Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

The mutant can teleport itself (and possibly others) from one location to another. Roll a D6; on a result of 6, the mutant can teleport anybody, otherwise it can only teleport itself. The mutant may only teleport one creature (possibly only itself) and anything it is carrying per turn, up to a distance of D6 x D6 x 2 yards.

Determine the maximum distance that the mutant may teleport someone each time the attribute is used. The mutant may choose any aiming point within this distance.

However, the mutant cannot teleport anyone into a solid object or to a point in mid-air. Furthermore, the mutant cannot carry out any other actions while using this attribute. It must remain stationary during the entire turn and may not attack, cast spells, or perform any other action. If the mutant is attacked, it may defend itself, but it may not make any attacks in return.

The mutant must be within 4 yards of the creature that it is teleporting (or touching it). Creatures who do not wish to be teleported may make a WP test; success indicates the victim has resisted the mutant and is not moved.

The mutant must make a successful Int test to use this attribute. If it fails this test, the teleported creature appears 2D12 yards away from the aiming point. Use a D12 clockface to determine the direction of the error. It is possible for a teleported victim to end up closer to the mutant than it was in the first place!
