Swivel Gun | |
| |
Point Blank | 3 |
Short | 24 |
Long | 48 |
Extreme | 100 |
Effective Strength
| |
Point Blank | 6 |
Short | 4 |
Long | 3 |
Extreme | 2 |
Load/Fire Times | 4 rounds to load, 1 round to fire |
The swivel gun is a larger version of the blunderbuss, designed to be fixed to a swivel mounting on a ship's rail or the roof of a coach. Like the blunderbuss, it can be loaded with improvised ammunition. Also like a blunderbuss, the shot may spread; use the following procedure to calculate the effects:
If firing into a group, roll a D6 to determine the amount of 'spread' in the shot. The die roll indicates the number of creatures which can be hit by the shot. Roll to hit each one individually. Each creature hit takes damage as normal. When firing at a single creature who is not part of a group, determine hits and damage normally.
The swivel gun requires 3 shots of powder per shot and is loaded with 6 balls per firing, when using standard shot.
Creatures with a S score of 5 or more may use a swivel gun hand-held, without the mounting; however, his imposes a -10 'to hit' penalty and, each time the gun is fired, the firer must make a successful I test or be knocked down by the recoil, spending the next round prone. A character who is knocked down must make a successful I test or lose 1 W point, regardless of armour; if the character falls below zero W as a result, use the Sudden Death Critical Hit Table.