Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

The Abasko Mountains stretch almost 500 miles, from the rocky cliffs of Fools Point to the fetid bay of the Blighted Marshes. Throughout all that 500-mile stretch, the shoreline is jagged and dangerous, harbouring unseen rocks that would tear the bottom from a ship barely within sight of land. Yet, along this uninviting and murderous coast, there is one great city - Tobaro, the City of Sirens.

Tobaro is said to be unreachable from the west because of the mountains and virtually unapproachable by sea because of the surrounding Fools Rocks. Only Tobaran pilots can safely navigate the Rocks; many a bestormed cargoman has fallen to their wrecking bite, only to have its contents recovered by the enterprising pilots of the CIty of Sirens.

Legend recalls a time when the entire coast echoed to the call of creatures that flew upon the air and made their foul nests amongst the crags of the towering sea-cliffs. Eons of their scrapings and scratchings contributed to the erosion of natural sea-caves, until, at one spot, the entire cliff became maggot-ridden with their delvings. Then, the Elves broke through the great rocks that lie along the coast, came to the City of Sirens, and drove out the nightmarish winged creatures.

In their turn, the Elves enlarged the caves, building seven mighty sea-gates and a huge enclosed harbour beyond - a cavern domed like a great cathedral and large enough to hide a fleet. The cliff-side was turned into a wonderful city, unique amongst all the Elvish settlements of that distant time. They burrowed deep into the mountains and discovered the secret valley beyond. Then the Elves forsook the Old World following the Dwarf wars and the City of Sirens remained abandoned until the Tileans re-discovered the passage through the rocks and the entrances to the hidden harbour beyond. They drove out the few cliff-dwelling creatures that had taken up residence and repopulated the city, renaming it Tobaro.

The Tobarans trade silver and gem stones from the surrounding mountains, which they exchange for foodstuffs, mostly from other Tilean states. The sea provides a plentiful, if somewhat monotonous, diet, while the high valleys offer some (albeit sparse) agriculture. Although great seafarers, the Tobarans are no match for the Magrittans or Arabians in a pitched battle and their maritime trade is fairly restricted, being largely based around the Tilean Sea and the southern Estalian Kingdoms.
