Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

The mutant's position in time grows unstable and it may, at times, 'slip sideways' in time to another, parallel timestream. Roll a D6 to determine the nature of the mutant's temporal instability:

D6 Result
1-4 Involuntary: Roll a D6 every turn; on a result of 6, the mutant disappears into the timestream for D6 turns.
5-6 Voluntary: Roll a D6 every round. On a result of 6 or more, the mutant disappears in time for D6 turns. However, the mutant may increase or decrease the die roll by one before the die is thrown.

The mutant reappears in exactly the same spot from which it vanished. No time has passed as far as it is concerned. For example, no W will have been recovered if the mutant has the Regeneration attribute and no magic points may be regained by meditation.
