Spectres have become trapped in the material world either as a result of a broken vow or because of a curse placed upon them during their lives. The Spectre is doomed to haunt the living world until it can fulfil its broken vow or redeem itself from its curse. Spectres are not necessarily Evil and they may encourage or help living creatures if this will help them to escape from their miserable condition. They are normally bound to the area where they died in the same way as are Ghosts.
Spectres are ethereal creatures with physical substance; they are usually luminous and semi-transparent, but otherwise appear much as they did at the time of their death.
Psychological Traits[]
Spectres are subject to instability while outside their bounded area; they are immune to all other psychological tests and cannot be forced to leave combat. Spectres cause fear in living creatures and can cause terror in living creatures, if they choose to do so.
Special Rules[]
Spectres can only be wounded by magical weapons. A character hit by a Spectre will be paralysed unless he or she can make a successful WP test. Paralysed individuals cannot move or attack for 2D6 turns (minutes). Paralysis attacks even affect creatures which are immune to non-magical weapons. Because Spectres area ethereal, they may pass through solid objects, such as walls and so on, without penalty. They may not touch or manipulate material objects.