Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Warriors of Chaos are the servants and worshippers of the foul Chaos Gods. They also swept inexplicably from the North during the Incursions of Chaos. Together with the other Chaotic creatures, they came out of nowhere and broke upon the lands of Norsca and the Old World. A long and bloody war was fought by the men and Dwarfs of those lands against the invaders, a war which ended in the reatreat of Chaos to the Far North, where it more or less reamains today. However, even now, over a hundred years later, bands of black-armoured Chaos Warriors still raid the north of the Old World. Some have even established permanent camps amongst the Old World forests and in the passes of the Worlds Edge Mountains. They have each devoted themselves to one of the foul gods of Chaos and will fight followers of other Chaos gods with the same ferocity with which they prey on the Old World.

Each Warrior of Chaos is gifted by his dark god with one or more Marks of Chaos, usually physical mutations. The armour which characterises Chaos Warriors is also a gift and may have magical properties. Their helmets are often elaborate to the point of impracticality, laden with strange and evil designs. They can use almost any kind of weapon, although they particularly favour large axes, swords, and pole-arms.

A Warrior of Chaos who pleases his foul god may be chosen to become a Champion Of Chaos, leading a group of Beastmen. Warriors of Chaos speak a strange language called the Dark Tongue, also spoken by Beastmen.

For a more complete, developed, and appropriate Chaos Warrior, use the entry on Champions Of Chaos to generate one randomly.


Apart from the range of weird mutations which they may display, Warriors of Chaos are basically Humans of massive build, although their features are invariably hidden by their elaborate helmets.



Special Rules[]

In the same way as Beastmen, Chaos Warriors vary a great deal depending on how they have been favoured by their God. The profile listed here represents an average Warrior. Warriors of Chaos can act as leaders of any Chaotic or Evil troops. It is common for them to lead Beastmen.

The number of mutations with which this generic, average Chaos Warrior has been blessed can be determined by rolling a D6. A result of 1-5 means one mutation; a result of 6 means D3 mutations. The type of mutation may be found by consulting the Chaos Attributes table.

This generic Chaos Warrior's armour has a 10% chance of having some basic magical attribute. Roll a D6 and consult the chart below:

Die Roll Attribute
1 Effect as permanent Armour Rune
2 Effect as permanent Protection Rune
3 Armour has become part of skin; cannot be removed, but does not encumber
4 Effect as permanent Spell Rune, causing Fear in all who see it
5 Armour causes +10% Ld gain, with respect to Beastmen only
6 Armour negates the effects of psychological traits on the wearer