Specialst weapons are weapons whose use requires special training or knowledge. Characters attempting to use specialist weapons without the appropriate skill do so with a WS or BS of 10%. The gamesmaster may also employ a standard Risk test where an incompetent user might come to harm. A character with this skill has just one from the following list as a category of specialisation, although additional categories of weapons may be added if the character gets this skill again.
Skill | Permits safe usage of |
Polearm | Polearm |
Double-handed Weapons | Hand-and-a-half swords; two-handed axes, clubs, maces, hammers, picks, and swords; halberds, quarter-staffs, and two-handed flails (if the character also has the Flail skill) |
Flail Weapons | Morning-stars, flails, and whips |
Fencing Sword | Foils and rapiers |
Parrying Weapons | Left-hand daggers, sword-breakers, and bucklers |
Lance | Lance |
Net | Net |
Bomb | Bomb (this covers not only placement or throwing, but also preparation and manufacture) |
Incendiaries | Firebombs, molotov cocktails |
Lasso | Lasso, bolas |
Longbow | Longbow |
Repeating Crossbow | Repeating crossbow |
Pistol |
Crossbow pistol and small spring gun |
Throwing Weapons | Throwing knife, throwing axe |
Sling | Sling, staff sling |
Blowpipe | Blowpipe |
Artillery | Bolt- and stone-throwing war engines |
Firearms | Gunpowder weapons |
Fist Weapons | Gauntlet, knuckle-duster, hook, strangling scarves, wires, etc. |
Bombard | Bombard |
Firethrower | Firethrower |
Mortar | Mortar |
Blunderbuss | Blunderbuss |
Cannon | Cannon |
Flame Cannon | Flame cannon |
Torpedo | Torpedo |