Treemen are large humanoid creatures, closely resembling trees. They live almost forever, inhabiting dense forests where they cultivate and guard the trees as if they were flocks. Treemen are solitary, slow, naturally peaceful creatures. During the last thousand years, they have almost become extinct, as forests have been cleared by other races. They speak their own language, but many also speak Elvish and a few have learned Old Worlder from the Human Druids and Elementalists who sometimes visit them. Otherwise, they avoid contact with other races. Many Old Worlders no longer believe that they even exist.
In combat, they attack four times a round with their club-like fists.
Treemen resemble trees, with a bark-like skin and branch-like arms and legs. The number of digits on hands and feet can vary, but they always have two arms and legs. They have no necks and are not agile or athletic. All Treemen are over ten feet tall.
Psychological Traits[]
Treemen are flammable and any Treeman taking fire damage will become subject to frenzy. They hate all goblinoids because they are defilers of the forests and cause fear in living creatures under ten feet tall.
Special Rules[]
Although they cannot wear armour, their tough skin counts as two points of armour. Treemen can throw rocks up to a distance of twenty-four yards with a S of 6; because they are so slow and cumbersome, they cannot move and throw rocks during the same round.