Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Sometimes mistakenly called the Life Elemental, the Viydagg is a Greater Daemon of Law and is concerned with the laws of life and nature. It is rumoured to have been created by a Lawful deity to counteract the depradations of Chaos.


The Viydagg appears to be a young and beautiful woman, over 10 feet tall, dressed in flowing robes and with long, flowing hair blowing in an unseen wind. The robes and hair are frequently decked with flowers.



Psychological Traits[]

The Viydagg causes fear in all living creatures under 10 feet tall. It causes terror in Chaotic or Evil Daemons.

Special Rules[]

The Viydagg is immune to non-magical attacks and its attacks are considered magical. Undead or ethereal creatures coming within 10 yards of a Viydagg are automatically destroyed and Necromantic Magic will not function within this radius. Once per round, a Viydagg can cast a Hedge Of Thorns spell as a level 4 Druidic Priest or restore to life one creature that has been killed.
