The largest port in the entire Old World, Marienburg is naturally the main trading centre in all the north. Its position at the head of the River Reik means that goods from the southern parts of the Old World and beyond must pass through the city en route to such places as Nuln in the south and Kislev in the east. Similarly, goods for export pass down the rivers Talabec and Reik towards Marienburg's harbours, which give access to the south of the Old World, the New World, the Southlands, and countries as far removed as Lustria or Cathay.
The city is built at the point where the might River Reik cuts across the ancient bedrock of the north coast before spilling into a vast delta. By the time it reaches Marienburg, the Reik is the wildest river in the Old World, well over a mile from bank to bank. At Marienburg, however, a series of rocky islands begins to split the river into its fine tributaries and the city is built upon these islands, joined by numerous bridges. Only one deep passage is maintained, that being on the south side of the city around the docklands. Ships may easily pass this great channel into the Reik or northwards into the sea or they might put into one of Marienburg's many harbours. A single bridge crosses the main ship-way, the 'High Bridge', which is raised on a solid stone tower on the southernmost island of Marienburg, crossing to a high rocky hill on the other side. The bridge is ascended by a great winding road that coils on the outerside of the tower, a feature greatly admired by travellers and known throughout the Old World.
The city itself is distinguished by its fine houses, many of which are effectively fortresses belonging to the mercantile aristocrats and merchant adventures that rule the city. It also has the largest Sea Elven trading community of about 500 Elves. This is pretty much autonomous, with its own laws and militia, since the city authorities are more than willing to allow the Elves to manage their own affairs, given the wealth which their trade brings to the city.
Marienburg is a wealthy, cosmopolitan city where there is everywhere a sense of affluence and well-being. Within its salt-stained walls stands the chief temple of Manann, god of the sea, a lofty building, decorated by the city's finest stonemasons and woodcarvers. But in such an open city, it is all too easy for the minions of Chaos to hide, to perpetrate their evil affairs and to spread their sickening creed.