randomly select a spell to be forgotten. Spells lost by characters in this way are not remembered if and when their WP returns to its former level. The characters must go through the process of acquiring sufficient EPs and praying to their deity, all over again. However, they gain a +10% modifier to their WP when making the test to acquire the spell for the second time.

Cast Spells Skill[]

In the Cleric and Druidic Priest Advance Schemes, the Cast Spells skill is listed at each level and must be acquired before characters may cast any spells of their current level. The skill is listed as as either "Cast Spells: Clerical" or "Cast Spells: Druidic". In the case of Clerics, they may cast a mixture of many different types of magic, depending on their particular religion, and thus the Arcane Language skill (gained at Level 1) applies to these types of magic. For example, a 2nd level Cleric of Mórr may cast Petty Magic and Necromantic Magic and knows Arcane Language: Necromantic Magick. Druidic Priests, on the other hand, are able to cast Petty Magic, Battle Magic, Elemental Magic, and Druidic Magic - but do not know any Arcane Languages other than Druidic.
