Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

The Wyvern is a solitary carnivore, a creature of the mountains and forests. It is fierce and very dangerous, but, thankfully, rare. Wyverns can be mounted and ridden if they are caught whilst young and broken in by someone who has knowledge of such things. They are creatures of Chaos and sometimes appear out of the North.


As creatures of Chaos, Wyverns vary to some extent. In the main, they resemble Dragons, but are slightly smaller and lack forelegs. Wyverns average about 20 feet in length, so they are large creatures - large enough to be ridden by Orcs and members of other races.



Psychological Traits[]

Wyverns cause fear in living creatures under 10 feet tall.

Special Rules[]

Chaotic characters with the Animal Training skill may attempt to train a Wyvern, provided that it has been captured shortly after hatching. Training will take a number of months equal to 24 minus the creature's Int, which should be in the range D12+4. Wyverns owned by goblinoid tribes may be ridden by Champions, Heroes, or Wizards. If a Wyvern's rider is killed, it will attack the nearest creatures - even other Wyverns - regardless of which side they are on. Wyverns fly as swoopers and the M score given here is for ground movement.
