The mutant grows one or more extra heads (T +½ per head). Roll a D6 to determine how many:
D6 | Heads |
1-5 | One |
6 | Two |
The mutant always has at least as many A as it has heads: i.e., if necessary, increase the mutant's A to match its number of heads; do not reduce its A score if this is already greater than the number of heads. In addition, increase its fear point total by one.
Subsequent Chaos attributes can affect the mutant's heads, e.g., Eyestalks or Bestial Face.
You can decide the effects of such attributes for yourself. A two-headed mutant, for example, who grows Horns might get one horn on the 'outer' side of each head or a pair of horns on each head. A three-headed mutant with a Manikin might get three manikins or one manikin on its centre head while all three main heads atrophy.
Alternatively, you can apply each attribute randomly to the mutant's heads. Roll a D6 and consult the table for the number of heads that are affected:
D6 | Result |
1-3 | One head |
4-5 | Two heads |
6 | Three heads |