Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Cats are abundant in the Old World, living in the forest and mountain areas away from Humans. They prey on Giant Rats, small deer, chickens, and sheep from remote hill farms.


The Old World Wild Cat looks very much like the European wildcat of our own world, with thick tabby fur and facial markings, and black tail rings. It is about the size of a puma, standing between 1½ and 2 feet at the shoulder and measuring almost 6 feet, nose to tail.



Special Rules[]

The Wild Cat normally attacks with two claws and a bite. However, it can stalk almost silently and, if attacking from cover, gains a 20% bonus to I for the first round only. Moreover, if a Cat gains initiative in the first round of combat (and only in the first round), it will leap upon its opponent. Only one attack roll should be made for a leap, but - if it is successful - the Cat hits with all four claws and a bite. Thereafter, the animal gets three A, as normal. Cats have Night Vision to a range of 20 yards.
