Minotaur is the name given to a specific form of giant beastman, which combines the physical and mental attributes of Human and bull - and occasionally those of other creatures as well. These ferocious monsters of Chaos are brutal in behaviour and perverted in thought, with insatiable appetites for living flesh. They delight in tearing live victims apart and eating their flesh before their eyes. Warm flesh and blood has an intoxicating effect on Minotaurs and their feeding sessions quickly become orgies of savagery and torture. Their favourite food is man, but they will eat most living creatures and will even turn to cannibalism if they cannot find any other source of food.
Minotaurs may be found deep within the ancient forests of the Old World, from where they mount spectacular hunting raids on small towns and other settlements, often accompanied by other Chaos Beastmen and Warriors Of Chaos. They are fearsome fighters, but their brutish intelligence prevents them from using weapons of any complexity or manufacturing their own weapons or armour.
Minotaurs are giant Humans with the heads of bulls, and often other chaotic features as well. Their skin is dark, while their heads are usually black with off-white or yellowish horns. Some Minotaurs carry the blessings of the Chaos Gods in the form of goatlike legs with coarse black hair. Eyes are normally red, while the exposed skin around the ears and muzzle may be grey or pinkish.
Psychological Traits[]
Minotaurs cause fear in living creatures under 10 feet tall.
Special Rules[]
Minotaurs are subject to blood lust; if a minotaur kills or disables an opponent and there is no other opponent within reach, it must test against Cl or begin to eat. If attacked while eating, it will fight those who have disturbed it and its A score is temporarily doubled until it is able to resume feeding.