Ogres are gross, ugly humanoids who love to fight and kill. However, they are not particularly discriminating and will hire their services out to the higest bidder. They are not an overly cruel race, but they are brutal and have little respect for the weak or helpless. Formerly Human, they were tainted in the unfathomably distant past by the effects of Chaos upon their northern homeland. Ogres were once common in Norsca and even the northern part of the Old World, but now they are a rare and diminishing race. They live for eating and fighting and their main god is called 'The Great Maw'. Although their digestive systems are puny compared to those of a Troll, they will eat almost any animal or vegetable matter and their terms for other races nearly always translate into 'food', 'vittles', or some similar term. One story sums up typical Ogrish attitudes to eating and fighting: an Ogre mercenary captain is said to have said to his human employer during a battle, 'Oy, slim! Shift yer starters and we'll make breakfast!', which is roughly translatable as 'I say, insignificantly small person, if you would like to move your front rank out of our way, we shall engage the enemy.'
Many Ogrish idioms concern food and eating, and those Ogres who speak human tongues have a habit of translating these literally, which creates interesting problems of communication. 'Slim' is a term applied to most non-Ogres in conversation and occasionally an Ogre will address another Ogre as 'slim' by way of an insult. When something is unspeakably bad or horrifying, an Ogre might say 'It nearly put me off me tea', while 'troll's leavings' is a term with the same meaning as 'Sweet FA'. Eating contests are popular amongst Ogres as a form of duel, and the ultimate triumph for an Ogre is to win the contest by eating his opponent. Ogres speak their own snorting, growling language, known as Grumbarth, although many get by in Norse and a few have a smattering of Old World languages.
Ogres wear very basic dress, usually natural furs and leather or materials they can steal or trade from cooperative humans. They favour immense bludgeoning and chopping weapons
Ogres are large humanoids, about 12 feet tall and almost as broad. Their bones are massive and their entire skeleton is heavily-built, giving them a coarse appearance.
Ogres are very well-adapted to withstand cold and adverse conditions, with very few nerve endings or blood vessels near the surface of the skin. Their skin, which is almost as thick as that of a bull, is usually a dark, dull brown or grey colour and their coarse hair is normally black, grey, or white.
Psychological Traits[]
Ogres cause fear in living creatures under ten feet tall.