Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

One or more parts of the mutant's body change into the corresponding parts of some animal. Roll a D100 to determine how many parts of the mutant's body undergo this startling change:

D100 Result
01-07 Head
08-10 Torso and Arms
11-13 Torso and Head
14-16 Torso, Head, and Arms
17-23 Face
24-26 Lower Body and Legs
27-29 Pair of Legs
30-36 One Leg
37-43 Foot
44-46 Toe
47-49 Pair of Arms
50-56 One Arm
57-63 Hand
64-66 Finger
67-73 Mouth
74-76 Nose
77-83 Eye
84-90 Pair of Eyes
91-93 Ear
94-00 Tail♦

♦ If the mutant has no tail, it gains one now.

Roll a D100 once more to determine the 'donor' species that provides the replacement part for the mutant's body (only a single roll is made, even if several body parts are being replaced):

D100 Result
01 Ant
02-05 Ape
06-10 Bat
11-15 Bear
16 Beetle
17-20 Boar
21-25 Bull
26-27 Deer
28-35 Dog/Wolf
36-37 Dragon
38-40 Eagle
41-42 Frog
43-50 Horse
51-55 Lion
56-57 Lizard
58-59 Octopus
60-61 Owl
62-65 Rabbit
66-75 Rat
76-77 Raven
78 Scorpion
79-90 Sheep/Goat
91 Snake
92 Spider
93-97 Tiger
98 Toad
99 Warthog
00 Weasel

The mutant gains one fear point for each replaced part of its body (each limb counts as a seperate part, so a result of 08-10 Torso and Arms, for example, gives the mutant three fear points.

You will have to develop your own rules and profiles for the resulting hybrid, taking into account the body areas affected and the species involved. Compare the effects of some of the other attributes presented here, such as Bestial Face, Bird's Feet, Feathered Hide, Furry, Mace Tail, Powerful Legs, Prehensile Tail, Razor Sharp Claws, Scaly Skin, Scorpion Tail, Suckers, Tail, Tentacles, and Wings. These will help you when designing the effects of a Zoological Mutation.
