Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

A Wight is an ethereal creature formed from the spirit of a long-dead Human. Wights crave life and wealth and are often said to have great treasures buried with them. They are unable to leave the precincts of their tombs and will defend these and their possessions from robbers and defilers. As they slay living creatures, they gain the power that enables them to remain in the living world.


Wights appear as ancient, withered corpses. They are nearly always clad in rotting finery or rusting but serviceable chain mail and their whole figure glows with an unholy radiance which makes them readily distinguishable from Zombies. They exist partly in the material world and partly in the ethereal and may become semi-transparent or indistinct as their power ebbs.



Psychological Traits[]

Wights are subject to instability outside their own tomb, but are immune to all other psychology rules and cannot be forced to leave combat. Wights cause fear in living creatures.

Special Rules[]

Wights cannot be damaged by non-magical weapons. In combat, they do not cause W damage, but deduct 1 point from the victim's S and add 1 to their own S and D10 to their magic point total. A victim reduced to zero S is slain; S loss may be regained at a rate of 1 point per day of complete rest. A Wight will have D4 S points and D10 magic points when encountered and its S score cannot exceed 6, although its magic points can rise to any level. A Wight must expend magic points to remain in its semi-material state; 1 point will sustain it for a year of complete inactivity, while 1 point per round is needed for most activity and 2 points per round must be expended during combat. Attacks count as magical and can affect creatures which are immune to normal weapons, but Wights cannot wound other ethereal creatures and cause normal W against Undead, Daemons, and other non-living creatures. A Wight reduced to zero magic points becomes fully ethereal and then may be treated as a Ghost.
