Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

Like Skeletons, Zombies are magical creatures formed from the reanimated remains of dead Humanoids. They lack strong wills of their own and rely on magic to keep them whole and coherent.


Zombies resemble corpses in various states of decomposition. They are filthy and disgusting to look upon and carry the stench of the grave wherever they go.


Zombies lack the self-will to have a true alignment, but can be regarded as Evil.

Psychological Traits[]

Zombies cause fear in living creatures they attack, but are themselves immune to psychological effects.

Special Rules[]

Unlike Skeletons, Zombies can be forced to leave combat; when they lose a round of combat, they have to pass a Ld test in order to keep fighting. They are subject to instability and must be controlled if they are to fight effectively. A Zombie group which has no controller becomes subject to stupidity and, if it becomes unstable, it will always disappear, never to be seen again. Zombie Champions and Heroes are unheard of and Zombie groups are usually led by other Undead, such as Skeleton Champions or Heroes. Hits from a Zombie have a 20% chance of causing Tomb Rot; those hits which do not cause Tomb Rot have a 50% chance of causing infected wounds.
