Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Specialst weapons are weapons whose use requires special training or knowledge. Characters attempting to use specialist weapons without the appropriate skill do so with a WS or BS of 10%. The gamesmaster may also employ a standard Risk test where an incompetent user might come to harm. A character with this skill has just one from the following list as a category of specialisation, although additional categories of weapons may be added if the character gets this skill again.

Skill Permits safe usage of
Polearm Polearm
Double-handed Weapons Hand-and-a-half swords; two-handed axes, clubs, maces, hammers, picks, and swords; halberds, quarter-staffs, and two-handed flails (if the character also has the Flail skill)
Flail Weapons Morning-stars, flails, and whips
Fencing Sword Foils and rapiers
Parrying Weapons Left-hand daggers, sword-breakers, and bucklers
Lance Lance
Net Net
Bomb Bomb (this covers not only placement or throwing, but also preparation and manufacture)
Incendiaries Firebombs, molotov cocktails
Lasso Lasso, bolas
Longbow Longbow
Repeating Crossbow Repeating crossbow


Crossbow pistol and small spring gun
Throwing Weapons Throwing knife, throwing axe
Sling Sling, staff sling
Blowpipe Blowpipe
Artillery Bolt- and stone-throwing war engines
Firearms Gunpowder weapons
Fist Weapons Gauntlet, knuckle-duster, hook, strangling scarves, wires, etc.
Bombard Bombard
Firethrower Firethrower
Mortar Mortar
Blunderbuss Blunderbuss
Cannon Cannon
Flame Cannon Flame cannon
Torpedo Torpedo