Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Orcs are powerful warriors - the toughest of the goblinoid races - and often install themselves as leaders of their weaker cousins. They are repulsive monsters who love inflicting pain and delight in cruelty and slaughter. Orcs are always fighting and, if they cannot find enemies to fight, they will fight each other. The whole of Orc technology and culture is geared towards conflict. They are dangerous individual foes, but lack the organisation or motivation to present any real long-term threat to humanity. Orcs speak the common Goblin tongue, usually about four octaves lower than any Goblin.


Orcs are the largest of the goblinoid races and can often reach almost seven feet in height. They are powerfully-built, with crooked legs and a shambling, ape-like gait. Their arms are long, so that their huge hands almost reach to the ground. Their faces are brutal, with huge teeth and jaws, and their small, piggy eyes peer from underneath ugly overhanging bony ridges. Skin is often greenish or a dark olive brown and is covered in warts, scars, and filth.



Psychological Traits[]

Orcs are subject to animosity towards goblinoids of other tribes or races than their own.

Special Rules[]

Orcs have Night Vision extending up to 10 yards.
