Snotlings are the smallest of the goblinoid races. They live in large, close communities amongst the dense forests, inhabiting underground 'sets' or caves, excavated around tree roots or under rocks. Although theoretically concealed, entrances to a Snotling set are easily recognised by the large piles of dung, offal, and rubbish that surround them, and the stench should make the general location of a set fairly evident to anyone with any sense of smell - a Snotling's idea of personal hygiene is pretty disgusting! Set-mates recognise each other by smell and Snotlings take great trouble to acquire precisely the right odour. They are highly gregarious and always appear in large numbers; they hate to be alone.
Although Snotlings make use of weapons and clothing, they manufacture nothing, prefering to steal and convert goods from other races. Thus, their clothing is often very basic - crude loincloths and other rags. Snotlings only attack openly when they outnumber their prey by at least ten to one, otherwise, they stick to stealth and hit-and-run tactics. Their weapons generally consist of knives, which they wield as swords, and small spears, axes, and clubs. They also use nets and many sets cultivate weird fungi and poisonous mushrooms from which they make "spore weapons".
Unlike the other goblinoid races, Snotlings are neutral in alignment - they do have evil tendencies, but their more dastardly acts, such as filling a sleeper's hat or sandwiches with their bodily waste, result from their primitive sense of humour rather than from their alignment. Their dialect of the common Goblin tongue is known as Snotgob.
Snotlings look like very small goblins, standing only 2-3 feet tall. Their skin colour cannot usually be determined, however, for their bodies are invariably encrusted with soil and worse substances.
Psychological Traits[]
Snotlings are not subject to inter-goblinoid animosity (they are too stupid to recognise the relationship involved), but they have a dim animal cunning which prevents them from being subject to stupidity. When Snotlings do not outnumber their foes by at least ten to one, they are subject to fear. A lone Snotling is subject to terror.
Special Rules[]
Snotlings are immune to the effects of moulds and use a variety of spore weapons, which can be thrown up to 15 yards and have the same effect as red or yellow mould. They have Night Vision to a range of 10 yards.